Heaven Devouring Immortal Emperor

C445 Visit Ulla

C445 Visit Ulla

He didn't know how Ura was doing, or how far the two young Ice Dawn Tiger King had grown. Should he go and take a look?    


Feng Yimo changed into his thick cotton clothes and released a snow leopard puppet. He sat on the puppet's back and headed towards the direction of the Snow Demon Ridge.    


This snow leopard was a Fourth Level Middle Rank demon beast. It was killed by Xue Yun back then and was kept in the Sumeru Bracelet by Feng Yimo. When it came, it was refined into a puppet. It ran like it was flying in the snow and bounced freely. It was the best walking tool.    


Feng Yimo entered the North Boundary Field from the direction of Heavenly Kui City. After passing through the Heavenly Kui City, he went to the tomb of his sworn brother, Yu Hsingzhou. After paying his respects, he headed straight to the North Boundary Field. Not long after he entered the snowy plains, snowflakes fell from the sky. A slim figure appeared in the vast snow in front of him.    


Feng Yimo's eyesight was excellent. Through the layers of snow, he could tell that it was Lian at a glance! Why did she come? Also, how did she know where he was?    


In the snowy plains, the weather was freezing cold. Lian was only wearing a thin dress. She was trembling and her face was so cold that it made one's heart ache.    


Feng Yimo hurriedly urged the flying snow leopard to run over.    


"Lian!" Feng Yimo sat on the flying snow leopard and stretched out his hand to Lian. Lian immediately reached out her hand and Feng Yimo pulled her onto the back of the flying snow leopard. He quickly took off the thick cotton clothes and put them on Lian.    


Lian snuggled into Feng Yimo's arms and greedily inhaled the smell of Feng Yimo's body. All these years of wish had finally been realized. She felt incomparably happy.    


"Lian, why are you here?" Feng Yimo tenderly hugged Lian and asked.    


"Second Uncle has activated the sea demons of Sea of Death. He wants to kill you. If I am by your side, he will have some concerns." Lian was trembling with fear from the cold and spoke with a lisp.    


It turned out that she was afraid that she would be in danger. That was why she had risked the cold to wait for her. She wanted to protect herself with her special identity.    


Feng Yimo was extremely touched in his heart. He hugged Lian tightly and said softly, "Silly girl, do you think Brother Feng can be killed easily? If that was the case, I would not be alive until now. You, Brother Feng, have many ways to escape. You are not in a situation where you can't escape from being hunted in the past."    


Lian cupped her hands in Feng Yimo's arms and took a greedy breath. She said, "Actually, Lian actually wants to be with Brother Feng! Yinn Chuan'er returned to the sea and said to me, Brother Feng, you are a hypocrite. You will not like a demon. I do not believe it! I just want to prove it to her. My Brother Feng is the best. He doesn't care that I'm a Transfiguration Demon!"    


When Feng Yimo heard Lian's words of love, even if his heart was a block of ice, it melted. This was the difference between her and Yinn Chuan'er. She was more like a living person!    


He lowered his head to look at Lian's blinking big eyes and her bright red face. He lowered his head to kiss her on the face and said, "In my heart, whether it is a demon, a human, or a ghost, as long as you are sincere to me, I like it. Other people may feel that it is shocking and incomprehensible, but I do not care about the eyes of ordinary people. Humans, demons, and ghosts can also have eternal love!"    


Lian's beautiful eyes flickered with brilliance. After bitterly waiting for so many years, she finally received Brother Feng's promise, and she couldn't help but sob. It caused Feng Yimo to be flustered, and he didn't know what he said was wrong. He hurriedly comforted her in a soft voice, "Lian, did Brother Feng say something wrong? Don't cry!"    


Lian pressed her head tightly to Feng Yimo's chest. "I am happy. I feel like I am the happiest person in the world!"    


Feng Yimo heaved a sigh of relief. So that was the case. He gently scratched Lian's perky nose. "You gave me a fright. I thought there was something that made you sad."    


"Thank you, Brother Feng, for being nervous about me." Lian suddenly raised her head and pecked Feng Yimo's face. Suddenly, she blushed and went back into Feng Yimo's arms. She did not say anything.    


Feng Yimo smiled. Lian's daughter was really cute.    


He thought of something and asked, "Lian, how did you know I left from here?"    


Lian sat up from Feng Yimo's arms and took out the Sound Transmission Snail. She said, "Actually, the Sound Transmission Snail is a Sound Transmission Snail. There's another function, within a million miles, to determine the location of the other one. Furthermore, we can hear the other party's words!"    




Feng Yimo was stunned. Was it that amazing? But if it was true, then wouldn't his voice when he and Ling Ya loved each other be transmitted to Lian? When he saw Lian blushing, he immediately knew that this girl had heard everything. No matter how thick his skin was, he still felt a little embarrassed.    


"That, this..." Feng Yimo began to speak incoherently, not knowing what to say.    


"Brother Feng, she is your wife. It is only right and proper for you all to be together. Lian is already very happy that you can accept me as a siren. As long as Sister Ling Ya doesn't blame me." Lian was like a child who did something wrong. She gently hugged Feng Yimo and said," I do not mind you having other women. As long as Brother Feng has Lian in your heart. "    


Hearing Lian's sincere confession, Feng Yimo was touched. What a considerate girl. She was more than a hundred times stronger than the unruly Yinn Chuan'er.    


"Lian, don't worry. Brother Feng will always have you in his heart!" Feng Yimo said with deep affection.    


"Yes, thank you, Brother Feng."    


The two of them sat on the snow leopard puppet and leaned against each other. It was as if the snow and the cold were gone.    




A few days later, Feng Yimo and his companion arrived near the Peiyan Tribe. From afar, they saw two medicinal Cold Dawn Leopards frolicking in the snow. Beside them was a teenager. From time to time, he would roll together with the medicinal Cold Dawn Leopards. He appeared very happy. From his appearance, it could be vaguely seen that he was Ura. It was just that he was stronger than before.    


Feng Yimo stopped and looked for a while, then quietly left. He did not disturb Ura's leisurely life.    


After Feng Yimo left, the Cold Dawn Leopard suddenly raised its head, as if it had noticed something. It ran at full speed and came to where Feng Yimo was standing just now. It sniffed and raised its head to roar.    


Roar! Roar!    


"Wu Cha, Wu He, what are you guys doing?" Ura ran over in shock, reaching out his hand to calm the Cold Dawn Leopard. Ever since he had tamed them, they had rarely been in such a state. What was wrong with them?    


The two Cold Dawn Leopards squatted in the snow and rubbed their heads against Ura's body. They whimpered a few times. Ura cried out in surprise. "Are you saying that Brother Feng Yimo is here? Where is he? Why didn't he come to see me?"    


If Feng Yimo was here, he would be shocked. No one could understand the language of the beasts, but Ura could actually hear the words of the demon beasts!    


If it was a demon beast in human form, there was nothing surprising about it. However, the two Cold Dawn Leopards did not take human form. They were in the form of wild beasts, but Ura could understand their words. How could he not be shocked?    


The two Cold Dawn Leopards roared a few more times. Ura immediately jumped onto the back of one of the Cold Dawn Leopards and chased after Feng Yimo.    


The Cold Dawn Leopard was faster than the Flying Snow Leopard puppet. Very quickly, Feng Yimo's shadow appeared in front of them.    


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