Dragon Blood King



Ever since Bai Yuhao was enlisted into the Border of Lianluo, he had been thinking about how to raise his strength and regain the power of the Holy Dragon Pearl. Although he had seized back the power of the Holy Dragon Pearl, his strength was far from enough for him to force him to kill his way back into the Imperial City, take back all the grudges and take back everything that was his, so he had to become even stronger. Therefore, he was also lacking in interest in such matters, but this did not mean that he was not a normal man.    


"It's about time to go!" Bai Yuhao thought to himself. He felt that this kind of romantic matter wasn't suitable for him right now, so he decided to get up and take his leave.    


"Miss Luo Xiang …" However, just as Bai Yuhao stood up, he suddenly saw that behind the hazy curtain, a graceful and delicate figure had appeared, with exquisite curves.    


At this moment, the curtain was slowly lifted. Bai Yuhao was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him. The upper half of her body was wearing a milky white undergarment, while her exposed white shoulders and snow-white clavicle were intertwined. They were filled with an extremely alluring force, and the round and plump part that followed her breathing was moving up and down, appearing as if it was about to burst out from her undergarment. It was enough to make any man's blood boil.    


Her lower body only had a pair of underpants that was as short as her thigh. Her slender legs were exposed without a doubt, and at this moment, those beautiful legs passed through the curtain and moved towards Bai Yuhao.    


"Miss Luo Xiang, you …" Bai Yuhao asked, coming back to his senses, wondering, what the hell is going on? Had Luo Xiang planned to repay him with her body just because he had saved her? But didn't Luo Xiang sell only her skills?    


If Luo Xiang was a normal woman from a flowerbed, even if she offered herself, Bai Yuhao would definitely not be interested in her. At most, he would just perform on the spot, but there were only two reasons why a girl like Luo Xiang, who had a face full of dirt, would offer herself as a sacrifice. One reason was because she fell in love with him at first sight, or was moved by his heroism, and the other was because she was drunk.    


Bai Yuhao and Luo Xiang had only met twice, so the possibility of falling in love at first sight was close to zero. If one were to say that Bai Yuhao was moved by the possibility of a hero saving the beauty, it would not be to the extent of committing suicide.    


Of course, it wasn't that Bai Yuhao wasn't confident in his charm, but he felt that with Luo Xiang's personality, she wasn't someone who would fall in love with a man at first sight or take the initiative to help him.    


In other words, Luo Xiang's actions were out of the question!    


"Young Master Bai, am I beautiful?" At this time, Luo Xiang's gentle voice was extremely alluring, but her eyes were filled with innocence and purity. As she walked towards Bai Yuhao, she asked in a pitiful tone.    


"Beautiful! Beautiful beyond compare! "Furthermore, this beauty should only exist in the heavens …" Although Bai Yuhao didn't know Luo Xiang's intention, he still praised her on purpose.    


"Then would Young Master Bai despise me as a woman from the brothel?" Luo Xiang's expression looked humble, but it gave others an urge to protect her. She was like a frightened little bird, making people want to hold her in their hands.    


"Miss Luo Xiang, aren't you just selling your skills and not your body? "Actually, I admire Miss Luo Xiang very much. In this male dominated society, one can use one's own abilities to fight for a position, but at the same time, it's a pity that Miss Luo Xiang was born at the wrong time, otherwise, she would definitely have done something big!" Bai Yuhao smiled, but he was still speaking the truth. If Luo Xiang had been born in the modern world, it would have been easy for her to become a big star with her beauty and her zither skills.    


"Young Master Bai, you really know how to talk! Are you speaking from the heart? " Luo Xiang snapped. Suddenly, her delicate body looked like it was about to fall down. She fell into Bai Yuhao's embrace.    


At that moment, the pair of snow-white Jade Rabbit jumped in front of Bai Yuhao's eyes, swaying in a charming arc. It was even worrying if the final cover would suddenly fall off, what kind of scenery would there be after that?    


Of course, Bai Yuhao did not dare to think too deeply about it, after all, he was a hot-blooded man. Being able to endure until now was already abnormal and normal.    


This man was like a beast in the blink of an eye!    


Unfortunately, Luo Xiang clearly seemed to want to challenge Bai Yuhao's endurance limit. After falling into Bai Yuhao's embrace, she started to use that perfectly round and soft piece of flesh to rub against Bai Yuhao's chest, intentionally or unintentionally rubbing her head against Bai Yuhao's chest. Unknowingly, her hands had hooked onto Bai Yuhao's neck, just like a Tailless Bear, and she was hanging on Bai Yuhao's body.    


Bai Yuhao didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Although he didn't know what Luo Xiang had in mind, if this continued, it was hard to guarantee that he would do something impulsive!    


Even though this luck was with him, Bai Yuhao felt that he was in for a ride of misfortune. Luo Xiang's sudden actions had truly surprised him!    


"Miss Luo Xiang, quickly put on your clothes! "I don't want to catch cold …" Bai Yuhao tried his best to be tactful.    


"Don't you men like to see women like that?" Luo Xiang raised her head from Bai Yuhao's embrace, blinked her beautiful eyes, and said softly in a bewitching manner, totally seducing Bai Yuhao to commit a crime.    


"Although I said so, I feel that this progress is a bit too fast. Or is Miss Luo Xiang testing me on purpose? " Bai Yuhao kept his wits about him, but he was already hovering on the edge of danger, because the softness of Luo Xiang's body and the faint fragrance that assailed his nostrils were like aphrodisiacs, and they were hard to control, so he reached out and grabbed her lotus-shaped arms and pulled them from her neck, trying to pull her away.    


However, just as Bai Yuhao pulled Luo Xiang's hand away, he suddenly saw Luo Xiang stand up on her tiptoes and put a kiss on Bai Yuhao's mouth.    


At this moment, Bai Yuhao's desire was completely aroused!    


Under the temptation of such a sweet smell, Bai Yuhao instinctively and tyrannically opened his tender lips, directly attacking Huang Long and grabbing the small tongue of lilac. Then, with one hand on Luo Xiang's waist, he directly embraced her lithe and delicate body, leaned on the edge of the round table, and swept away the dishes and wine on the table with the other hand. Clang clang, the dishes and wine immediately scattered on the ground.    


Bai Yuhao's body leaned forward and directly placed the fragrance of his falling body on top of the round table. With an overbearing attitude, he put his hand into his thin undergarment and started to unrestrainedly occupy the enticing height.    


Luo Xiang seemed to be frightened by Bai Yuhao's sudden outburst and shrunk her body. However, under Bai Yuhao's invasion, her body started trembling like it was being electrocuted.    




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