Super Asura System

C746 Smart Girl

C746 Smart Girl

Huang Ke and the other two people's small boat floated around in the sea. This small boat was also a very powerful Mechanical Vessel. Although the waves on the sea were very strong, there was no danger at all.    


Zou Yan said anxiously, "Miss, where are we going? Why do I feel that there is something wrong with the direction?"    


At this time, Huang Ke was also stubborn. She did not say that she was lost. Instead, she put on a confident look and said, "Everything is under my control. You two can just follow me without worry."    


Lei Xiao Yao gently shook her head and said, "But I feel that Miss does not seem to be very reliable. You are not lost, are you?"    


Huang Ke stuck out her chest and said proudly, "I have told you many times. You have to call me Young Master outside. How can I get lost? Aren't we heading west?"    


Zou Yan said weakly, "But we are heading north now. I have heard that we are going north. Could it be that Miss is going west and north?"    


Huang Ke glared and said, "I have changed my mind now. I want to go north. Do you have any objections? If you talk too much, believe it or not, I will sell you to Drunken Red Restaurant."    


Because the three of them grew up together, they were more like sisters to each other. They did not have much respect for each other and often played with each other.    


On the island of Overseas Alliance, a subordinate reported, "We monitored the people from Qiankun Island and reported that there was a small boat leaving Qiankun Island yesterday. There were three young men on it. I think it should be Huang Ke and the other two."    


Ji Xin smiled and said, "The heavens are really helping me. You guys go and call He Fu over."    


A moment later, a delicate and pretty girl walked over and said, "May I know why Madam is looking for me?"    


Ji Xin's face was cold as she said, "I know that Young Master has always been infatuated with you. He has true feelings for you. But you are after all from a brothel and cannot be the wife of the Alliance Chief."    


He Fu's face was slightly red as she said, "This servant knows her identity but I have never had such delusions. Young Master saved me from the fire pit and I will be satisfied if I can serve Young Master."    


Ji Xin lightly nodded her head and said, "You are also a girl who knows the big picture. I have found a wife for Young Master but the other party's family is rather noble and I am afraid that they might not take a liking to us.    


Furthermore, Young Master is a stubborn mind and the things that he has decided will not change. I want you to persuade him from the side. No matter what methods you use, you must make that girl his person."    


He Fu frowned slightly and said somewhat awkwardly, "Young master has always been a chivalrous person. Letting him do this kind of thing might be forcing him to do it."    


Ji Xin revealed a bitter expression and sighed helplessly, "I also know that there is something wrong with doing this, but there is nothing we can do about it. Our Overseas Alliance seems to be prosperous, but in fact, there are many internal problems.    


If we can get help from that girl's family, we will have a shelter. You don't want the Overseas Alliance to be destroyed in the future. You two will be beheaded!    


Furthermore, I promise you that after this matter is done, I will give you a position for Concubinage. At that time, whether or not you can capture your man's heart will depend on your skills in bed. "    


He Fu was from a brothel after all, so she had no way to resist such temptation. Although she had learned some loyalty from Liu Yang, she had forgotten about it.    


Ji Xin clapped her hands again, and a man and a woman walked out. Both of them were in their forties. She introduced them, "This is the assistant I found for you. Sun Liyi is a Grand Master Stage warrior. He can be your bodyguard. His wife is proficient in all kinds of medicine from Yu Qing. If necessary, I can lend you a hand. "    


She ordered the two of them: "You should be very clear about what I told you to do. Go back and prepare yourselves. According to the information we have, those people are heading north now. They should arrive at the only port in Falling Moon Empire, Yan Yun Port."    


These people responded and left quickly. Although He Fu was nervous, she knew that this was her chance. She would be able to wake up from her dream if she could get Concubinage's position.    


Liu Yang was reading in the study. Because Liu Jun knew that what he did was shameful, he did not let his son know. Instead, he instilled a lot of chivalrous thoughts into his mind.    


So this kid became a weirdo and wholeheartedly wanted to be a hero. However, he had always been a chivalrous man on this island. He felt that the best thing he could do was to uphold justice. He had saved He Fu, and she had even offered her body to him.    


He Fu walked in from the outside. She had already made up her mind on the way here. She absolutely could not tell the truth to the young master, or else the young master would definitely not agree. She could only trick him out first and then act according to the situation.    


This girl was very smart. It was absolutely a great fortune that she was saved by Liu Yang when she was still in the Qing Government. Because she had never been ravaged by anyone before, she was still a monster in her heart.    


She walked into the study and saw that Liu Yang wanted to practice calligraphy. She went forward and gently grinded the ink as she said, "The young master is always reading and practicing calligraphy here. Isn't he going to practice martial arts outside? When can his reputation be spread far and wide?"    


Liu Yang was also quite depressed and said, "I have no choice. My father won't let me leave the island. Although I have the heart to uphold justice, there are not so many things on this island for me to do."    


He Fu immediately said with a smile, "I read that those heroes often stay at home when they are young. After making a name for themselves outside, they finally return to their hometown.    


Master has been busy recently and has neglected to take precautions in many aspects. My cousin and sister-in-law want to go out to sea recently. Why don't we follow them?"    


Liu Yang hesitated for a moment and said, "But the sage book says that my parents are not traveling far. I'm afraid it's not good for me to leave my father and go out to travel in the martial world!"    


He Fu sat in his arms and wrapped a pair of jade arms around his neck. She blew air like orchids and said," We are all children of the Jianghu. What's wrong with that? Young Master is not afraid, is he? "    


Liu Yang reached out and touched her waist. Then he said with a bright smile, "You want to go out and play, right? You used this kind of goading method on me, but it worked. Then this young master will go out and adventure for a while. "    


He Fu's eyes revealed a look of joy, and she hurriedly said with a smile, "Then I'll go and contact my cousin and sister-in-law, but you can't reveal your identity as a young master, so let's just pretend to be ordinary people."    


This was also a precautionary measure. The Overseas Alliance had a bad reputation in the mainland, and her young master was just like white jade. If she let him know the truth about the Overseas Alliance, she wouldn't be able to accept it.    


The following thing was naturally going smoothly. Under the circumstances of turning on the green lights in all aspects, the cargo ship slowly left the island.    


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