Heaven Devouring Immortal Emperor

C201 Entering the Clan

C201 Entering the Clan

Feng Yimo didn't have any time to waste. Once the time limit of his transformation was over, he was afraid that he would be buried here. He quickly spun the Divine Sense, and countless Soul Devouring Insects flew out of his mouth and pounced onto the Mother Worm, trying to devour it with all his might.    


The Mother Worm screamed in pain and rolled all over the ground, but it was unable to shake off the Soul Devouring Insects. Suddenly, its body swelled and a layer of Freezy Ices appeared. The Soul Devouring Insects on its body were immediately frozen and fell, losing their ability to fight.    


Feng Yimo was shocked and had no time to think. He pounced onto the Mother Worm and used his teeth to bite it. The medicinal Asura Black Core Flames in his mouth spewed out and quickly wrapped around him and the Mother Worm.    


At this moment, the small medicinal Mother Worm cried out in fear. Countless Ogre-faced Ice Bees rushed into the medicinal Mother Worm room, but they did not dare to attack for a long time. They were so anxious that the small medicinal Mother Worm spun around.    


"Spirit Devouring Silkworm, absorb it for me!" Feng Yimo ordered as his mind spun.    


The Spirit Devouring Silkworm in his dantian opened its mouth and bit the Mother Worm's body through Feng Yimo's mouth. The Mother Worm felt its life force being sucked away by thirty percent. It was so scared that it twisted its body and released the Freezy Ice, trying to get rid of Feng Yimo. Unfortunately, Feng Yimo was crazy. He tightly bit the Mother Worm's fat neck, and his six legs tightly hugged the Mother Worm's fat body. There was no way he could get rid of it.    


The Spirit Devouring Silkworm seemed to have tasted delicious food. It continuously swallowed and swallowed. The Mother Worm's screams gradually died down. Soon, its life force was sucked dry, and it turned into an empty shell.    


Feng Yimo flapped his wings and flew towards the small Mother Worm. He hugged the small Mother Worm with his six legs and rushed out of the beehive.    


Without the order of the big Mother Worm, the Ghost Face Ice Bees were in a mess. They were at a loss as to what to do. They were forced out by Feng Yimo. They had just arrived outside and the time for their transformation was up. Feng Yimo had returned to his human form. He held the small Mother Worm with his right thumb and index finger and immediately used the insect taming technique. Perhaps because the small Mother Worm was afraid, it didn't resist at all and was tamed by Feng Yimo almost instantly with the insect taming technique.    


"Hu!" Feng Yimo let out a long breath. It was so close. If the Spirit Devouring Silkworm could leave the body and attack, it wouldn't be so troublesome. Unfortunately, the little guy's defense wasn't even as strong as a Level 1 Spirit Worm. If it went out, it would definitely be destroyed. Fortunately, it could devour all spiritual objects, including restrictions. The restrictions on the brocade box had just been completely devoured. It was just that Feng Yimo didn't have the time to look.    


After taming the small Mother Worm, the big Mother Worm was killed by Feng Yimo. The next step was easy. The small Mother Worm took over a beehive. According to Feng Yimo's instructions, Feng Yimo collected tens of thousands of Level 3 Ghost Face Ice Bees and then tamed tens of thousands of Steel Beetles. If it wasn't for the Sumeru Iron, he wouldn't be able to take them away.    


It seemed that there was a need to buy a high-level Spiritual Worm Bag.    


Steel Beetles basically didn't have any offensive abilities. Their greatest function was defense. Their shells were very hard. Even if Feng Yimo used Cyan Light Crescent Wheels to attack them, he would need at least a dozen times to kill them. It was the most ideal thing for a Beetle Armor.    


After resting for a day, Feng Yimo left the ice valley and headed straight to Xue Yu City. Seeing that it was a day earlier than the agreed time, he went to the Qingyang Shop to buy a high-level medicinal Spiritual Worm Bag. The interior could be divided into dry areas and could contain hundreds of thousands of spirit bugs. It was perfect to store medicinal Soul Devouring Insects, steel beetles, and Ghost Face Ice Bees.    


Today was the day he agreed with Nascent Infant Cultivator Bu. Feng Yimo came to the tavern early and ordered two side dishes and a pot of wine. He slowly waited for the three of them.    


When it was almost noon, Nascent Infant Cultivator Bu walked in with Zuo Shuxin in his hand. When he saw Feng Yimo, he was slightly surprised. "Kid, you arrived a long time ago?"    


Feng Yimo smiled and threw out a porcelain bottle. Inside was the saliva that he had asked the Mother Worm to spit out. "I am fortunate that I did not fail. Senior, let Brother Zuo go."    


Zuo Shuxin looked excited and grateful. "Boss, you, you really made the saliva of the Mother Worm? That's great. I... I don't know what to say!"    


Bu Luan looked at Feng Yimo in shock. She did not believe that Feng Yimo could do it alone. Two lines of tears flowed down her fat face. She grabbed the porcelain bottle and held it to her chest. "Thank you, thank you!"    


"Miss Bu, hurry up and try it." Feng Yimo said to Bu Luan with a smile.    


"Okay!" Bu Luan removed the stopper and raised her head, pouring all the Mother Worm saliva into her mouth.    


Nascent Infant Cultivator Bu stared at his granddaughter nervously. Suddenly, he saw her face full of pain. She covered her stomach with both hands. She was sweating profusely and could not help being furious. "Kid, what did you feed her?"    


Feng Yimo was very surprised. There was only the saliva of the Mother Worm in the porcelain bottle. There was nothing else. How could it be like this? Zuo Shuxin's face was full of fear. If something happened to Bu Luan, he would not be able to live either. His blood was all gone, and he was trembling.    


"Grandpa, Grandpa is fine. I... I'm going to the outhouse!" Bu Luan blushed and rushed to the outhouse while clutching her stomach.    


Nascent Infant Cultivator Bu's expression softened a little. He pointed at Feng Yimo and said in a stern voice, "Grandpa, Grandpa is fine. I... I will go to the outhouse. "If anything happens to Luan'er, both of you will not be able to live!"    


"Boss, are you sure you are okay?" Zuo Shuxin was even more afraid when he heard Nascent Infant Cultivator Bu's words. He looked at Feng Yimo and asked.    


Feng Yimo thought about it carefully. He was right. He did exactly what the jade said. Nothing would go wrong. "Don't worry. It should be fine."    


After a while, a beautiful woman in green slowly walked over. She was dignified and beautiful. Although she could not be called an absolute beauty, she was very patient to look at. The woman bowed to Feng Yimo and said, "Thank you, benefactor."    


"Luan'er, are you alright?" Nascent Infant Cultivator Bu looked excited. He stood up and held Bu Luan. He looked her up and down and then laughed out loud. "That's great! You are fine. You're done!"    


Zuo Shuxin opened his eyes wide and looked at Bu Luan, his lips trembling. "Luan, Luan, you have fully recovered. That's great! Quickly let your grandfather release me!"    


Bu Luan's face sank. She snorted coldly and said, "Zuo Lang, the two of us have gone through so much trouble together. You despised me and ran away by yourself. Now, seeing that I have returned to my original appearance, I have become Sister Luan. How can I be more shameless?"    


Zuo Shuxin's face was red. He did not dare to say anything. In the end, he turned to Feng Yimo and begged, "Boss, can you help me say something?"    


"Yes. Tell me what Miss Bu Luan said makes sense!" Feng Yimo's words stunned Zuo Shuxin. Nascent Infant Cultivator Bu was also stunned. He thought Feng Yimo would speak for Zuo Shuxin, but he did not expect Feng Yimo to turn to him. He could not help but feel happy. "Little brother, you have a good eye. You are sensible."    


"However, you can't beat him to death with a stick, can you? If you make a mistake, you have to give him a chance to correct it. Is this okay? " Senior Bu, how about letting this brother of mine marry into your Bu family? When the child is born, he will follow the surname of your Bu family! "    


Ah? Zuo Shuxin was dumbfounded. Bu Luan's face was red and she looked shy. She no longer had the aggressive aura she had earlier. She lowered her head. "This, this is all up to grandpa!"    


Nascent Infant Cultivator Bu laughed. He was very satisfied. He clapped his hands and said, "Good, very good. This is a good idea. This old man is very satisfied. How about this? The day is better than the day. How about today? Little brother also has a cup of wedding wine, how about it?"    


Feng Yimo gave him a thumbs up. "Senior, you have thought it through. It's decided!"    


Zuo Shuxin was about to cry. "Boss, you can't do this. Didn't you buy me?"    


"What? Is my granddaughter a match for you?" Nascent Infant Cultivator Bu glared at Zuo Shuxin and asked.    


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