Super Asura System

C728 Bloody Meat Grinder One

C728 Bloody Meat Grinder One

At this time, the Red Sun City was watching a happy scene. After fighting with the Sea Clan for so many years, it was the first time that they had wiped out the enemy's vanguard without wasting even a single soldier.    


Guan Lianshan laughed and said, "This time, it was all because of Cult Leader Zhao. This Thousand Mile Mirror is really a good thing. In the past, when we fought with Sea Clan, we were very worried about their stealth ability.    


Although they could not go into stealth for too long on the shoreline, they were always there. When they were about to approach the shore, they would go into stealth. We were already worried about our eyesight, so we could not observe them at all.    


This time, with this Thousand Mile Mirror, we can monitor all the places. We can seize the initiative and gain the advantageous position. "    


Zhao Yiming said with a smile," This is just a small thing. It won't work on the enemy's night attack. I also made some other things. It will definitely give them a surprise. I hope they can play night attack. "    


Tang Ming said, "I've sent a distress signal to the nearby cities. The reinforcements will arrive within three days, and they want to win within three days. A night attack is inevitable. We are looking forward to Cult Leader Zhao's amazing skills. "    


While everyone was talking, a series of drum beats came from the sea. Large warships appeared on the surface of the sea. These warships looked very imposing.    


However, these ships did not approach. They quickly put down a pile of seahorse riders from above. These seahorse riders, as the name suggested, were all riding on seahorses with pitchforks in their hands.    


They were a lot in number, and they were very fast, like light cavalry. However, they did not have long-range attacks, and were instead cannon fodder.    


The first time Zhao Yiming used a tool was the last time he used it. Two Iron Ball shot out from the two Thunderclap Chariots at the same time, and in the middle was a huge piece of tarpaulin.    


The tarpaulin covered the sky and covered the sun as it flew above the seahorse riders. The two Iron Ball suddenly exploded, turning into countless steel balls that shot down, killing a bunch of them in an instant.    


The tarpaulin landed on the seahorse riders' team. Jiang Hai followed the previous drill and shot out a few rockets. The tarpaulin immediately burned, and the opponents were thrown around.    


The Thunderbolt Chariot kept firing. The tarpaulin was simply covering the sky and covering the sun. The hundreds of thousands of seahorse riders did not even understand the situation before they were buried in the sea of fire.    


Those crab warriors were originally mixed in with the seahorse riders' team. However, before they could even get close to the city, they had completely turned into braised crabs. The taste that floated out was not bad.    


Gong Yingming looked at the tarpaulin that was still burning on the surface of the sea and said with his brows tightly knitted, "The other party is indeed formidable. They destroyed one of our troops so easily.    


It seemed that the original strategy needed to be changed. Using cannon fodder to consume their strength was not a good strategy in this place. This Mechanism Apparatus was too powerful.    


Inform the Arrow Fish Battalion to set off and suppress the enemy with all their strength. At the same time, the Sea Band Warriors follow behind them. We must tie the belt to the city wall and open up a path for us. "    


The Sword Fish Battalion's speed was even faster, and they quickly closed in on the city wall. The attack of the tarpaulin was useless against them, and they were unable to cover them at all.    


When they got close to the city wall, they quickly shot arrows up, trying to suppress the power of the guards on the city wall. Based on past experience, they had indeed succeeded.    


However, it was different now. The large crossbows on the city wall could shoot out thousands of arrows at a time. After a few consecutive shots, the swordfish army all floated on the surface of the sea.    


The seabelt behind them was even more miserable. After the oil fell down, they were directly hit. They originally belonged to the plant type, but this time, they died a miserable death.    


Tevis was so angry that he kept screaming. Now, not a single Human Clan was killed. He had lost hundreds of thousands of people on his side, even though there were a lot of them in the Sea Clan. Each legion had tens of millions of people, and the total number of people in both legions was close to 100 million. However, they couldn't take it anymore, especially in such an annoying terrain. The numerical advantage couldn't be changed at all.    


Adbaud said angrily, "Bring me the fish tank and attack with all your might. At the same time, set up a hard shield. I want to see how much energy they can use. Send two experts over at the same time."    


Zhao Yiming saw the tank sent out by the enemy through the Thousand Mile Mirror. He said with a smile, "Set it up with a cannon and blow him up."    


Although the speed of the tank was not fast, its defense was very strong. Moreover, there was a long pole on it that could lift the tarp.    


However, at this moment, there was a roaring sound. Thousands of cannons fired at the same time. Tens of thousands of cannonballs were fiercely smashed at the war chariot. This huge shock wave easily tore the war chariot apart.    


However, after four rounds of bombardment, there was a problem. Because the production technique was not good enough, there was an explosion.    


This also caused the enemy to consume a lot of energy, but they were not completely wiped out. Since there were close to one-third of the enemies, they slowly approached the city wall.    


A lot of shortcomings suddenly flew out of the city wall, and then iron skis were pushed down from above. Each of these iron skis weighed tens of thousands of kilograms, and they could rush very far on the surface of the water.    


In front of the iron skis, the tank was like a toy. It was directly crushed. Moreover, after these iron cars sank into the sea, the sea below was further sealed, and the enemy could not even think of entering.    


At this time, a dozen or so experts who followed behind these fish leaped into the air and pounced towards the city wall. However, these experts were only at the level of Yankovich.    


They saw the soldiers on the city wall take out many strange things with iron pipes. Immediately after, there was a series of rapid shooting, and countless steel bullets shot out. They were fortunate enough to become the first group of people to be shot to death on the Divine Martial Continent.    


Adbayo and the others were stunned. Then, they became extremely furious. This was clearly bullying. How could they play around like this?    


Gong Yingming angrily said, Send me the Tiger Shark Fleet. It's not like they're the only ones with the Mechanism Apparatus. We'll just directly clash with them.    


The Tiger Shark Squadron was a medium-sized ship, and it was equipped with some catapults. However, they were much closer to the city. Before they entered the shooting range, half of them had been killed.    


The remaining ones were also at a disadvantage in the process of attacking. After all, in terms of accuracy and quantity, they were at an absolute disadvantage. If they were to be brutally beaten up, they would not even be able to find the north.    


The Tiger Shark Squadron escaped in a sorry state, and the remaining ones were less than 1 / 10 of the previous ones. Gong Yingming seemed to be at his wit's end, and he could only withdraw his troops for the time being.    


Red Sun City was filled with cheers. The battle during the day had finally come to an end.    


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