Dragon Blood King



As soon as High Priest left, Lili pulled Bai Yuhao to the bed and told him to sit down and rest.    


At this moment, a lady dressed as a maid walked in. After bowing respectfully to Loong Xueyan, she said, "Mistress, Dragon Emperor invited you to the imperial palace. He wants to discuss tomorrow's grand ceremony."    


"I understand. You can leave now." After Loong Xueyan nodded and waved her hands, the maid left. She then turned to Bai Yuhao and instructed, "Loong Xuan, stay here and rest. Don't run around. I'll be back soon."    


"Oh." Bai Yuhao replied.    


After Loong Xueyan left, Bai Yuhao stayed in the room for a while to collect his thoughts. Although he already knew that he was in the body of a prince, it was still hard for him to figure out why that was the case. However, when High Priest and Loong Xueyan came in, they mentioned something about spirit magic summoning spirits, which caught his attention. So, not long after, he got up and walked out of the room.    


There was a long corridor outside the room. The light was dim and the end of the corridor was filled with a dazzling light.    


Bai Yuhao walked forward step by step and the light in front of him became brighter and brighter. When he stepped out of the long corridor, a warm breeze suddenly blew by. The sun was shining overhead and everything in front of him caused him to stop in shock.    


At that moment, he was in the middle of an extremely grand Palace City, surrounded by many pagodas and buildings. At that moment, he was at the top of a circular hall, and beside him was a spiral staircase which led downwards.    


Looking ahead, there was a wide moat surrounding the periphery of Palace City, and under the shining sunlight, the crystal clear water of the water seemed to be flowing, and on the other side of the moat, there were countless houses as far as the eye could see. In a fan-shaped distribution, it was endless, and one could vaguely see ant like dense streams of people coming and going within it.    


At this moment, Bai Yuhao suddenly felt something was covering the sky above his head. He couldn't help but look up and was shocked. He shouted, "Damn! What monster is this?"    


Above Bai Yuhao's head, a giant flying creature flew through the air. Its pair of fleshy wings were a few meters wide, huge, and revealed a long pointed length, similar to a crocodile's head. Its two sharp fangs were exposed outside, and from its huge nostrils, smoke was constantly spewing out.    


"Prehistoric dinosaurs?" Seeing this huge object in front of him, Bai Yuhao couldn't help but think of something.    


Soon, Bai Yuhao realized that there was a person sitting on top of the dinosaur flying creature. It was riding the flying creature and performing all kinds of difficult actions in the air. It was quite a thrilling sight.    


Before Bai Yuhao could react, the flying creature suddenly made a turn in the air and charged towards him. The sharp claws and teeth under its body seemed to be able to easily tear everything apart.    


Seeing this, Bai Yuhao's expression immediately changed and he couldn't help but step back. However, he suddenly stumbled and fell on his butt. It was too late to run. He could only watch as the flying creature bared its fangs and brandished its claws at him.    


"I'm not that weak, am I? I just came back to life and I'm already dying again?" Bai Yuhao exclaimed in his heart.    


The sharp claws and fangs barely grazed past his head. The wind was fierce and frightening.    


"Holy shit, playing with me?" "Don't let me catch you, or else I'll circle around you, you cross …" Bai Yuhao immediately understood what was going on. As he stood up and looked back, he saw that the flying creature that almost took his life landed on a platform not far behind him. The person on top of the flying creature also jumped down.    


Bai Yuhao was not the kind of person who would be willing to suffer losses. He immediately went up to greet the young man, and upon closer inspection, the young man was only seventeen or eighteen years old, he exuded the aura of a royal family, and was extremely handsome. He was also very tall, with red lips and white teeth.    


"Yo, isn't that Prince Loong Xuan?" A few days ago, I heard that you couldn't protect your little life, but I didn't expect you to still be alive. However, for a useless person like you who is still alive, it would be better to just die as soon as possible if you lose face for the imperial family! " This guy who was neither male nor female, even his voice was very neutral. However, looking at Bai Yuhao's expression, it was as though he was looking at an indestructible cockroach.    


"Hey, you dead transvestite …" "You should be more polite when you speak …" Bai Yuhao pouted and said with a ferocious look. But unfortunately, with his current appearance and body size, he was at most a little kitten that could exert its might.    


"What is a transvestite?" The androgynous fellow said in disdain.    


"You'll know when you get home and get a mirror." Bai Yuhao crossed his arms.    


"You … "You actually dare to scold me …" Only then did the androgynous guy realize that Bai Yuhao was cursing and immediately glared at him.    


"So what if I'm scolding you? I warn you, uncles are not to be trifled with. " Bai Yuhao smiled evilly.    


"Uncle?" I think you must be sick. The words you say are so funny. Trash like you, in the imperial family, you are even inferior to a dog. The androgynous fellow arrogantly said.    


"Oh, speaking of which, I seem to be some kind of prince. If you say that I'm not even as good as a dog, then wouldn't that mean I'm scolding the entire imperial family? "Aiyaya, how dare you. You say such outrageous things. I wonder if anyone heard …" Bai Yuhao sneered.    


"You …" The androgynous fellow was flustered and exasperated by Bai Yuhao's words. His entire body trembled and a trace of intense anger was revealed in his eyes.    


Suddenly, the androgynous fellow's body released an intense light aura, the sleeves on his right arm seemed to have been disintegrated by some astonishing force, disappearing without a trace, revealing a fair arm that was as fair as a girl's, strands of light that shot out in all directions like cocoons, quickly twirling around the arm, forming an extremely exquisite and unique pattern.    


Bai Yuhao's eyes widened as he saw this. 'My god, is this some kind of magic?' However, he quickly realized that this definitely wasn't some magic trick, because when the asexual fellow suddenly swung his arms, which had a pattern on it, he felt as if his body was lifted up by something. Then, he quickly flew towards a direction and heavily crashed into a hard stone wall.    


Bai Yuhao laid on the ground for a while before he finally got up. He scolded angrily: "You stinking transvestite, you're still being unreasonable. Don't you know that gentlemen don't make a move?"    


"Hmph. Is there even a need to reason with trash like you? If you have the ability, you can still use it, but you won't be able to, because you're just a piece of trash, haha … " As if he wanted to take the opportunity to teach Bai Yuhao a lesson, he waved his arm again. He saw a faintly discernible spiral wind shoot out from his arm, like an arrow that left the bow, fast and fast, as if it was spinning toward Bai Yuhao. It seemed that it was really going to take Bai Yuhao's life …    




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