Dragon Blood King



The Spiritual Light and aura on Spirit Controller's body would change due to his increase in strength. From the strength of the Spiritual Light's spreading degree, it could be determined how strong Spirit Controller had become. Of course, he could also sense them from their auras, but Spirit Controller was unable to sense his own aura, so he could only judge from his senses and the spread of the Spiritual Light on his body how far away he was from increasing his strength.    


And after half a month of training, the spread of Spiritual Light on Bai Yuhao's body was slowly changing, nearing a breakthrough bottleneck. He himself had the same feeling, but he still could not determine how far he was one step away from it.    


The Four-Winged Broken Feet Dragon that was sent flying took a long time to roll over its body, and slowly floated into the air. Its three heads bared its fangs at Bai Yuhao, and its six eyes were filled with intense anger and cruelty.    


Once the wild Spirit Control gets angry, it will become even more terrifying. It might even lose its mind and attack crazily. It would be even more dangerous.    


However, Bai Yuhao remained calm even in the face of the angered Four-Winged Broken Feet Dragon. He stood there motionlessly with a domineering attitude.    


The Four-Winged Broken Feet Dragon suddenly let out a hissing sound, its entire body shook like a sieve, and a dozen of thin and sharp Silver Thread s immediately shot out from its body, intertwining with each other, like a bolt of lightning, they blotted out the sky and covered the earth as they rushed towards Bai Yuhao.    


Bai Yuhao had seen how powerful the Silver Thread was, so with a focused gaze, he immediately leaped up and began to dodge the Silver Thread that were constantly flying towards him.    


Puff puff puff …    


Just where Bai Yuhao was standing, a few Silver Thread were stabbed into the ground. They were as tough as thorns and three parts deep into the ground. One could see that the Silver Thread's strength was astonishing, if it was placed on flesh and blood, the consequences would be obvious.    


Therefore, while Bai Yuhao was dodging the Silver Thread, his figure flashed and approached it. Because the shorter the distance, the less power the Silver Thread could exert.    


However, Bai Yuhao still underestimated the Four-Winged Broken Feet Dragon of Four-Star and Fourth-Grade. Just as he was about to approach, one of the three heads of the Four-Winged Broken Feet Dragon suddenly spat out a stream of mucus.    


However, he didn't notice that there was a lot of mucus on the soles of the shoes. He knew that he suddenly felt that the soles of the shoes were nailed to the ground and could no longer be pulled out. When he looked down, he saw that the soles of the shoes and the floor were stuck to the ground as if they were stained with strong glue.    


When Bai Yuhao realized this, it was already too late. At this time, a few Silver Thread had already seized the opportunity to fly over.    


Caught off guard, Bai Yuhao's four limbs were immediately bound by the Silver Thread. Even though he was trying to pull out the Frost Wind with his fastest speed, a few more Silver Thread s quickly flew over and bound his arms and body tightly, causing him to be unable to move at all.    


Seeing that the situation was bad, Dragon-like and Long Chi immediately rushed up, wanting to save Bai Yuhao, but the Four-Winged Broken Feet Dragon was already prepared, so they immediately flapped their wings and soared into the sky.    


By the time Dragon-like and Long Chi arrived, the Four-Winged Broken Feet Dragon was already flying in the air. It was impossible for them to reach it, let alone save Bai Yuhao.    


Bai Yuhao still maintained his calm after being entangled by the Four-Winged Broken Feet Dragon. This was because he had experienced danger almost every time during this half a month of experiential learning. Thus, he was already used to this kind of times of fear and trepidation.    


Besides, if he were to mess around at this moment, it would be equivalent to committing suicide!    


Bai Yuhao knew that the Silver Thread was very tough, but it was still possible to break it. However, his hands were bound by the Silver Thread and he was unable to take it out, so the only thing he could use was the Evil Flame's power. He immediately tried to release the Evil Spiritual Energy and the fire type Spiritual Energy to form an Evil Flame, attempting to burn the Silver Thread and break it, but he realized that the Silver Thread was unable to do so.    


Since he could not struggle free, he could only find a way to attack the Four-Winged Broken Feet Dragon and make it let go of him. And what could he do that for, was the dragon Fire Pearl, because the dragon Fire Pearl could be controlled by the Spiritual Energy.    


But just when Bai Yuhao was about to think about how to control the Dragon Fire Pearl, he suddenly felt the scenery around him start to retreat. Turning his head to look, he realized that the Four-Winged Broken Feet Dragon was flying towards a direction with him.    


"Strange, why didn't it just eat me?" Bai Yuhao was puzzled, but this was not a good thing for him, because the Four-Winged Broken Feet Dragon was flying higher and higher. If he were to use the dragon Fire Pearl to attack, they might all die together, so he could only think of another way.    


However, thinking of how his hands and feet were bound, it seemed like it would be difficult to escape from this Silver Thread.    


At this time, the Four-Winged Broken Feet Dragon had already carried Bai Yuhao past an endless forest, and flew towards a seemingly barren valley.    


Not long after they entered the valley, Bai Yuhao saw a giant tree that seemed to be able to support both heaven and earth. This so-called giant tree was the kind of giant forest that was as big as dozens of buildings.    


This huge tree was densely covered in shade. Numerous thick and long branches were criss-crossed in the treetop like steps. Layers upon layers of them were piled up, forming various large nest-like nests.    


At this time, Bai Yuhao started to realize that he was following the Four-Winged Broken Feet Dragon's descent, continuously descending while getting close to the huge tree. Very quickly, the figures of many Four-Winged Broken Feet Dragon could be seen on the huge tree, as Four-Winged Broken Feet Dragon continued to fly by him.    


"This should be the Four-Winged Broken Feet Dragon's resting place, right? It's really shocking!" Bai Yuhao couldn't help but exclaim. After coming to this world, this was the first time he saw such a spectacular habitat for wild Spirit Control. The scene in front of him was exactly the same as the magnificent scene in 3D movies.    


Bai Yuhao roughly estimated, there were at least twenty to thirty lairs on the huge tree. Which means to say, there were at least twenty to thirty Four-Winged Broken Feet Dragon here, and most of them were all at least three stars, and there were quite a few Four-Star s.    


However, Bai Yuhao quickly came back to his senses. He thought, now isn't the time to be surprised. We must think of a way to survive!    




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