Dragon Blood King



When everyone in the camp heard this, they couldn't help but be stunned, because the one who came in was none other than Bai Yuhao, who had disappeared for a few more days after defending the Jiatian Pass of the Crimson Dragon Army.    


When Bai Yuhao appeared, almost everyone looked at him differently. Whether it was surprise, admiration, or disbelief, of course, there were also those who had the heart to act like a vile person. In addition, there was also a resentful gaze, which came from Zhao Zhaofeng who was taught a lesson by Bai Yuhao not long ago.    


Bai Yuhao had hurt Wu Tie quite badly that time, so he had to rest in bed for a few days before recovering. Therefore, when Zhao Zhaofeng saw Bai Yuhao, it was as though he had seen his father's murderer.    


However, when Bai Yuhao glanced at Zhao Zhaofeng, Zhao Zhaofeng's body subconsciously trembled, as if he was subconsciously afraid of Bai Yuhao. Even though Zhao Zhaofeng did not know how Bai Yuhao had injured him, the power of the attack had completely exceeded Bai Yuhao's strength, at least his other Celestial Master Stage's strength. Even if Zhao Zhaofeng beat him to death, he would not believe that Bai Yuhao was an expert in Celestial Master Stage.    


"You are finally willing to appear." Liu Yunxuan glanced at Bai Yuhao and said coldly. However, she couldn't help but linger on Bai Yuhao for a while.    


If it wasn't Bai Yuhao, then her Jiatian Pass might have fallen under her control. She felt that she would be extremely ashamed, after all, her mistake back then had caused the Scarlet Dragon Army to lose thirty thousand of their main forces, and in the end, they had fallen into such a passive situation. Therefore, not only did Bai Yuhao save the Crimson Dragon Army this time, he also helped her to save her from what should have been her fault. Therefore, if she was to be honest, she should be grateful to Bai Yuhao. However, she could not say the words of gratitude.    


"Because Grand Commander still owes me a favor, how could I not be willing to show up!" Bai Yuhao replied with a smile that was not a smile. He then walked in front of Liu Cheng and went straight to the point, "Grand Commander wouldn't go back on his word, right? You should be able to give me one last benefit now! "    


Liu Cheng's gaze became serious and after that, he took out a palm-sized Black Desire Egg from his bosom that was sparkling with a black light. When this Black Desire Egg was brought out, everyone present could feel the strong Spiritual Energy that the Black Desire Egg was emitting.    


"High leveled Black Desire Egg …" Elite Cavalry Commander exclaimed with a surprised expression.    


This was the first time most of the commanders present saw a high level Black Desire Egg, therefore, when they heard that this was a very rare high level Black Desire Egg, for cultivators of Celestial Master Stage, it was the most suitable product for cultivation. Immediately, everyone's eyes widened, and they drooled as they looked at it, and some of them even couldn't help but feel jealous for Bai Yuhao. They all felt that Bai Yuhao should just guard the Jiatian Pass for the Scarlet Dragon Army, on what basis did he get such a good treasure?    


"This high level Black Desire Egg is really something good!" It was Bai Yuhao's first time seeing a high level Black Desire Egg and his eyes couldn't help but light up.    


"I'll thank Grand Commander first." Bai Yuhao impolitely cupped his hands together and gestured with his hands.    


However, Liu Cheng didn't give it to Bai Yuhao. Instead, he turned his gaze towards the commanders and said, "Besides Xuan Er and Wu Tie, the other commanders, you may withdraw first!"    


When the various commanders heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other. They all looked at the high leveled Black Desire Egg in Liu Cheng's hands with envy before retreating.    


Moments later, only Liu Cheng, Bai Yuhao, Liu Yunxuan, and Ma Lan were left in the camp.    


"Before I give you this [High] Black Desire Egg, I have something to say." When Liu Cheng saw that all the commanders had retreated, his sharp eyes shot straight at Bai Yuhao with a serious expression.    


"Oh." Bai Yuhao replied, but he secretly thought in his heart, "Could it be that this Liu Cheng wants to recruit me as a commander again?"    


Moreover, to the Scarlet Dragon Army, it is of great significance. If we were to lose our Jiatian Pass, I'm afraid that our current situation will become even more passive. So, since you keep your promise and keep your Jiatian Pass, I will not be unwilling to give this extremely rare high leveled Black Desire Egg to you. " Liu Cheng's gaze became serious and said directly with confidence.    


"If Grand Commander has anything to say, just say it!" Of course, Bai Yuhao could hear the hidden intentions behind Liu Cheng's words.    


"I, Liu Cheng, am a person who loves talented people, so if you're willing to serve in the Crimson Dragon Army, I can give you anything you want." Liu Cheng's eyes flickered with admiration and persistence towards Bai Yuhao, as if Bai Yuhao was some charm that deeply attracted him and made him want Bai Yuhao for sure.    


"Father …" When Liu Yunxuan heard her father say such words, she was also stunned. This was the first time she had seen her father want someone so much.    


But the moment Liu Yunxuan said that, she saw Liu Cheng shake his head at her, signalling her not to interrupt.    


"If Grand Commander wants to bestow me with another title of commander, then it's better not to. I'm really not interested in being a commander. Plus, I have things to do, so I can't stay in the Crimson Dragon Army all day." However, it was true that he had no interest in commanders, as the place that he was truly interested in was the power of the entire Red Dragon Legion.    


"I understand! So, I won't force you to become some sort of commander. Alright, how about this, I'll make you our Red Dragon Legion's Scarlet Dragon Ambassador, your duty is to be especially responsible for helping the Red Dragon Legion to resolve the crisis, and not be restricted by anything. As long as you can appear in time when the Red Dragon Legion is in danger, and also solve the crisis of the Red Dragon Legion, then everything will be fine. And your treatment will be the same as Xuan Er, you'll also be treated as a vice commander-in-chief. In addition, your identity as a Crimson Dragon Ambassador will also be strictly confidential. For now, only the four of us know about it. " Liu Cheng nodded and threw out the extremely tempting olive branch.    


"Crimson Dragon Envoy?" Bai Yuhao didn't expect Liu Cheng to offer such attractive conditions.    


"This Red Dragon Token has the right to dispatch 30,000 troops. It has the same authority as the vice commander level soldiers. Other than me, only Xuan Er has this Red Dragon Token. If you are willing to take over the post of Red Emissary, this Red Dragon Token is yours. The Crimson Dragon Army is at your disposal. " Next, Liu Cheng took out a crimson red command medallion. A lifelike, four-clawed red dragon was carved on the medallion, exuding a majestic aura.    


This Scarlet Dragon Envoy was equivalent to the vice commander of Red Dragon Legion, and also had the authority to transfer 30,000 troops. In other words, if he became a Scarlet Dragon Envoy, then in the Red Dragon Legion, other than Grand Commander, he would be the biggest with Liu Yunxuan. This seemed to be very close to his predetermined goal!    




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