Dragon Blood King



At this time, Ma Lan, Ji Wushuang, and Ti Dan also heard the news and rushed over. They immediately got to know the situation of the frontline's main camp from Liu Yunxuan.    


"Then what are we waiting for? I'll go and regroup right now …" Ma Lan immediately turned around and left the tent.    


Ti Dan also followed closely behind.    


Bai Yuhao, Liu Yunxuan, and Ji Wushuang were the only ones left in the tent. The atmosphere seemed to be a little strange. The three of them looked at each other, each having their own thoughts.    


After a moment of silence, Bai Yuhao asked Liu Yunxuan, "If we leave immediately, how long will it take to get to the ninth cave?"    


"The fastest would at least take a day and a half. Right now, at the time when everyone is most worried, the main forces of Woodgod Kingdom have already left and are advancing towards the frontlines of the main camp." Liu Yunxuan said with some misgivings.    


"Impossible, because this time, when I took down the Hippofield, I also burned six transport ships with Woodgod Kingdom. I think that the food and materials on them should have been sent to the main force of Woodgod Kingdom. Therefore, without these ingredients, it will be very difficult for the main force of Woodgod Kingdom to move again in a short period of time. " Bai Yuhao immediately shook his head.    


"Did you already know that?" When Ji Wushuang heard this, she immediately asked Bai Yuhao in surprise. Previously, she was curious as to why Bai Yuhao had to spend so much effort to burn the six transport ships of Woodgod Kingdom.    


"The reason why Woodgod Kingdom occupy the Hippofield is to ensure that when the main force enters the hinterland, they will be able to obtain the support of food and materials in the shortest amount of time. "If we were to speculate like this, it would be very easy to guess that the supplies on this transport ship are for the main force." Bai Yuhao had indeed considered this point before, so if he wanted to suppress the Woodgod Kingdom's attack, he naturally had to first stop the support of the Woodgod Kingdom. Obviously, his decision was a wise one. Otherwise, the frontline main camp would have been in danger.    


"That is to say that the main forces of the Woodgod Kingdom are currently in need of food and materials." Liu Yunxuan finally got a piece of good news.    


"Therefore, I believe that the main force of Woodgod Kingdom would be stopping at the ninth cave, waiting for the support of food and materials. The one closest to the ninth cave is Deathly Stillness Ridge, if we can take down Deathly Stillness Ridge, the main force of Woodgod Kingdom will probably be unable to enjoy a meal without a wife. " Bai Yuhao smiled evilly.    


"You mean to say that we won't attack the ninth cave, but rather the Deathly Stillness Ridge." Liu Yunxuan was even more surprised when she heard this, because this plan was definitely bold. If Bai Yuhao guessed wrongly, then the main camp would be in danger.    


"That's it. This move was called "Surround Wei and Save Zhao" … If the main forces of Woodgod Kingdom do not wish to cut off the path of food, they will definitely preserve their Deathly Stillness Ridge first. In this way, we will be able to delay the main forces of Woodgod Kingdom and it will be even easier … " Bai Yuhao nodded with certainty.    


"Then what if the main forces of the Woodgod Kingdom persist until they attack the main camp?" Ji Wushuang objected.    


"If I were the commander of the Woodgod Kingdom, there would never be a way out. If the main force of the Woodgod Kingdom attacks the main camp without food or supplies, then there would be no harm in giving the main camp to them. Because as long as we defeat Deathly Stillness Ridge, then return to the Nine Caves, then the main force of Woodgod Kingdom will become fish in a haystack. "In that case, the situation will be even better for us!" Bai Yuhao analyzed seriously.    


"But it's still a bit risky." Liu Yunxuan's beautiful eyes narrowed.    


"If we don't get into the tiger's den, then how can we get into the tiger's den? If we go into the ninth cave like this, we'll be asking for trouble. Even if we can stall for time, it definitely isn't the best solution." "It will also cause a lot of damage …" Bai Yuhao said seriously.    


"What he said does make sense. Rather than fighting, it's better to be smart!" Ji Wushuang thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.    


Liu Yunxuan couldn't help but ponder for a while before saying, "Then let's first send a letter back to the main camp and listen to my father."    


"It's up to you. You'll be the one leading the army, not me!" Bai Yuhao shrugged.    


"What do you mean?" Liu Yunxuan asked with a puzzled look on her face.    


"As long as we feign assault on Deathly Stillness Ridge, and wait for the main forces of Woodgod Kingdom to return, then we can quickly retreat and return back to the Nine Hole. "In addition, I still have important matters to attend to, so I have to leave for a period of time …" Bai Yuhao said as his gaze turned serious.    


"Leave for a while?" Where are you going? " Liu Yunxuan asked when she heard Bai Yuhao left at such a crucial moment.    


"When I leave, I will bring the Trust Beast with me. This way, if you want to find me, you can find me at any time." Bai Yuhao naturally wouldn't tell Liu Yunxuan where he was going.    


"No, you can't just leave like this." Of course, Liu Yunxuan didn't want Bai Yuhao to leave just like that, because if anything happened to Bai Yuhao, who would she go to then?    


"Do you want to tie me up?" Bai Yuhao stared at Liu Yunxuan with his arms crossed in front of his chest.    


"If you insist on leaving, I will do anything to make you stay." Liu Yunxuan said firmly, her beautiful eyes cold.    


"Do you really want me to stay?" Bai Yuhao said helplessly.    


"At least we need you now." Although Liu Yunxuan didn't want to admit it, Bai Yuhao was the reassurance of the Crimson Dragon Army. As long as Bai Yuhao was around, the Crimson Dragon Army would surely be able to turn the situation around.    


"Then I'll think about it again. I'll go out for a while …" Bai Yuhao said as he walked out of the camp.    


"Yunxuan, do you think he'll come back after he goes out?" Lili, watching as Bai Yuhao walked out of the tent, blinked and turned to Liu Yunxuan.    


Liu Yunxuan reacted as soon as she heard that and rushed out of the tent like a meteor. Unfortunately, Bai Yuhao had already disappeared.    


"Bai Yuhao, you..." "Don't let me see you again …" Liu Yunxuan shouted in exasperation. She did not expect Bai Yuhao to run away like that.    


All the soldiers in the camp were shocked by Liu Yunxuan's shout. They looked at the violent Liu Yunxuan in shock. This was the first time they had seen Liu Yunxuansheng so angry.    


At this moment, Bai Yuhao had escaped from under Liu Yunxuan's gaze. Because he was worried that Liu Yunxuan would ride Silver Wind to chase them, he did not take the main road. Instead, he rode on Long Chi and passed through the swamp area at the back of the camp, leaving Hippofield without anyone noticing.    


"Within the Border of Lianluo, the most suitable place to break through is none other than the Graveyard of Myriad Beasts. Although it is extremely dangerous, it is also the best place to quickly break through and level up!" Bai Yuhao muttered to himself before patting Long Chi on the back. He then flew in the direction of Graveyard of Myriad Beasts …    




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