Dragon Blood King



"This is troublesome. Moreover, every generation of the Holy Dragon Kingdom's Witch, will be buried in the Imperial Family Forbidden Land after death. With their soul power, they can guard the Imperial Family Forbidden Land, so even if they found a way to enter, they might not necessarily be able to enter. " Mu Yinv had some understanding about the royal forbidden area, so she knew that it was definitely not as simple as she had imagined.    


When Bai Yuhao heard Mu Yinv's words, he felt even more hopeless.    


"In short, let's ask Xueyan first. She was, after all, Holy Dragon Kingdom's Witch, and moreover, this imperial family's forbidden area was first built by the first generation of Holy Dragon Kingdom, Witch, with her own strength. "Although only Acting Dragon Emperor knows the way to enter, Xueyan might know some clues." Mu Yinv pondered.    


"That's the only way." Bai Yuhao nodded and went to find Loong Xueyan.    


When Loong Xueyan heard Bai Yuhao say that Dragon Emperor was now imprisoned within the Dragon Clan, she was also very surprised. After that, she heard Bai Yuhao ask about the matter of the royal forbidden grounds, and couldn't help but crease her pretty face, shaking her head: "For the past six months, Loong Ao has been looking for me to ask about the matter of entering the royal forbidden grounds, but I really don't know the method of entering the royal forbidden grounds.    


"Xueyan, hasn't the past Witch of Holy Dragon Kingdom recorded down some important events? "Perhaps I can find some clues from it …" Mu Yinv suddenly thought of something and reminded him.    


"Right." Upon hearing that, Loong Xueyan immediately opened her Ethereal Realm and took out the Witch secret scripture that she had brought out from the Witch Palace's secret room.    


"This is Witch's secret book, which records the important events that have happened to Witch of Holy Dragon Kingdom over the generations. "Perhaps, there might be some clues within …" Loong Xueyan handed over Witch's records directly to Bai Yuhao.    


"Can I see it?" Bai Yuhao glanced at Witch's secret scripture that Loong Xueyan handed to him.    


"It could not have been. "Just take it as something that I accidentally dropped. It was picked up by you." Loong Xueyan shrewdly smiled, because the important events recorded in Witch's records were all top secret matters of the Holy Dragon Kingdom. Logically speaking, other than Witch, Acting Dragon Emperor should have had the authority to flip through the records, but Witch had to agree.    


"Then I'll go study it first." As Bai Yuhao said this, he took Witch's secret record and left.    


After returning to his room, Bai Yuhao immediately took out Witch's secret scripture and studied it. What Witch's secret scripture recorded was a series of extremely important events that had occurred since the ancient times, and many of them were things that no one knew about. And most of the events were predicted by Witch from the past, so the Holy Dragon Kingdom was able to avoid all kinds of natural disasters and man-made disasters.    


This Witch's secret record did indeed record a lot of things about the royal family's forbidden area, especially about the first half. Therefore, Bai Yuhao also studied the first half of the secret book and found out that the secret book mentioned that the method to enter the royal family's forbidden area must be through some sort of medium, but the secret book didn't mention what this medium was referring to.    


After that, Bai Yuhao studied it a few more times and found nothing else. However, he found that in Witch's secret record, there were actually some blank histories. However, just before this blank section, there was a sentence: "Dreamscape has been discovered, and the mysteries of Spirit Clan will float above the surface of the water. The viciousness is hard to predict!"    


"The mystery of Spirit Clan?" Bai Yuhao couldn't help but talk to himself as he recalled what happened at the Tomb of Myriad Spirits.    


However, Bai Yuhao didn't think too much about it. To him, the most important thing right now was to save his Father.    


After that, Bai Yuhao went to find Mu Yinv. When he found out that the three girls were also here, he first returned Witch's secret record to Loong Xueyan.    


"Any leads?" Mu Yinv asked.    


"Entering the royal forbidden area seems to require some sort of medium, but I'm not sure what it is exactly. I think we should head to the entrance of the royal forbidden area and take a look …" Bai Yuhao pondered for a moment.    


"The royal clan's forbidden area is located in the Hidden Dragon Valley. Normally, it is guarded by a few royal clan elders." Loong Xueyan replied.    


"It's good to have a look. Let Xueyan accompany you. As this is a forbidden area of the royal family, only Dragon Emperor and Witch can enter. Outsiders are not allowed to enter." Mu Yinv nodded.    


"However, I am not Dragon Emperor now. Would the few elders of the imperial family allow it? " Bai Yuhao said with some consideration.    


"Tell them the details. I'm sure they'll be accommodating." Mu Yinv pondered.    


"That's right, although they are stubborn old men, this is, after all, related to the future of Holy Dragon Kingdom. If Dragon Emperor doesn't come back and Loong Xuan doesn't inherit Dragon Emperor's position, this Holy Dragon Kingdom will quickly turn into a mess." Loong Xueyan said with her beautiful eyes.    


"Then go and give it a try." After hearing it, Bai Yuhao nodded his head and followed Loong Xueyan into the Hidden Dragon Valley.    


Along the way, Loong Xueyan seemed to have something to say to Bai Yuhao. Furthermore, looking at Loong Xueyan's worried and happy face, Bai Yuhao was very comforted. He knew that all his efforts were worth it.    


When the two arrived at the Hidden Dragon Valley, as soon as they entered, a royal elder appeared in front of them.    


"Prince Loong Xuan, Witch …" Why are you here? What's the matter? " That royal elder asked in surprise when he saw that it was Bai Yuhao and Loong Xueyan.    


"There's something important that I want to discuss with the elders of the imperial family …" Bai Yuhao went straight to the point.    


After the Royal Elder pondered for a moment, he brought Bai Yuhao and Loong Xueyan to the hidden grounds at the east side of Hidden Dragon Valley to meet with the other Elders. Looking back at the few royal elders who had the strength of Tyrant Sage Stage, Bai Yuhao was also quite shocked. This was because these few royal elders could already be considered the strongest existences in the Desolate Spirit Continent.    


After explaining the purpose of his visit, Bai Yuhao first told the several royal clan elders about what he had heard from the black-robed figure last night as well as the whereabouts of Dragon Emperor. When the several royal clan elders heard this, they also revealed a surprised expression.    


"I never would have thought that Dragon Emperor almost died at the hands of Loong Ao. This Loong Ao is too vicious and he won't even let his own father go."    


"That is to say, Dragon Emperor is currently imprisoned within the Dragon Clan?"    


"Dragon Clan actually wants to use the Spirit Treasure sealed within the imperial family's forbidden grounds …"    




The few elders of the imperial family were all shocked.    


"I wonder how much Elders know about the Spirit Treasure?" Bai Yuhao's eyes focused as he asked.    


"To be honest, we do not know much about the Spirit Treasure, although we have heard of it, we have never seen it before. Furthermore, we only know that the Spirit Treasure that was sealed in the royal forbidden grounds was brought back by a certain generation of Witch of Holy Dragon Kingdom. Afterwards, we sealed it in the deepest part of the royal forbidden grounds. " The oldest of the few Elders, the one with white eyebrows like hair, said.    


"Some generation of Witch of Holy Dragon Kingdom? "But …" Bai Yuhao thought it was strange that this matter had not been recorded in Witch's secret records. Logically speaking, if it was such an important matter, it should have been recorded in Witch's secret records. If there were no records, this also meant that Witch of Holy Dragon Kingdom, who brought back the Spirit Treasure, did not want others to know the origin of the Spirit Treasure.    


"However, according to Acting Dragon Emperor's legacy, this Spirit Treasure must not be taken out of the imperial family's forbidden grounds. So, this is going to be difficult. " An elder of the imperial family immediately asked.    


The other clan elders also looked at each other with troubled expressions.    


"No matter if it's a prince with Holy Dragon Kingdom or just a son, I must rescue Father and bring him back. Therefore, I hope that the Elders can agree to let me go to the entrance of the imperial family's forbidden grounds first." Bai Yuhao quickly followed and asked for instructions.    


When the few royal clan elders heard this, they gathered together and whispered to each other. Because this matter was of great importance, they had to consider it carefully, especially after Loong Ao's incident, they had to be careful to avoid repeating the same mistake.    


After an hour of discussion, the few royal clan elders finally came to a conclusion.    


"Prince Loong Xuan, originally, only Dragon Emperor and Witch were allowed to enter the Imperial Family Forbidden Area. However, since Dragon Emperor is currently imprisoned in Dragon Clan, we can make an exception for once, but we hope for Prince Loong Xuan to agree to one thing." The Grand Elder spoke for the masses.    


"Go ahead." Bai Yuhao nodded with a cold expression.    


"If Prince Loong Xuan is unable to find a way to enter the royal forbidden area within three days, we hope that Prince Loong Xuan can inherit Dragon Emperor's position and temporarily take charge of Holy Dragon Kingdom. After all, in all aspects, Prince Loong Xuan, you are the best candidate to succeed the position of the next Patriarch. Furthermore, even the Holy Dragon Kingdom 3 Great Godly General admires you greatly, if Prince Loong Xuan is able to succeed Dragon Emperor, then it can be considered as returning to the masses. Furthermore, it will also quickly wipe away all of the misfortunes left behind by Loong Ao, so as to protect the peace of the Holy Dragon Kingdom! " The Grand Elder paused for a moment, then continued, "As for the matter of the current Dragon Emperor being imprisoned in Dragon Clan, of course we will not sit still and wait for death. After Prince Loong Xuan succeeds Dragon Emperor, then we can discuss further!"    


"I'm just afraid that the Dragon Clan won't give us that much time. However, if this is the condition for entering the royal family's forbidden area, then I agree to it. " Bai Yuhao thought for a while and agreed. Given the current situation, even if he could not find a way to enter the royal forbidden area, his succession to the position of Dragon Emperor was not a bad thing.    


"Then it's a deal. Next up, Prince Loong Xuan will do as he says." When the Great Elder saw Bai Yuhao agree and exchange looks with the other few clan elders, he immediately agreed.    


"Thank you for your help, Elders!" Bai Yuhao immediately cupped his hands in gratitude.    


"Four Elders, lead them!" The Grand Elder said to the Royal Elder, who had brought Bai Yuhao and Wu Tie here.    


After that, the four Elders brought Bai Yuhao and Loong Xueyan out of the secluded area and headed towards the entrance of the forbidden area for the royal family.    


Not long after, Bai Yuhao and Loong Xueyan followed the four Elders and arrived in front of a huge arched stone door. The entire stone door was built on a mountain and was more than ten meters tall.    


"After pushing open the stone door, walk straight to the end, and that will be the entrance to the royal forbidden area. Because Prince Loong Xuan doesn't know the way to enter, do not force yourself. There was an extremely powerful barrier around the entrance. If one tried to force their way in, the barrier would counterattack. Prince Loong Xuan, remember this! " After a few more words of warning, the four Elders disappeared from where they stood.    


Bai Yuhao glanced at the huge dragon carved stone door in front of him and then looked at Loong Xueyan.    


"Let's go in!" Loong Xueyan nodded at Bai Yuhao.    


After that, Bai Yuhao pressed both of his hands on the huge dragon sculpture stone door, and without using much strength, the two stone walls of dragon sculptures slowly opened, and with rumbling sounds, like a heavy sigh, and behind the stone door, it was pitch-black, as if the bottom couldn't be seen. Even the sunlight outside couldn't dispel the ink-like darkness.    


The two of them looked at each other for a moment before walking through the door side by side and disappearing into the darkness. The moment their figures disappeared into the darkness, the door closed again.    


In an instant, Bai Yuhao and Loong Xueyan felt as if they had fallen into an abyss. They only heard a series of "pu pu pu" sounds. From their left and right sides, a fiery light rose up and spread deeper into the abyss.    


Bai Yuhao immediately looked around and saw that the flames were lit by the fire troughs that were separated into two tall dragon columns on both sides. Two rows of tall dragon columns extended from their positions straight into the depths, and behind the dragon pillars was a flat stone wall. Under the illumination of the fire, one could vaguely see the mural-like engravings on the stone wall, which were like a long history scroll recording the rise and fall of the entire Holy Dragon Kingdom.    


"Let's go." Bai Yuhao said to Loong Xueyan, who was beside him, and the two of them headed deeper into the cave.    


Along the way, Bai Yuhao would glance at the two side sculptures from time to time, and he noticed that there were some humanoid carvings that looked like Spirit Clan on them. They were covered with Dragon Scale s, had horns on the head, had a face that was a little longer than a human's, had a flat nose, two long eyes, and wings like the one on the back of the Dragon Beast.    


"They should be Dragon Clan?" Bai Yuhao asked Loong Xueyan as he watched.    


"Right." Loong Xueyan nodded.    


"Xueyan, why do you think these Spirit Clan s are suddenly looking for Spirit Treasure? And the places where these Spirit Treasure were sealed, were all set up with forbidden spells that one's Spirit Clan could not enter … " Bai Yuhao couldn't help but to ask.    


"I think this might be related to the origin of the Spirit Treasure. Although we still do not know the origin of these Spirit Treasure, since the entire Desolate Spirit Continent is searching for these Spirit Treasure, it means that these Spirit Treasure themselves contain astonishing secrets that we do not know about … " Loong Xueyan asked suspiciously.    


"I think so too. But, what kind of secrets were these Spirit Treasure s hiding? Why did it make all the Spirit Clan that are hiding suddenly become so crazy … " Bai Yuhao's gaze contracted and his expression became serious. In order to obtain the Spirit Treasure s within the imperial family's forbidden grounds, the Dragon Clan did not hesitate to frame Father and treated him as a puppet. This did not seem like the actions of the Dragon Clan that was supporting the development of the Holy Dragon Kingdom.    




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