Dragon Blood King



At the same time, under Mu Ziye's order, the Woodgod Kingdom armies stationed at the north and south gates surged towards the base camp like tidewaters, surrounding the entire base camp.    


Mu Ziye and a few commanders led 3,000 troops and arrived at the main gate of Red Dragon Legion headquarters. The west and north sides were also surrounded by 4,000 troops.    


"Sixth Prince, this Red Dragon Legion base has already been completely surrounded by us, those defending Yi City soldiers will definitely not be able to escape even if they have wings. We must let them know just how powerful our Woodgod Kingdom army is …" One of the wood body commanders beside Mu Ziye immediately shouted out, his expression extremely agitated. It seemed like they had lost thousands of their troops because of the trap set by Bai Yuhao, and had lost their Woodgod Kingdom army for nothing, causing them to feel flustered and exasperated.    


The other Woodgod Kingdom commanders were also filled with righteous indignation. Their Woodgod Kingdom Army had held such an advantage, but they had actually been fortified by the Yi City Army. Not only had they suffered heavy losses, they had even allowed the Yi City Army to occupy the main camp of the Red Dragon Legion and erected a defensive barrier.    


On the other hand, the commander of the Woodgod Kingdom army, who was Mu Ziye, had a calm and composed expression. It was just that there was a haze around his brows, because the losses of his Woodgod Kingdom were too great, and actually, it was also because he had underestimated them. Of course, he didn't expect that Bai Yuhao would actually interfere this time, and even heavily injure their Woodgod Kingdom army in such a short amount of time. If it wasn't for the great disparity in strength between the original forces, he probably would have lost again at the hands of Bai Yuhao.    


But it was already hard to change the truth, and Mu Ziye also knew that this time, his opponent was Bai Yuhao. This man who once defeated him at Hippofield, was also a person who repeatedly defeated the Woodgod Kingdom army. Therefore, when facing such an opponent, he had to go all out. Otherwise, even the slightest mistake could give the Yi City guards the chance to turn the tide, which was something that he absolutely could not allow.    


"Bring five Giant-Horned Rage Rhino into the city, prepare to attack …" This time, he would definitely not let the Yi City guards have the chance to turn the situation around.    


"Sixth Prince, are we attacking at this time?" The few Woodgod Kingdom Commanders beside Mu Ziye looked at each other. They were a bit surprised that Mu Ziye would choose this opportunity to attack.    


At the moment, although it was close to dawn and the sky was still dark, so it was not normal for them to not attack, especially when their forces were at an advantage. They could totally wait until dawn to attack, this way, the Yi City guards wouldn't have any opportunities to attack.    


"The Yi City guards that have fought for the entire night are definitely exhausted right now, but our forces have been waiting for the entire night, filled with energy, so our fighting strength is definitely stronger than the Yi City guards. Therefore, choosing this time to attack is the most effective for us." Mu Ziye analyzed with his eyes focused.    


"However, if we attack at this time, it would be very difficult for us to discover anything if the Yi City defending army has an ambush. Moreover, there might be many traps in the base camp …" A Woodgod Kingdom Commander suggested.    


"Therefore, we will only attack one point, and no matter how many traps and traps the Yi City Garrison has, it will not be able to gather at one place. If we can only break through one point, the traps and traps we will encounter will be greatly reduced, furthermore, the Yi City Garrison will not know our attack plan, so their current force must be split into four. With their limited strength, if we can break through the barrier, the Yi City Garrison will not be able to hold us off at all." Mu Ziye had a plan in advance, and said with a face full of foresight.    


Before, when the Woodgod Kingdom army attacked the Yi City, they did not expect Mu Ziye to be this serious. Although they had just been set up by the Yi City army and suffered heavy losses, with their current strength, even if Mu Ziye did not use his true strength, taking down the Yi City was only a matter of time. It was obvious that someone had provoked Mu Ziye's desire to fight.    


"But which point should we attack?" A Woodgod Kingdom Commander asked.    


"It's the main entrance." Mu Ziye's gaze turned serious as it fell on the sealed main entrance of the base not too far away.    


"The main entrance?" Sixth Prince, the defense of this main entrance should be more tight than the other places. Also, the Yi City defending army will most likely prove that the main entrance is heavily guarded and that it will be a waste of time to force an attack on the main entrance. I think it would be better to attack the northwest side of the base … "    


"That's right, Sixth Prince, the reason we are attacking the main gate is clearly to inform the Yi City guards of our plan, isn't that so?" "At a time like this, we already paid attention to surprise …"    


"Sixth Prince, don't you want to think about it?" "Perhaps, I can choose to feign attack first …"    




This was because if they were to directly attack the main gate, the Yi City defending army would not be stupid, and would quickly discover their plan of attack. At the very least, they would first pretend to attack the other two gates to attract the Yi City defending army, and then, they would not even attack the main gate. Therefore, they didn't understand why Mu Ziye insisted on attacking the main gate.    


"Because I want to directly destroy Garrison of Woodgod Kingdom's morale, if even the most difficult gate is stronger than us, then the morale of the Yi City defending army will definitely be affected, the difference in strength between our forces in the beginning is huge, if they did not even have morale, then they would definitely not be our match." Mu Ziye revealed a shrewd look in his eyes. This fight wasn't just about tactics and strategy. Sometimes, it was just psychological warfare. The reason why the Yi City Defense Forces only used half of their strength to eliminate seven to eight thousand of their Woodgod Kingdom was actually because of the Night Assault as well as the strange tactics of the soldiers, as well as their strong mental advantage. As a result, he also wanted to use a different method to return the favor, and consecutively destroy the confidence of the Yi City garrison. This way, it was absolutely impossible for Bai Yuhao to lead a group of Yi City garrison troops without any morale and turn defeat into victory.    


However, they still felt that it wasn't logical. However, Mu Ziye was a prince and since the prince said he was going to fight like this, even if they had a thousand mouths, it would still be difficult for them to say "no".    


"Immediately arrange it. If the five Giant-Horned Rage Rhino attack continuously, they should be able to break through the main entrance very quickly." Mu Ziye said with confidence.    


A few of the Woodgod Kingdom leaders looked at each other, retreated, and began preparing to attack …    




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