Dragon Blood King



"Commander Ma …" Bai Yuhao immediately shouted after catching up to Ma Lan.    


However, Ma Lan acted as if she didn't hear him on purpose and quickened her pace.    


Seeing this, Bai Yuhao's eyes focused and his body flashed. In an instant, he was in front of Ma Lan, who couldn't react in time and directly collided with Bai Yuhao. Because of Ma Lan's tall and slender figure, the collision nearly caused a close contact between the two of them.    


Ma Lan looked at Bai Yuhao's face from a distance of less than a finger, and for some reason, she blushed. She breathed heavily, and quickly took a step back. Get out of the way! "    


"Let me finish speaking first. It's not too late to leave then." Bai Yuhao stared at Ma Lan and said.    


"I won't listen!" Ma Lan answered word by word.    


"If you're angry that I didn't eat the bowl of porridge you specially cooked for me, then at least give me a chance to explain." Bai Yuhao said with a faint smile.    


Ma Lan was stunned when she heard that. She thought to herself, "How did this Bai Yuhao know about her cooking porridge?" Could it be that the old veteran of the cookhouse leaked the information?    


"What congee?" I don't understand what you're saying. " Ma Lan's red lips twitched as she tried to cover it up with guilt.    


"I didn't know that you specially cooked the porridge. If I had known, I would definitely have finished eating before I left. "So, I'm sorry, and thank you for taking care of me all night." Bai Yuhao looked at Ma Lan and said sincerely.    


Bai Yuhao's words suddenly made Ma Lan bite her lips. Her two small hands could not help but clench tightly because she suddenly felt like her heart was beating like a little deer. She met Bai Yuhao's gaze and her mind went blank, not knowing what to say.    


"This is just a small token of my appreciation." After Bai Yuhao finished speaking, he immediately took out a bottle of Fake Dragon Saliva s with ten drops inside and gave it to Ma Lan.    


Ma Lan then looked at the bottle in Bai Yuhao's hand and asked, "What is this?"    


"Good stuff. When you're cultivating, you'll be surprised to see one or two drops of it." Bai Yuhao of course wouldn't tell Ma Lan about the mystery of Fake Dragon Saliva. He then stuffed the bottle into Ma Lan's hands and said, "Take this and just treat it as you forgiving me for my carelessness." With that, he turned and left.    


Seeing Bai Yuhao leave just like that, Ma Lan looked at the bottle in her hand. After a moment of hesitation, she immediately called out, "Hey, didn't you have something to ask me?"    


When Bai Yuhao heard Ma Lan's words, the corner of his mouth immediately curled up. He thought to himself, this Ma Lan is really simple, she can be coaxed so easily.    


Although Bai Yuhao thought this in his heart, he still pretended to look back and said: "Let's talk about it when you're free. Don't you have something else to say?"    


"I'm fine. Now. " Ma Lan said angrily.    


Bai Yuhao laughed, then turned around and walked back, but he did not directly ask about the reason why he was unable to break through from the First Grade of the Celestial Master Stage to the Second Grade of the Celestial Master Stage. If he were to ask this question, given Ma Lan's intelligence, she would very quickly suspect something.    


Ma Lan didn't seem to be suspicious and immediately answered Bai Yuhao's question.    


It turned out that after Spirit Controller reached the Celestial Master Stage, no matter if it was ordinary Spirit Controller or Royal Spirit Controller, they would have a bottleneck, which meant that after Celestial Master Stage, each level would be equivalent to a bottleneck, and it would be the same for Mad God Stage, Majestic Emperor Stage, and so on.    


This bottleneck would prevent Spirit Controller from normally breaking through and leveling up. Under certain conditions, he would be able to break through bottlenecks. For example, during a life or death situation, in very dangerous situations, or after extremely difficult cultivation. Therefore, whether or not he could break through the bottleneck would depend on Spirit Controller's self-awareness.    


It was worth mentioning that the breakthrough from the ninth level of the Heaven Sect to the Mad God Stage was also what Spirit Controller had called the most nightmarish bottleneck. There were countless Spirit Controller of the Celestial Master Stage who could not break through this bottleneck and could only forever be an expert in Celestial Master Stage, unable to become a true expert.    


And this bottleneck could not help but determine whether Spirit Controller could step onto the path of a truly strong person. It also determined his future and future. Because after breaking through the Mad God Stage, to Spirit Controller, it was not only the manifestation of strength, but also the symbol of status and position. In every country, Spirit Controller with Mad God Stage could be greatly respected and valued, and he had a position that ordinary people could not replace!    


After he finished consulting Ma Lan, Bai Yuhao returned to the camp alone. At the same time, he had already made his plans. It seemed that if he wanted to break through his Second Grade of the Celestial Master Stage, he had to go to a rather dangerous place.    


"Looks like I need to make some preparations." Bai Yuhao pondered.    


In the blink of an eye, it was already night time.    


Right at this moment, a large silver figure descended from the sky above the Hippofield camp, landing in the center of the camp and attracting the attention of all the generals within the camp.    


Very soon, a graceful figure jumped down from the silver figure.    


"Vice Commander …" When the soldiers saw the delicate figure, they immediately looked at her respectfully and shouted in unison.    


Xiao Ying was Liu Yunxuan, who had come from the frontlines of the main camp.    


Liu Yunxuan walked into the camp with a serious expression. Bai Yuhao, who was looking at the map, raised his head and saw Liu Yunxuan walk in. He was surprised and asked, "Why are you here?"    


"Why don't you welcome me? Or do you think that after seizing back the Hippofield, you would not even put me, the general, in your eyes? " Liu Yunxuan snorted coldly.    


Bai Yuhao only smiled at Liu Yunxuan's sarcasm. At the same time, he said with a serious look, "Has something happened again?" He knew that if something had not happened, Liu Yunxuan would not have appeared here so suddenly.    


"The ninth cave was taken down by the main force of the Woodgod Kingdom." Liu Yunxuan went straight to the point.    


"And then?" Bai Yuhao crossed his arms.    


"After the main forces of the Woodgod Kingdom enter the ninth cave, it's very likely that they will directly attack the main camp. But right now, the main camp's strength is only a few thousand, so it's simply impossible to resist the main force of the Woodgod Kingdom." Liu Yunxuan immediately explained the situation.    


"Therefore, Grand Commander hopes that I can lead the army to attack the Nine Caves Cave and delay the main force of Woodgod Kingdom, so that the main camp can mobilize their main forces to buy time …" When Bai Yuhao heard this, he immediately understood Liu Cheng's intentions.    


Liu Yunxuan nodded her head in agreement. However, Bai Yuhao being able to guess her father's intention at once also surprised her!    




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