Dragon Blood King



On the morning of the second day, the Crimson Dragon Army, which had completed its offensive deployment overnight, was led by Ti Dan with three thousand troops and two small squads of Spirit Controller. They were responsible for attacking Garrison of Woodgod Kingdom's blind spot on the defensive line to attract the enemy's forces.    


At the same time, Ma Lan and Ji Wushuang led six thousand troops and three small squads of Wu Tie to ambush on the west side outside of Hippofield. After Liu Tie led his troops to attract Garrison of Woodgod Kingdom's forces, they prepared to launch a strong attack on the west side of the defense line.    


As the commander of the army, Bai Yuhao was in the rear with less than a thousand men.    


An hour later, Ti Dan led three thousand men to surprise attack on Garrison of Woodgod Kingdom's blind spot. Soon, they occupied a favorable terrain to fight against Garrison of Woodgod Kingdom.    


In an instant, the sounds of fighting, shouts and screams rose and fell one after another …    


As Ma Lan expected, Ti Dan's surprise attack immediately disrupted Garrison of Woodgod Kingdom's defense line and also attracted a lot of Garrison of Woodgod Kingdom's troops.    


Seeing that the time was right, Ma Lan and Ji Wushuang each led 3000 troops and Wu Tie's team to launch a powerful attack from the west side of Hippofield, majestically attacking Garrison of Woodgod Kingdom's defensive line.    


Not long after, under the lead of Ma Lan and Ji Wushuang, the six thousand troops, according to their plans, would converge on the flat ground that was only one forest away from the Woodgod Kingdom Camp.    


Ma Lan and Ji Wushuang looked at each other and were the first to bear the brunt of the onslaught. They led their troops into the woods and started another fight with Garrison of Woodgod Kingdom.    


All of a sudden, the entire forest was filled with shadows, swaying in the wind, as if it was filled with grass and trees.    


Not far away, Bai Yuhao, who was supposed to be at the back, appeared out of nowhere in the woods. He watched the battle like he was watching a tiger watching a tiger fight between two armies. However, he had no intention of helping.    


"There are less troops on the west side than I thought. There seems to be a problem …" Bai Yuhao saw Ma Lan and Ji Wushuang leading their troops to break through the defense line of the forest and charge into the depths.    


At this time, Garrison of Woodgod Kingdom, who had already retreated to the depths of the forest, suddenly shouted in panic: "Run quickly, the Scarlet Dragon Army is coming! I can't hold it off anymore! "    


That sound kept on resonating and Garrison of Woodgod Kingdom, as if he was escaping for his life, left the forest.    


"Brothers, attack!" Ma Lan shouted. She was just about to take advantage of the victory to give chase and charge into Garrison of Woodgod Kingdom's camp.    


However, at this time, a figure flashed and appeared in front of Ma Lan, blocking her in the blink of an eye.    


"Bai Yuhao? What are you doing here? " Ma Lan took a closer look. Who else could it be other than Bai Yuhao that was blocking her path?    


"Commander Ma, let's call it a day!" Bai Yuhao's gaze turned serious.    


"What?" When Ma Lan heard this, she couldn't help but glare at him.    


"I said that we'll call it a day and return back to the camp!" Bai Yuhao repeated.    


"Why should we retreat? We've already made Garrison of Woodgod Kingdom panic. As long as we take advantage of the victory to pursue them, they will lose without a doubt! " Ma Lan shouted in confusion.    


Even the soldiers behind Ma Lan looked at Bai Yuhao strangely.    


"Look at the footprints they left. They were orderly in the middle of the chaos, and they were all retreating in the same direction. This means that there's definitely a trap up ahead, and they're just bait …" Bai Yuhao pointed at the rows of footprints nearby and said with a serious expression.    


"I didn't expect you to see it too." At that moment, another delicate figure appeared. It was Ji Wushuang, who was leading the army from a short distance away. She saw that Garrison of Woodgod Kingdom's retreat was very strange, so she ordered the troops that she was leading to stay put. She came over to remind Ma Lan, but got beaten by Bai Yuhao.    


Ma Lan did not believe Bai Yuhao's words at first, but after listening to Ji Wushuang's explanation, she looked carefully at the Dainty Voice and soon noticed some clues. She then realized that she had almost been tricked by Garrison of Woodgod Kingdom, and immediately blushed as she glared at Bai Yuhao.    


In the depths of the forest, where Garrison of Woodgod Kingdom had retreated to, more than a thousand Woodgod Kingdom archers, under Commander Wei's lead, were currently drawing their bows and nocked their bows, waiting for the Scarlet Dragon Army to enter their line of sight.    


But, after waiting for a long time, they still didn't see the Crimson Dragon Army appear.    


"Commander Wei …" At this time, Spirit Controller appeared in front of Commander Wei in a hurry.    


"Why isn't the Crimson Dragon Army here yet?" Commander Wei frowned as he asked Spirit Controller impatiently.    


"The Crimson Dragon Army has retreated." Spirit Controller reported.    


"What?" "Retreat?" Commander Wei glared at him.    


"He seems to have seen through our ambush …"    


"F * ck, causing laozi to wait here for half a day …" "Retreat to camp …" Commander Wei cursed as he waved his hand and led the army back.    


At the same time, a signal of retreat rose up into the sky. Seeing this, Ti Dan, who was attracting Garrison of Woodgod Kingdom's attention, immediately had a strange look on his face. However, he immediately ordered for the troops to retreat.    


"Commander Bai, what happened? Why did you suddenly retreat?" After Ti Dan led his troops back to the camp, he immediately asked Bai Yuhao, who had already returned with his troops, with a puzzled look on his face.    


At this moment, Ma Lan and Ji Wushuang were also standing off to the side, especially Ma Lan, whose expression didn't look too good.    


"Garrison of Woodgod Kingdom seems to have predicted our attack plan and set up an ambush. He even intentionally baited us into taking the bait. I suspect that the blind spot Commander Ma found was probably left behind intentionally by Garrison of Woodgod Kingdom." Bai Yuhao narrowed his eyes and speculated.    


"You left them here on purpose?" When Ma Lan heard this, she couldn't help but be taken aback.    


It seems that the defense line Garrison of Woodgod Kingdom set up is not just for defense. It is clearly a trap that was planned beforehand, deliberately leaving an opening and luring us to come up with a relative attack plan. But in fact, it has already prepared a perfect response to our attack plan. Ji Wushuang analyzed Leng Ning's reaction.    


When Ti Dan and Ma Lan heard this, their expressions couldn't help but change.    


"Looks like Commander Ji is very experienced!" Seeing Ji Wushuang reveal the mystery behind Garrison of Woodgod Kingdom's defense line, Bai Yuhao could not help but to nod in praise. This Ji Wushuang was really strong, she actually had the same thoughts as him.    


"I've encountered similar lines of defense in my previous army. As long as we penetrate deeper into their defenses, the defenses would be turned into an attack. They would unleash a fierce attack that would catch them off guard. Therefore, the person who can use lines of defense to set traps must not be someone to be trifled with! " Ji Wushuang speculated with an ice-cold expression.    


"Looks like this battle is about to begin!" Bai Yuhao pursed his lips and said thoughtfully.    




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