Heaven Devouring Immortal Emperor

C91 Qian Fu

C91 Qian Fu

"He, he..." the injured old Taoist said. Suddenly, he opened his mouth and spat out a jet of black light. It went straight for Feng Yimo's face!    


Feng Yimo was standing opposite the old Taoist. He was supporting the old Taoist's right arm with his left hand. He was only two feet away from the old Taoist. There was no way he could dodge it at such a close distance. The jet of black light was about to hit his face. His body swayed, and he grew a foot taller. The jet of black light pierced his chest with a ding sound. His entire body shook violently and he was sent flying.    


The jet of black light flashed and returned to the old Taoist. It was a two-inch long needle-shaped magic treasure!    


"Eh? You can actually dodge the attack of my black awl needle?" The old Taoist straightened his body. The left arm flashed with spiritual light and appeared to be intact. It did not look like a broken arm. He exclaimed in surprise and looked at Feng Yimo. "So there is a magic treasure inside the armor! Boy, hand over the Storage Bag on your body and I will spare your life!"    


Feng Yimo's chest was in great pain. Although the silver silk silk blocked the needle-shaped magic treasure's attack, it was also injured in his chest. He did not expect that he would be injured twice in a short few days. He could not help but feel anger in his heart and shouted, "A dignified Golden Core Cultivator is also playing tricks and sneak attacks. Don't you feel incomparably ashamed?"    


The old Taoist chuckled and said, "This seat likes to do this. What are you going to do? "Not only is the success rate high, but when I see the other party's disappointed and regretful expression, I will be very excited. Who asked him to pretend to be a good person? "They must have thought that I was heavily injured and could obtain benefits from me. Little did they know that their greed has cost them their lives!"    


Feng Yimo was stunned by the old Taoist's unreasonable reasoning. Was saving the wrong person? People's hearts were indeed unpredictable!    


Since this person was so shameless, there was no need to be long-winded. The palm-sized red and black immediately became 30 feet in size. The long Tail Hook whizzed over and stabbed at the old Taoist's back.    


The old Daoist jumped in fright and hurriedly dodged. Just as he took out the black awl needle, he saw a huge golden brick appear above his head and fall down with a crushing force. He was scared out of his wits and cried out in alarm. "A magic treasure? Fellow Daoist, you are mistaken. I was just joking just now!" When he saw Feng Yimo's magic treasure, he thought that Feng Yimo was also a Golden Core Cultivator, but had concealed his cultivation base. Furthermore, a Third Grade Demon Bug suddenly appeared behind him. He was even more convinced that Feng Yimo was a Golden Core Patriarch. Therefore, he quickly begged for mercy.    


How could Feng Yimo let such a despicable person go? The Qiankun Brick whistled over and was about to land on the old Daoist's head. The old Daoist gritted his teeth and a green talisman appeared on his wrist. He immediately activated it, and in a flash of green light, the old Daoist disappeared and reappeared thirty meters away!    


Feng Yimo's pupils shrank slightly. It was actually an Instant Teleportation Talisman?    


The old Taoist smiled bitterly. He originally wanted to steal the chicken, but who knew that he would not be able to steal the chicken. He wasted an Instant Transportation Talisman for nothing. His heart bled as he saw the Qiankun Brick flying over again. "Fellow Daoist, stop! Fellow Daoist, stop! I am willing to give you a treasure in exchange for my life!" Earlier, he had discovered that Feng Yimo was roasting meat alone, only at the tenth level of the Foundation Establishment Realm. There was a second level demon beast next to him. He had thought of using the same old trick to kill Feng Yimo and steal the Storage Bag. Who would have thought that he would end up on an iron plate?    


Feng Yimo pointed his finger, and the Qiankun Brick floated above the old Daoist's head without moving. If this person still had the Teleportation Talisman, he would not be able to hurt him. If he escaped, he would not be able to get anything. This person had the Instant Transportation Talisman and the lifelike Illusory Talisman just now. It seemed that he had gained a lot in Profound Heaven Secret Area. He said, "I want your Instant Transportation Talisman and the Illusory Talisman just now!"    


The old Taoist smiled bitterly. "Fellow Daoist, I only got a dozen Instant Transportation Talismans. Those are life-saving talismans. I can give you two medicinal Illusory Talismans."    


"Two Illusory Talismans can exchange for your life? Your life is too worthless. I think it's better to kill you and take it yourself. After all, if I kill you, your Storage Bags will be mine." Feng Yimo moved his finger and was about to order the medicinal Qiankun Brick to descend. The old Taoist hurriedly shouted, "Stop, stop! If Fellow Daoist still thinks that it's not enough, then I can give you a jade slip that I obtained on how to make various talismans! "    


"Alright, bring it over for me to take a look!"    


The old Daoist quickly took out a green jade slip and threw it over. Feng Yimo's Divine Sense rolled up and the jade slip came to his forehead. The Divine Sense slightly swept across it and found that it was a talisman jade slip called "Qian Talisman." Although he was overjoyed just by looking at the beginning, there was no expression on his face. Instead, he said coldly: "I don't need teleportation talismans. Give me a few medicinal Illusory Talismans, invisibility talismans, substitute talismans, and so on!"    


The old Daoist was secretly surprised. This person was able to easily see the contents of the jade slip while controlling such a huge magic treasure. The medicinal Divine Senses far surpassed his own. He hurriedly took out more than ten talismans and threw them over. When he saw that the magic treasure above his head didn't move, he ran away like a wisp of smoke.    


Feng Yimo happily put away the two Illusory Talismans, three Body Substitute Talismans, and five Divine Line Talismans. These four talismans were all at the third grade. It seemed that the old man had fallen into some talisman cave and obtained so many talismans. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to spit out a few Instantaneous Teleportation Talismans. Those were divine abilities that only Nascent Infant warriors possessed, and they could save their lives at critical moments. Just like before, if the old Daoist didn't have the Teleportation Talisman, he would have been smashed to death by the Qiankun Brick.    


The Dao of Talismans, the Dao of Alchemy, the Dao of Weapons, and the Array Dao of Restrictions all belonged to one of the 3,000 Grand Daos, and every single one of them had a perfect system. All sorts of people had their own strengths in all sorts of Daos. Some people were skilled in talisman crafting, and they had some accomplishments in the Dao of Talismans. When one became a Talisman Grandmaster or Grandmaster, there were some who were skilled in pill refinement. They became Alchemy Grandmasters, and some were skilled in refining various spirit artifacts and Magic Treasures. The hardest part is the Inhibition Formations. It would be even more complicated, and it would take a longer time and a longer time. All of the Daos had a direct connection to one's cultivation base. If one was at the Foundation Establishment stage, they would at most be able to refine grade two spirit pills, talismans, and high-grade spirit artifacts.    


Only a very small number of people who studied this Dao could refine pills that surpassed their cultivation level. Even if one had a high cultivation level, one wouldn't be able to refine spirit pills or talismans of the same level. More importantly, one would be able to study any Dao. Although a cultivator's life was several times longer than an ordinary person's, it was more than ten times longer. However, it was still not enough for a cultivator. It was extremely difficult to increase one's cultivation, not just through hard work. There was also the need to look for resources. Thus, the vast majority of cultivators wouldn't waste their time on the Dao of Alchemy, Talisman Dao, and Formation Dao. They would concentrate on cultivation in order to seek eternal life.    


Presently, Feng Yimo was only skilled in the Dao of Alchemy, and he was able to rely on medicinal Golden Light Furnaces to refine grade three spirit pills with his Foundation Establishment cultivation. He could be considered a grade three alchemist, and he hadn't even dabbled in the Dao of Talismans, the Dao of Talismans, and the Formation Dao of Restrictions. This was because other than the lack of time, the main reason was that he didn't have the guidance of the ancient records. If he were to rely on his own comprehension, he didn't know when he would be able to touch the surface. Although he had some experience in his previous life, he found that his experience was even more superficial. He could only use it as a reference.    


Now that he had obtained the "Qian Fu," Feng Yimo was immediately overjoyed. He did not even have time to eat and just looked at it.    


Red and black shrank back to the size of a palm. Red and white spun around the barbecue in a hurry. The meat was fragrant and golden fat dripped onto the bonfire. The fire was strong again. If it continued, it would definitely burn. He didn't care about the punishment his master would give him. With a flick of his tail, he picked up the cooked demon beast's corpse and went to the side to share it with Red and White.    


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