Super Asura System

C730 Blood Grinder Three

C730 Blood Grinder Three

Shouts could be heard from all over the city walls. Militia were constantly being attacked. This was not because Zhao Yiming and the others were vicious. In order to protect their people, they wanted to send them to their deaths.    


It was because these militia, especially those patrolling on the city wall, were mostly prisoners in the prison cell. It could be said that they deserved to die.    


Of course, not everyone went to rest. There were also a few generals commanding the militia here. Dong Yanping was one of them. He quickly organized the real militia hiding under the city wall and quickly climbed onto the city wall.    


The last lamps floated up and quickly lit up the surroundings. They saw the densely packed yellow-flower soldiers and sardines knights rushing up along the waves.    


These cannon fodder soldiers were almost as few as the civilians in terms of combat strength. The bow and arrow that attacked the militia just now was shot out by the real elites.    


These elite leaders were muttering as they retreated, "These Human Clan are really too shameless. In order to lure us in, they actually pretended to panic. Do they think I'm stupid?"    


Zhang Mi faced one of the few people who reacted quickly. He waved the steel knife in his hand and shouted loudly, "We can't let these guys climb up the city wall. Everyone, chase them down."    


After these rangers calmed down, their combat strength was still very impressive. Soon, they killed the Sea Clan's cannon fodder.    


After the corpses were thrown down, the civilians who came up behind started to push the city defense equipment. First, a large pile of white ash was thrown down.    


To these Sea Clan who had sticky mucus on their skin, this was simply a killing weapon. After being stuck on it, the pain was unbearable. Soon, some of them started to cry out in pain.    


Davis looked at the city wall from afar and said, "I really didn't expect these cannon fodder to be able to climb up. If I had known earlier, I would have sent out elite troops. But it doesn't seem to be too late now."    


Gong Yingming said with a smile, "If we had sent elite troops just now, we wouldn't even be able to get close to the tower now, let alone climb up the tower.    


Didn't you notice that these people guarding the city are clearly the civilians in the city? Zhao Yiming is indeed a ruthless person, to actually send these civilians out to die.    


He is using this as bait to lure us into taking the bait. Haven't you heard that there is a city called Weng City in the city of Human Clan?    


I believe that their elite forces should be hiding there. Moreover, there is a huge amount of Mechanism Apparatus there. If only our people are able to get close to it, there will definitely be no return.    


Do you believe that the Mechanism Apparatus placed on top of the city wall are all defective products that can't be used? They are really cunning! Unfortunately, I am not bad either.    


Inform the experts under you not to show mercy when you rush up later. Try to kill as many civilians as possible. I want to make them panic."    


At this time, Tevis suddenly shouted," A Mechanism Apparatus was pushed down from the tower. It seems that you're right, this is their scheme. "    


The first round of killing quickly ended. Zhao Yiming was sitting in his room, playing chess with Tang Ming. For experts like them, a few days and nights of not sleeping would not affect them at all.    


Zhao Yiming laughed and said, "That old turtle really did not fall for it. But I believe that there will be experts mixed in during the attack in the second half of the night."    


Tang Ming said with a smile, "The target of these experts will no longer be the Mechanism Apparatus. They will definitely want to kill more civilians and then carry out some propaganda. When that time comes, we will be in a state of panic.    


I have already arranged for people to investigate. As long as someone spread the rumors, we will definitely be able to find him. I hate this kind of people the most. After we capture him, we will definitely tear him into pieces. "    


Zhao Yiming said very casually, "Just the four of them might not be enough. How about you and I go and exercise?"    


Tang Ming spread his hands and said, "I can only use hidden weapons. I can't compare to you and me. If you want to go, go by yourself. I don't want to lose my life there."    


Zhao Yiming smiled gently. He stretched out two fingers and pointed between his eyebrows. This time, it was the hidden weapon technique, the guest house green dart, and the lightning bolt.    


Tang Ming was slightly stunned. Then he smiled and said, "You really are a big treasure house. I owe you this favor. If you have these two things, it won't be a big problem for you to stay alive.    


I will go to the machine factory to make these two things first. I won't disturb your fun anymore. Go and have fun by yourself, but there's no need. Do whatever you want. "    


The attack in the second half of the night started, but there were a lot less people in the city. It should be said that on the top of the city tower, other than condemned prisoners, there were also rangers. It did not matter how many people died.    


Zhao Yiming stood on the city wall and watched from afar. Soon, three people rushed over from the sea. These three people ran over from the water, and their martial arts skills were pretty good.    


The leader was dressed like a priest, and his cultivation base was at the Grand Master Stage. Obviously, he was from the Human Clan, and he should be the legendary rogue cultivator from the Ocean Domain.    


At this moment, Ouyang Shuming let out a long roar and welcomed them. He shouted, "You are also from the Human Clan. How dare you help the enemy? Tell me your name!"    


The old Taoist smiled coldly and said, "I am Ling Xudu, the rogue cultivator from the Ocean Domain. Don't talk nonsense with me. I don't have the patience to know your name. Go to hell!"    


After he finished speaking, he waved the horsetail whisk in his hand and attacked. This horsetail whisk was made of black iron and was covered with sea silk. It was extremely tough.    


Ouyang Shuming also knew the principle of ending the battle quickly. He used the Spirit Serpent Fist Arts from the beginning. This Fist Arts was unpredictable and had the upper hand in an instant. However, it was impossible to kill his opponent in a short period of time.    


The other two guys were not as strong as Ling Xu, and they were only at the Early Grand Master Stage. Murong Qing waved a Longsword in his hand, and it stabbed forward like another Longsword.    


This guy's weapon was a Single Knife, and it was also a famous saber artist in the ocean. His name was Meng Xiaojun, and his saber was extremely fast and sharp. It was a pity that he bumped into Murong Qing. Not only was this guy's sword technique extraordinary, but he was also proficient in one of the Murong family's ultimate techniques - Finger Integration.    


The last man's name was Liu Xuexuan, and he was cultivating the Iron Palm Technique. Although his cultivation base was higher than the Lion Elder and the Tiger Granny, both of them were at the peak of the Master.    


Now that he had obtained the joint attack technique, it should be known that these two had lived together for 50 years, and their tacit understanding was absolutely incomparable. This wasn't the same as 1 + 1 equals 2, and in just a short period of time, they had gained the upper hand.    


Among the three of them, the first one to end the battle was Murong Qingzuo. The Joint Finger Technique was indeed worthy of its reputation as being comparable to the Six Meridians Divine Sword. Meng Xiaojun couldn't dodge in time, and his throat was pierced through.    


After he killed Meng Xiaojun, he directly pounced on Liu Xuexuan. The latter had just caught his breath and could only die on the spot.    


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