Omnipotent Cellphone

C1009 Plan Half Successful

C1009 Plan Half Successful

"Ah?" What can I say about you? I can't do anything about it, and you know it. I have to talk to you properly. " he said again.    


If this was Jiang Xiaobai's previous temper, he would have to say it again. However, this time, he had thought it through and could not say it. He definitely could not say it. If we can say it, then if we can say it again, it won't do at all. " he said again.    


What can you say about you now? he thought to himself. However, he did not say so many things.    


However, Jiang Xiaobai acted as if he didn't hear anything and didn't say anything. This made Lee Bei feel like he had fallen asleep. If he did fall asleep, how could he do it? This was something he could not imagine, and it was not a good description either.    


"Ah?" What can I say about you now? I can't do anything about it now. Let me talk again, he said again.    


"Ah?" I don't want to talk about it right now. " he said again.    


He was the only one who spoke and no one answered. He didn't want to say anything anymore. If he didn't say that, how did he do it? He couldn't even think straight.    


"Ah?" Did he really fall asleep? This is too annoying. " He was speechless at the same time. This matter was not what he was thinking.    


If she didn't say anything to him now, he would really be speechless. If he can do it again, that's what you say, that's what you do. Because at this moment, it was already too late for him to say anything else. They were always like this.    


"Ah?" What else can we say? " Lee Bei let out a long sigh and didn't say anything else. Originally, he could have said something, but now, he couldn't say anything. From this, it could be seen that if he was allowed to say anything else, it might not be the case for a while!    


Lee Bei knew what he said now was useless, so he didn't say anything else. Sometimes, if he always did that, then what could he do? He couldn't say for sure. If he could say it well, then what if he could do it well? I have nothing to do with it now.    


"Ah?" What can I say to you now? What can you say now? If you do that again, then if we do that again, then what will we do then? He couldn't even understand what was going on.    


"Ah?" I don't want to talk about it now. If we say anything else, we don't know how we did it. "    


These were all words that he had said alone.    


Jiang Xiaobai had been resting with his eyes closed the whole time, so he didn't know if he was asleep or awake!    


"Hey, can you wake up?" he said again.    


However, Jiang Xiaobai didn't wake up. He just stayed there motionlessly.    


"Damn, it can't be, he fell asleep in such a short time?" He looked at the people behind him and shook his head helplessly. This really made him speechless! If that wasn't the case, then they really didn't know what to say.    


Forget it, then he will rest first. After he wakes up later, they can go back inside. " he said again.    


"Ah?" "Then what do we do after a while?" He had always been muttering to himself. If he had a way, then he wouldn't be like this.    


However, there was still no reply. He thought for a moment and decided to forget about it! This matter was not easy to handle right now, so he decided to remain silent. It was precisely because of this appearance that he needed to improve.    


There was no other way. If there was a way, would he have been able to stay here forever? He could not say anything.    


"What can you say now? he said again.    


"Ah?" But how could it be described? What can I say now? I don't know what to say now. " he said again.    


"Can you not say that? What can we do now? " Lee Bei didn't know what to do, but he didn't know how to describe his feelings right now. He couldn't do anything about it. If he could, then it would be the right time.    


Seeing that everyone was resting, Lee Bei was also a bit tired. If not for that, he definitely wouldn't have closed his eyes.    


"Sigh, then let's stay here for a while longer!" he said again.    


He didn't know what to do about it now, but if he did, we'd talk about it then. he said, alone.    


"What can we say then? I wonder what will happen to them? "If we were to do that again, it's not going to work." he added.    


At any rate, he felt that he was the only ordinary person here, and even if these people were all sleeping, he would still submit to them.    


"I don't know what to say." He talked on his own. However, at this moment, he had a new idea.    


Lee Bei was stunned for a while more before he finally felt a little sleepy. He didn't even know that he could fall asleep. This really made him speechless.    


He was also very tired. If he wasn't tired, then what would he do if something happened? He couldn't describe it well.    


"Ah?" I'll go to sleep for a while now! " he said to himself.    


After a while, he had been sitting here all along, but after a while, he also fell asleep. Well, no one came in at the gate, but what would it be like to do it again? he said again.    


He had been resting all this time! He originally wanted to close his eyes and stay in there for a while, but then he actually fell asleep. This made him really speechless.    


Jiang Xiaobai was stunned for a while and only woke up when he realized that everyone was asleep. Especially in front of Lee Bei, he didn't dare to move. If he had dared to make a move, he wouldn't have ended up like this. Right now, he had a strong feeling. But those words were also good.    


"Damn, I've already gone to sleep." "Now that's good, it's finally peaceful and quiet." He said this again, secretly delighted in his heart.    


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