Dragon Blood King



"Father, we should hurry up and mobilize our forces, and rush back to the frontlines to support the main camp. Now that Hippofield has been recaptured, we should be able to mobilize the forces from the other strategic areas in a short period of time …" Liu Yunxuan frowned and immediately said.    


"I'm afraid that it's too late. The ninth cave is only two days away from the main camp. Aside from the ninth cave, the closest thing to us is the Hippofield …" Liu Cheng's expression was solemn. He completely did not expect that the main force of Woodgod Kingdom would actually shoot out one of the nine caves right under their noses, directly threatening the safety of the frontline's main camp.    


"Grand Commander, this Hippofield is less than two days away from the ninth cave. If Liu Tie is able to lead the army to attack the ninth cave first, perhaps he might be able to slow down the main force of the Woodgod Kingdom. That way, we can have time to gather our forces …" At this moment, Elite Cavalry Commander gave some advice.    


"But, Bai Yuhao had just fought with Hippofield's Garrison of Woodgod Kingdom, and I'm afraid that only a few thousand soldiers are left. If we attack the nine caves and clash head on with Woodgod Kingdom's main forces, I'm afraid …" Liu Cheng obviously knew that this might be a solution, but at the same time, he was worried because Bai Yuhao's army had just fought a battle and they were not strong enough. Attacking the Nine Hole just like that was no different from suicide.    


"Grand Commander, now is not the time to think about it." Grand Commander, now is not the time to think about it.    


"That's right, otherwise, if the main camp is beaten up, we would completely lose our advantage and become passive. At that time, if the Woodgod Kingdom army breaks through three more stages, it would be dangerous!"    


"Isn't Bai Yuhao very powerful? He definitely has a way to delay the great army of Woodgod Kingdom. "    




All the commanders immediately started talking at once, pushing the heavy responsibility of saving the main camp to Bai Yuhao, as if Bai Yuhao was an omnipotent person. Of course, most of these commanders were jealous of him and were afraid of him, so they didn't want to take on any heavy responsibilities. Thus, he decided that since Bai Yuhao was so powerful, he would let him continue to be so powerful and see how long he can last!    


"Bai Yuhao..." Bai Yuhao... Could it be that our Red Dragon Legion cannot do without Bai Yuhao? " Liu Yunxuan noticed the thoughts in the hearts of these commanders, and the more she heard, the angrier she got. She couldn't help but exclaim.    


When the commanders saw Liu Yunxuan flying into a rage, they looked at her with unsightly expressions.    


"Xuan Er …" Liu Cheng immediately stopped them with a deep voice. This was not the time to be so rebellious.    


Only then did Liu Yunxuan's anger subside slightly, but her pair of cold eyes still stared fixedly at the commanders.    


"Actually, what the commanders said makes sense. Bai Yuhao's Crimson Dragon Army is currently the closest to us, and with his ability, he should have a way to delay the main force of Woodgod Kingdom. "This is also our only chance. Otherwise, once the main camp is attacked, we will have to retreat back to the three trials and fall into a passive situation." Liu Cheng analyzed after pondering for a moment.    


"But …" Liu Yunxuan was just about to say something, but she was immediately stopped by Liu Cheng: "We'll discuss this matter here temporarily. When we get back, we'll discuss the countermeasures, everyone, go down and prepare for battle. The main forces of Woodgod Kingdom can attack at any time, so we can't let our guard down!" With that, he waved his hand.    


All the commanders bowed and left.    


"Father, we can't always rely on Bai Yuhao like this. Without Bai Yuhao in the past, wouldn't our Red Dragon Legion be invincible? "Why do we push everything to Bai Yuhao now? These commanders are getting more and more outrageous …" Liu Yunxuan said as she looked at her father with a displeased expression.    


"Child, this is different from the past. Our current opponents are not only strong, but they also know us like the back of their hand. Until now, the traitor's investigation had no leads. Obviously, this traitor was extremely well-hidden. Furthermore, during this battle between the two nations, our Woodgod Kingdom was definitely prepared. Therefore, if we continue to follow the rules and continue to fight, I'm afraid that we will only suffer a crushing defeat. " Liu Cheng sighed. Ever since he had personally taken over the Crimson Dragon Army and fought against the Woodgod Kingdom, he had never been able to guess Mu Lingluo's strategy, and had instead allowed Mu Lingluo to do whatever she wanted. There were two reasons, one was that Mu Lingluo was truly a military genius, and the tactics she used were all superior to others, such that even he, who had experienced hundreds of battles, could only stare at Chen Mo.    


This was also the reason why the seventy thousand soldiers of the Crimson Dragon Army were beaten into such a sorry state by a mere forty thousand members of the Woodgod Kingdom, and were in a passive state.    


"But luckily, we still have a chess piece that Mu Lingluo could not calculate, and that is Bai Yuhao. From the previous few times, we can see that Mu Lingluo had calculated everything but neglected Bai Yuhao. That's why his plans were ruined and all his efforts wasted. If we do not use Bai Yuhao, we will definitely lose the battle with Woodgod Kingdom! " Liu Cheng knew very well that the current situation was extremely disadvantageous for the Crimson Dragon Army. If it wasn't for Bai Yuhao, the Red Dragon Legion would probably have lost the three trials and been stepped into the territory of the Holy Dragon Kingdom.    


It could be said that Bai Yuhao, in this battle between the two nations, whether it was against Woodgod Kingdom or Holy Dragon Kingdom, was a chess piece full of variables.    


This was the biggest reason why Liu Cheng spared no effort to rope in Bai Yuhao and bestow him the title of Scarlet Dragon's Envoy!    


"But if Bai Yuhao finds out that we're using him like this, I'm worried …" Liu Yunxuan obviously knew Bai Yuhao's importance, but she couldn't help feeling conflicted. She knew that Bai Yuhao was the type of person who hated being used by others. If Bai Yuhao knew what her father was thinking, he wouldn't let it go so easily.    


"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing." I want you to rush to the Hippofield right now to reunite with Bai Yuhao and tell him of the current situation. If the two of you join hands, I think it should be able to stall the main force of Woodgod Kingdom. "As long as we can drag it out for two days, it'll be enough. I'll immediately redeploy the troops from the Nine Snakes Gorge …" Liu Cheng's resolute face darkened slightly as a shrewd look flashed across his eyes.    


When Liu Yunxuan heard that, her eyes dimmed, but she quickly nodded and said, "I understand." After that, he called for Silver Wind and flew out of the camp.    




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