Omnipotent Cellphone

C1002 Li Bei for Ink

C1002 Li Bei for Ink

"Ah?" I really admire you. If there's not so much to do, you can look at it again. " he said again.    


Now there are a lot of ideas, if there are no other ideas,    


That's not impossible.    


"Don't be convinced, I heard quite a few of them along the way. If not for this reason, it would be hard for me to say anything else now. You know that. If we do that again, what can we do? I can't say for sure. " Jiang Xiaobai was speechless when he thought of this.    


"Ah?" Did I say so much? " he said again.    


"Of course, but what can I say about you now? [You are so hard to talk to right now. If you are always like this, then it is impossible for anything to happen to you.    


"Ah?" You have to be with us now. If you have a lot of ideas, then look at it. What can we do when the time comes? Take a look. If you have any special thoughts, take a look. None of us know what to say. Let's not do this, okay? " he said again.    


Both of them had always been like this, and if there was nothing else, they were always good. If not, then what will we be when you look at it like that? If that's what you want to do, then say yes. Jiang Xiaobai just wanted him to quickly explain everything.    


"What can I even say?" Originally, he had a lot of ideas, but he didn't want to think about them anymore. If that wasn't the case, then when the time came, he wouldn't have these kinds of thoughts, but if he had a lot of ideas, then sometimes he wouldn't be able to think through them. These words were said because there was something wrong with them.    


"I don't care what you say, I have no other choice. You saw it too, what if you have any special thoughts? What can I do to you now?" Jiang Xiaobai was speechless. He was already worried, but now that he looked at it, he was even more worried. In any case, there was no one to care about him right now, so this made him even more so doing whatever he wanted to do. That was why he had so many other thoughts.    


"How can that be? I don't know how to describe you, but if we are always like this, then we won't be able to do it. Don't you know how tired I am? If I wasn't so tired, I wouldn't be talking to you like this all the time. " Jiang Xiaobai sighed. He really accepted it. He had said it for so long, but he didn't take it in at all. This made him speechless. Originally, there were a lot of things that were hard to say.    


"Then you don't agree with my words, but you do!" Lee Bei was very unhappy to hear this, he couldn't do anything about it.    


After all this, what they were saying was not the same. Therefore, when they were looking at them like this, as long as the two of them did not say anything, there were some things that were happening at the right time. You know that.    


He didn't say that, but the two of them were well aware of it. If it wasn't that, then if there was something else, then no one else would say it. This was also the reason why they had such an unspeakable thought. If you say so, what can we do then? I can't say for sure now.    


Right now, the thing Jiang Xiaobai wanted to do the most right now was to hurry up. If he wasn't faster, then if something were to happen to him, then who knew what kind of major event might happen. Thus, he had to be alright for now. If he wasn't fine, he would definitely let those people watch the show. He didn't want to be like that! Therefore, he was currently doing this. If he did not do this, then when the time came, if he had any new ideas, then what could he do? This was something he did not even think about.    


"Ah?" Do you want to continue now? I'm convinced that if I don't continue, then there will be even more incidents in the future. If not, what could he do? I can't say for sure now.    


"Why am I continuing? I don't have any good ideas now." Since that's the case, I don't care about anything else. "    


he said again.    


At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai was tired and leaned against the wall. If not for this reason, then he could still rest for a while. But now that he's looking at it like that, then we won't be able to talk about it anymore.    


"Ah?" What do you think now? I also realized that if you continue to do this, then if you are able to do something, don't blame me for it? " he said again.    


"Ah?" I can't stand you. If I agree, that's the way it is, but if it doesn't work, then there's nothing I can do about it. You know, if I do that again, if I have any other ideas, what can I do then? he said again.    


Originally, they didn't have much to say, but at that time, we didn't have much to say. You know that. If we are always like this, then we won't be able to say it for sure. Now, no matter what happens, we will do the same thing.    


"Ah?" Now let's see, if we do that again, won't you blush? What can you say about me if I always do that? "    


he added.    


"Ah?" I'm convinced of you. You also know that if I do anything else, if there is anything else, I still don't know what it will be like. I really admire you. " Jiang Xiaobai was helpless, he had no other choice. Right now, he couldn't move any reinforcements, so he had no choice but to do so.    


"Why are you admitting it?" You just have to talk about something else and you'll convince me. Where did I get you to submit to me? I don't know, and you know it. If I do it again, then if I have any special thoughts, then look at it again. What can we do then? I can't even describe how I feel right now. "    


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