Dragon Blood King



"No, but according to my deductions, the traitor placed in our Red Dragon Legion must be someone who can come into contact with the operational strategy we come up with every time. Furthermore, the ones who can dispel our operational strategy are only those who are at the level of a commander of a thousand mounts or above, but the Elite Cavalry Commander of our Red Dragon Legion are all traitors who have gone through life and death situations with me for more than a dozen years. So, it's impossible for this traitor to appear in front of any of you, Elite Cavalry Commander." Liu Cheng concluded.    


"In that case, the only possibility is that one of our thousand cavalry commanders is a traitor of Woodgod Kingdom." If that was really the case, then it would be an extremely bad sign for the Red Dragon Legion. This was because there were more than a dozen commander in the Crimson Dragon Army. Other than Ti Dan, who had just advanced, the other commander had all stayed in the Red Dragon Legion for at least three years. Thus, it would be very difficult to find this traitor.    


"That's right. So, just in case, I decided that for the next plan of action for the Crimson Dragon Army, there was no need for the Thousand Cavalry Commander to participate. In addition, I will send people to investigate the traitor secretly. Alright, the two of you are tired after rushing all the way back. You should go rest first! " After Liu Cheng said this, he looked at the two girls lovingly.    


Liu Yunxuan and Ma Lan bowed and left.    


On this side, after Bai Yuhao left the camp, he planned to return to the Ghost Village first. However, before he could even reach the main camp's entrance, he met Ti Dan.    


When Ti Dan saw Bai Yuhao, he immediately went up and patted Bai Yuhao on the shoulder with his big hand. If Bai Yuhao didn't have a strong body, he would have already fallen down.    


"Brother Bai, you have done a great service this time. Is this Grand Commander planning to give you another title? However, I'm sure you will refuse... "Haha …" After Ti Dan finished speaking, he laughed twice.    


Bai Yuhao's impression of Ti Dan had improved a lot because of the help of Ti Dan and Ma Lan. He felt that Ti Dan was indeed a straightforward person, and thus, his attitude was much better than his previous cold words.    


"Grand Commander ate a turtle once, how could he eat it twice. What's more, I extorted so many treasures from him, he didn't plan on doing anything to me, it's already not bad even bestowing me the title of commander. Of course, even if I were to be sealed, I would definitely not be a part of it. Bai Yuhao replied with a faint smile. His words were also half true and half false. Although this commander did not have a title, he had only sealed him off as a Crimson Dragon Envoy. However, in reality, he was just doing his job.    


"Brother Bai is indeed a unique person. I, Ti Dan, have not misjudged him. I have an old pot of fine wine in my tent, and I'm worried that no one will drink with me! If you don't mind me saying that Ti Dan is a boor, how about you accompany me and drink two cups? " Ti Dan asked with a grin.    


Bai Yuhao hesitated for a moment, and felt that making another friend was not a bad thing, after all, he still wanted to be a part of Red Dragon Legion. It was better to have another friend than an enemy, since he was not in a hurry to return to Ghost Village anyway, so he nodded.    


Ti Dan laughed loudly and dragged Bai Yuhao along to his tent without a second word.    


When they arrived at Ti Dan's tent and sat down, they saw Ti Dan bring out a big jar of wine and two big bowls from the corner, as if they were already prepared. He handed one bowl to Bai Yuhao and opened the jar of wine to fill up Bai Yuhao and himself.    


"This bowl is to honor our first collaboration!" As Ti Dan spoke, he finished the wine in his bowl in one gulp.    


Bai Yuhao naturally didn't have the alcohol capacity of Ti Dan, so he only took a sip. However, it was hot and extremely strong.    


Ti Dan finished drinking and then poured another bowl. He then said, "This bowl is to honor Brother Bai for his scheming, wisdom to retreat the enemy!" After saying that, another bowl dried up.    


Soon, the third bowl was filled to the brim.    


"This bowl is for Brother Bai. In the future, if you need my help, feel free to tell me. If anyone dares to bully you, tell me too. I will definitely stand up for you!" Ti Dan rumbled again.    


After the three bowls were eaten, Ti Dan's face immediately turned red like a monkey's butt. However, he was only half drunk. This alcohol tolerance was really amazing!    


"Commander Ti, what a good alcohol tolerance!" Bai Yuhao laughed.    


"He's average, but your master's alcohol tolerance is much higher than mine. Last time we fought over alcohol, he drank three more bowls than me …" Ti Dan waved his hand and waved three fingers.    


"Right, Commander Ti, last time during the competition, the Spiritual Energy you used seemed to be different from the others. I wonder how you trained them?" At this time, Bai Yuhao suddenly remembered that in the competition, Liu Tie had used the Spiritual Energy with a strong killing power, so he casually asked.    


"Oh, so Brother Bai is interested in my Blade Spirit Art?" Ti Dan raised his thick eyebrows.    


"I wonder if I can teach him a lesson!" Bai Yuhao cupped his hands and said. Actually, the reason he was interested in the Spiritual Energy with the strong killing power that Ti Dan had displayed was because his current Evil Flame's power was too strong, and once he used the Spiritual Martial Arts, it would be very easy for others to see that it was the Spiritual Martial Arts of the Celestial Master Stage. But up until now, he didn't want others to know that he already had the strength of Celestial Master Stage, especially the father and daughter Liu Cheng. However, he still wanted to be safe. Thus, if he could turn the Evil Flame into an extremely strong destructive force, then when he met an opponent, he could also try his best to not expose his true strength.    


"It is too polite to say that you are teaching me. We are brothers, and mine is yours …" "Haha, come, I'll tell you the origin of this blade spirit art first." Ti Dan laughed out loud and then explained the origin of the blade spirit art.    


It turned out that Ti Dan was from a small country in Desolate Spirit Continent, and was a disciple of a royal family called the Sima family. Although the Sima family couldn't compare to the Ximen Family family, or to say, the Sima family's Ji Family was extremely famous in Desolate Spirit Continent, they had once flourished, and had fostered many outstanding Spirit Controller.    


This Sima family's secret scriptures were self-made. Most of them were self-made, and the specialty of the secret scriptures was that they only practiced the mental cultivation method and not the Spiritual Martial Arts.    


It was common sense that if Spirit Controller only cultivated his mental cultivation method, no matter how high the Spiritual Energy was, it would be of no use if he did not use the corresponding Spiritual Martial Arts. However, the Sima family's mental cultivation method was not created according to common sense, but was used in the opposite direction. While cultivating the Spiritual Energy, they also cultivated the Spiritual Energy itself to have the ability to destroy others, replacing the Spiritual Martial Arts.    


Furthermore, to cultivate a Spiritual Energy to such a powerful level was much more difficult than cultivating Spiritual Martial Arts. It could even be said that one would rather die than to cultivate the Spiritual Energy, but once one reached a certain point, it would become extremely terrifying, to the point that one could take the life of an opponent within a single move.    


Compared to the Spiritual Martial Arts, Spiritual Energy with blade-like cuts on its body had an extremely strong endurance. This was because using the Spiritual Martial Arts used up a lot of the Spiritual Energy's energy, and if the Spiritual Energy itself had a strong killing force, then it was equivalent to using every move of the Spiritual Martial Arts.    


This kind of Spiritual Energy's greatest benefit was that as long as a bit of the Spiritual Energy remained, it could maintain absolute destructive power, and was extremely suitable for close combat and protracted battles.    


However, the biggest weakness of this technique was that its defensive capabilities were weak. If it was an opponent whose strength was higher than its own, once the opponent used the Spiritual Martial Arts, it would be very hard to defend.    




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