Dragon Blood King



The next moment, the golden dragon let out another dragon roar and immediately followed, coiling around Bai Yuhao's body. When Bai Yuhao was entangled by the golden dragon, he immediately started to struggle in pain, but the more he struggled, the tighter the golden dragon entangled. At the same time, the black aura emitted from Bai Yuhao's body was being dissipated by the golden Dragon Shadow's light, the evil aura slowly weakening.    


This scene made everyone present dumbstruck once again.    


When Ji Wushuang saw Bai Yuhao's evil aura being suppressed by the golden dragon, she immediately jumped down from Consort Yin's back and rushed in front of Bai Yuhao. The Spiritual Energy gathered her palms and struck the golden dragon.    


The golden dragon suddenly emitted a bright light and seeped into Bai Yuhao's body, suppressing the evil Spiritual Energy back into the remaining eight seals.    


As the Evil Spiritual Energy holding onto Bai Yuhao retreated, his body also softened. When Ji Wushuang saw this, she subconsciously stepped forward to support him.    


Bai Yuhao coincidentally fell head first onto Ji Wushuang's round and plump body, making Ji Wushuang angry and angry at the same time. Bai Yuhao happened to fall head first on Ji Wushuang's round and plump body, making Ji Wushuang angry and angry at the same time.    


Of course, Bai Yuhao's luck with women also caused envy among the soldiers of the two armies.    


"Young master, we should …" Lie Yang couldn't help but look at Mu Ziye.    


At this moment, Mu Ziye's gaze was still fixed on Bai Yuhao and Ji Wushuang, deep in thought.    


Just then, a soldier came forward to report that a hole had been broken through the outer wall of the Profound Magic Lotus Formation and a large number of the Crimson Dragon Army was charging over.    


"Pass down the order, the entire army will retreat to the east, and withdraw your Hippofield." Mu Ziye thought for a moment and immediately ordered because the Profound Magic Lotus Formation had already been broken by Bai Yuhao.    


Under Mu Ziye's command, Garrison of Woodgod Kingdom quickly retreated to the east.    


At the same time, Ma Lan and Ti Dan led the Vermillion Bird Army and the White Tiger Army in pursuit. After they merged with the Black Tortoise Army, they rushed over.    


When Ma Lan saw Bai Yuhao, who was unconscious in Ji Wushuang's arms, her face suddenly shook. She hastily went forward and asked, "Commander Ji, what happened to him?"    


"It's nothing, it's just that the Spiritual Energy was overused." Ji Wushuang didn't want to say much, but after seeing Ma Lan, she directly gave Bai Yuhao to Ma Lan without saying anything.    


Before Ma Lan could react, Bai Yuhao had already pressed down on her body. Immediately, a warm breath surrounded her, making her blush. But subconsciously, her hands were already on Bai Yuhao's waist, allowing him to lean on her body.    


"Commander Ma, let me do it." Ti Dan said to Ma Lan when he saw the situation unfold.    


"No need, you lead the troops and occupy the camp. After confirming that Garrison of Woodgod Kingdom has left, I will send him back to our camp …" With that said, Ma Lan summoned her Qing Ling and helped Bai Yuhao up onto it. Then she mounted it herself and accompanied Bai Yuhao back to the camp on the hill.    


Looking at Ma Lan bringing Bai Yuhao away, then looking at the Dragon Bound Tree in her hands, Ji Wushuang seemed to understand why her master wanted her to protect Bai Yuhao.    


However, she did not understand why Bai Yuhao had such a terrifying Evil Power in his body. However, she was sure that Bai Yuhao was no ordinary person.    


When he opened his eyes, he found that he was already lying in a tent. The moment he got up, he saw a peaceful sleeping face in front of him. His eyelashes moved lightly like a fan, and his small mouth was pouted.    


"Why is she sleeping here? "Have you been taking care of me all this time?" Bai Yuhao couldn't help but feel warm inside as he looked at Ma Lan in front of him.    


Bai Yuhao wanted to get off the bed quietly, but Ma Lan was awakened.    


"You're awake?" Seeing Bai Yuhao wake up, Ma Lan's face was filled with joy. Bai Yuhao had been unconscious for one day and one night. She was worried for one day and one night, afraid that Bai Yuhao would not wake up.    


"How did I get back?" Bai Yuhao still vaguely remembered what happened yesterday.    


"Commander Ji saved you, so I sent you back …" Ma Lan said.    


"She?" As Bai Yuhao's gaze focused on Ji Wushuang's face, an impression flashed across his mind.    


"Where is she now?" Bai Yuhao seemed to have thought of something and immediately asked.    


"We are currently in Hippofield's campsite. The defending troops of Woodgod Kingdom have already retreated." Ma Lan replied.    


"Have they retreated?" Bai Yuhao narrowed his eyes slightly. He didn't seem to remember that Garrison of Woodgod Kingdom had been scared to death and had completely collapsed because of his strength alone yesterday.    


"Are you all right? You don't remember what happened yesterday? " Ma Lan couldn't help but extend her hand and put it on Bai Yuhao's forehead.    


"I don't remember." Bai Yuhao smiled.    


"How could this be?" Ma Lan was also curious.    


"Forget it, since my Hippofield has returned, it has not been in vain!" Bai Yuhao grabbed Ma Lan's small hand and said with a smile.    


When Ma Lan saw that her small hand was grabbed by Bai Yuhao's gentle palm, a red tide suddenly appeared. She hurriedly shook off Bai Yuhao's hand as if she had been shocked by electricity and turned around saying, "You should rest a bit more. I'll go get you something to eat." With that, he turned and left.    


After Ma Lan left, Bai Yuhao's gaze darkened. Actually, he remembered what happened yesterday, including some scenes where he was controlled by the Evil Power. This was not the first time something like this happened. However, he was afraid that he would have to ask Ji Wushuang herself how she had managed to help him recover.    


Thinking about this, Bai Yuhao immediately left the tent. When Ma Lan walked into the tent with a bowl of porridge, she saw that the tent was empty.    


"Where did this guy go? "I've been preparing this porridge for a long time …" Ma Lan pouted, her eyebrows furrowed in displeasure.    


At this moment, there were many people coming and going within the Hippofield camp. All the soldiers were busy organizing the camp and building a defensive offensive until Bai Yuhao appeared. Everyone stopped moving and looked at Bai Yuhao with eyes full of respect.    


Because yesterday, Bai Yuhao had single-handedly killed Garrison of Woodgod Kingdom to the point that he was scared out of his wits, his heroic deeds had now spread throughout the entire army, causing a great stir throughout the army.    


At that time, the soldiers on the other side of Bai Yuhao who had personally witnessed Bai Yuhao wielding a Demonic Blade with an evil aura had even given Bai Yuhao a nickname — Evil God!    




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