Dragon Blood King



Other than that, the Kylin King of Seven Clouds's treasure hunting skills were top-notch. Although Spirit Beast were extremely sensitive to treasures, Dragon-like's treasure hunting skills were clearly worse than the Kylin King of Seven Clouds's.    


Kylin King of Seven Clouds seemed to have a strong sensitivity to rare treasures since birth. Not only did it sense normal treasures, it could even sense the treasures inside the Spirit Control's body. For example, it had killed the Spirit Lizard of Evil Water that gave birth to the Water Spirit Bead before, and it was the Kylin King of Seven Clouds that found it.    


This time, Bai Yuhao entered the Graveyard of Myriad Beasts to train, in addition to finding a way to break through the bottleneck of the Second Grade of the Celestial Master Stage, he also wanted to collect a few better treasures. Although currently, the Evil Spiritual Energy had not received any enhancement from rare treasures, but the enhancement from fire attributed Spiritual Energy was still very useful, and now, fire attributed Spiritual Energy, after refining an intermediate Black Desire Egg and a high level Black Desire Egg, had reached the Earth Combat Level 5. However, there was still some distance to go before the Celestial Master Stage, so he wanted to raise the fire attribute Spiritual Energy to the level of Celestial Master Stage as soon as possible.    


In fact, among the countless treasures that existed in the Desolate Spirit Continent, if they were divided into low, middle, high, and top-quality ranks, middle grade Black Desire Egg could only be considered better than the low level treasures. For example, the Tianluo Seed that Bai Yuhao had previously obtained, the Water Spirit Bead, was also about the same grade as the middle grade Black Desire Egg.    


Amongst the treasures Bai Yuhao obtained, only the Spiritual Energy ice crystal he obtained from the Ghost Wolf Ice Fox last time was considered to be one of the best amongst the low level treasures. Unfortunately, that piece of Spiritual Energy ice crystal took less than a year to condense before the Ice Wolffox Cub was expelled, otherwise it would have been considered a very good treasure after a few more years.    


In addition, the high level Black Desire Egg s that were nurtured by the Celestial Worms of Dark Desire could be considered one of the best, because the body structure of the Celestial Worms of Dark Desire was suitable for making rare treasures. Spirit Control like the Ghostly Wolf Ice Fox and the Spirit Lizard of Evil Water, due to some reasons, their bodies were able to produce rare treasures.    


Just like how Bai Yuhao obtained a high level Black Desire Egg not long ago, the amount of Spiritual Energy that was actually stored on that piece of ice was about the same. Therefore, although the star level of these Celestial Worms of Dark Desire could not be considered high, but they were born to be a professional in the production of treasures, and could not be compared to those non-professionals.    


Right now, Bai Yuhao was counting on Dark Desire Worm to lay the eggs successfully and hatch successfully. That way, he would have an entire treasure production team.    


Of course, within the Desolate Spirit Continent, there were all sorts of strange and rare treasures, and there were quite a few that were even higher ranked than high ranked Black Desire Egg. Therefore, Bai Yuhao also wanted to try his luck at Graveyard of Myriad Beasts and see if he could find a treasure that was even better than a high level Black Desire Egg. After all, the higher the grade of this rare treasure, the greater its assistance in cultivation.    


However, Bai Yuhao's way of thinking was simply extravagant hope for the majority of Spirit Controller. Even if it was just a normal Primary Black Desire Egg, to Spirit Controller, it was a treasure that was hot to come by and hard to find.    


Even if it was those experts with Mad God Stage or above, it would not be easy to obtain rare treasures like the Black Desire Egg without a certain amount of luck and coincidence. However, this was only in comparison. For example, when they were at Palace City, Mu Yinv had casually given Bai Yuhao a few pieces of priceless Profound Yellow Spirit Stone.    


At the very least, he knew where there were rare treasures. Of course, not all kinds of rare treasures were easily obtainable, and normally, the better the rare treasure was, the greater the risk it would have to accompany it. It was as if Bai Yuhao had almost lost his life when he obtained the Spiritual Energy Ice Crystal.    


Bai Yuhao brought the four beasts and traversed through the outer forest of Graveyard of Myriad Beasts. Because he was relatively familiar with the route, and because he no longer had to be afraid of the two or three star wild Spirit Control, they smoothly arrived at the end of the forest.    


Along the way, Bai Yuhao found a few rare treasures that were similar to Primary Black Desire Egg s. He planned to give them to Susu after he returned. It was a pity that he could not find any more Spirit Profound Stones, as though his luck had been used up the last time he found such a rare Profound Blue Spirit Stone.    


When he reached the end of the outer forest, he saw terrifying and dangerous Graveyard of Myriad Beasts in front of him. Everywhere, the figures of wild Spirit Control s could be seen, almost all of them were 3-star level 3 or 3, and there were even groups of 3-star. Among them, there were even quite a few 4-star level 3 beasts that flashed past, seemingly waiting for their prey to appear.    


Of course, this was only the edge of Graveyard of Myriad Beasts. If they went a little deeper, they would encounter Four-Star, and even a five star wild Spirit Control.    


With Bai Yuhao's current strength, it was unknown whether he would be able to safely walk a circle around the edge of Graveyard of Myriad Beasts, let alone enter a deeper area.    


Because he had the experience from last time, Bai Yuhao was also very careful. First, he slowly walked along the outer forest and the middle area of the Graveyard of Myriad Beasts.    


However, after walking for less than an incense's time, Bai Yuhao and the four beasts quickly encountered four 3-star level 3 Blood Eye Wolves. Any one of them was equivalent to Spirit Controller's strength.    


The last time Bai Yuhao saved the Ice Wolffox Cub, he encountered a few bloody-eyed wolves and almost buried himself in the beast's mouth. Luckily, he met an inhumane and powerful woman who saved him. However, he was still very curious about that woman's identity. She was clearly not human, yet she had the appearance and signs of a human. So, if she wasn't human, what would she be?    


Seeing the four Blood Eye Wolves in front of him, Bai Yuhao's eyes turned red. Without saying anything further, he took out his Frost Wind and poured it into his mouth, instantly transforming into a majestic Flame Blade.    


Dragon-like and Long Chi, one on the left and one on the right, stood shoulder to shoulder with Bai Yuhao, ready to take action. The Kylin King of Seven Clouds on the other hand, tactfully retreated with the Ice Wolffox Cub behind them, because it was no longer their turn to fight in such a situation.    


"Attack!" Bai Yuhao waved the Frost Wind in his hands, and Long Chi were the first to take the brunt of the attack, each taking on one of them, and unleashing a powerful attack.    


Although this Dragon-like was also only at the third level of a three star master teacher, he was still a Spirit Beast and possessed astonishing aptitude. It was more than enough to deal with a three-star, third level Blood Eye Wolf.    


Ever since Long Chi forcefully broke through to the Four-Star, his strength had also increased greatly. In addition, during this period of time, Bai Yuhao had been using the Spirit Profound Stone to increase its strength, and now, he was almost at the fourth or third level of the star in strength.    


As for Bai Yuhao, there was no need to mention that. His eyes focused and he immediately waved the Frost Wind in his hand to welcome the other two Blood Eye Wolves.    


The next moment, a fierce battle was about to begin.    


Actually, the Blood Eye Wolves were not really powerful wild Spirit Control and did not have any special abilities. Therefore, dealing with them was much easier than dealing with the four-star third stage Mighty Elephant Man last time.    


However, this blood-eyed wolf was extremely vicious and bloodthirsty. After being enraged, it would enter a berserk state like a mad dog. Unless it was killed, it would attack endlessly, making it impossible to guard against.    


Therefore, in order to deal with the Blood Eye Wolves, he had to finish the battle quickly.    


However, Bai Yuhao waved his Evil Flames and instantly turned into a moonblade that rushed towards one of the Blood Eye Wolves. At the same time, his figure flashed and appeared in front of the other wolf. He slashed three times in a row.    


BOOM! BOOM! "Boom!    


As the three blades fell down, they flashed with light, and the evil flames splashed out in all directions.    


However, the speed of the Blood Eye Wolf was very fast. It dodged Bai Yuhao's three slashes. Then, it opened its bloody mouth, revealed a ferocious expression and pounced towards Bai Yuhao with bared fangs and brandished claws.    


However, when Bai Yuhao leaped into the air, it was at this time that Dragon-like, who was already prepared, threw out a fireball at Bai Yuhao's feet with tacit understanding. The Blood Eye Wolf was caught off guard, and was immediately hit by the fireball.    


After Bai Yuhao fell from the sky, he took the opportunity to shoot out another Evil Flame Moon Blade, directly killing the Blood Eye Wolf. He then immediately charged towards the other wolf, and at the same time, coordinated with Dragon-like and Long Chi to attack.    


Under the coordination of the two beasts, the four three-star level three Blood Eye Wolves were easily taken care of.    


However, it took a lot of effort to deal with these four Blood Eye Wolves. Bai Yuhao and the two beasts were also panting, and revealed signs of fatigue. To deal with the four three-star Spirit Control s in one go was indeed not a human task!    


After Bai Yuhao put away the Frost Wind, he took out some tools from his Ethereal Realm and started to dissect the four Blood Eye Wolves' corpses, collecting their materials and rare items. The things on these three star Spirit Control were all from before, they could be sold for a good price easily.    


After resting at the same spot for a while, Bai Yuhao brought the four beasts and continued moving forward. After about half an hour, they actually encountered a 4-star level 3 demon beast, Three Monster Ox.    


This was inevitably a big battle, however, luckily the 4-star level 3 beast was much weaker than the 4-star level 3 Mighty Elephant Man. Hence, it took a lot of effort before it was killed by Bai Yuhao and the two beasts.    


While dissecting the corpses of the three Demonic Tons, Bai Yuhao accidentally found a round pellet inside the corpses. It was dark, and a bit thick, but it emitted the kind of Spiritual Energy aura similar to that of a Spirit Profound Stone. However, it didn't seem to be any kind of treasure, and it was very strange.    


"Just what is this thing?" It was Bai Yuhao's first time seeing such a thing, so he rubbed his chin and studied it for a while.    


"Could it be the stones inside the Spirit Control's body?" Bai Yuhao could not help but guess: "However, if it is an ordinary stone, Spiritual Energy would normally not appear, but this round pellet emit a Spiritual Energy's Qi that is very similar to the Spirit Profound Stone, but it does not contain a very strong Spiritual Energy like the Spirit Profound Stone."    


Because it was a bit strange, Bai Yuhao kept the round core first. After scraping away the three demonic cows' corpses, he continued to bring the four beasts forward.    


Not long after, the Kylin King of Seven Clouds that did not make any movements along the way, suddenly stirred up. It let out a few cries at Bai Yuhao and immediately went into stealth.    


"This guy must have found another treasure?" Bai Yuhao was already used to the reaction of the Kylin King of Seven Clouds, so he was sure that it must have sensed some rare treasure.    


However, because the Graveyard of Myriad Beasts was very dangerous, and was not suitable for large-scale movements, Bai Yuhao sent the Dragon-like Three Beasts into the Ethereal Realm first.    


Following the Kylin King of Seven Clouds around seven or eight bends, Bai Yuhao discovered a strangely shaped valley in front of him. It was in a semicircle shape, and the place where the Kylin King of Seven Clouds entered his eyes was a cliff, as if it was completely sealed off. However, under the Kylin King of Seven Clouds's lead, he very quickly saw a very small entrance within the cliff, like a thread across the sky.    


The moment he entered, he felt that the scenery in front of his eyes was suddenly bright, as if he was looking at a paradise. As far as he could see, there were a bunch of cherry trees, their pink petals fluttering in the wind, the sky flying, falling in splendor, countless hummingbutterflies dancing around the cherry trees, and some seemingly gentle Spirit Control that were like sika deer, shuttling back and forth, chasing and running.    


"I never thought that there would actually be such a paradise inside the Graveyard of Myriad Beasts." Bai Yuhao was surprised to see the shocked expression in front of his eyes. After entering this place, he no longer felt any sense of danger.    


Of course, the calmer it was, the more likely it was that a terrifying danger was hidden inside. Therefore, Bai Yuhao kept a low profile and tried his best to alert the wild Spirit Control in the valley.    


At this time, the Kylin King of Seven Clouds that had been invisible all this time suddenly appeared. It hissed at Bai Yuhao and then passed through the cherry trees.    


Bai Yuhao looked around and quickly followed. Soon, he saw a small stream in front of him. Beside the stream, there was a house that seemed to have been abandoned for a long time.    


"Has anyone lived here before?" Bai Yuhao revealed a strange expression, but he couldn't help but walk towards the abandoned house …    




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