Super Asura System

C275 Opening the Ancient Battlefield

C275 Opening the Ancient Battlefield

Soon, it was the opening day of the Ancient Battlefield. All the warships had entered the First Level's combat zone. All the disciples were terrified. They had no idea why this was happening.    


Xiao Qingyu explained to everyone, "Every time the Ancient Battlefield is opened, there will be a lot of illusions. This illusion is both real and illusionary. We don't know when it will become real. Therefore, we will enter the First Level Combat Preparation state. If anything unexpected happens... Alright. "    


A disciple asked from below, "Since there is such a risk, why do we need to open the Ancient Battlefield?"    


Immediately, a disciple answered," Of course it's because of the benefits. Since there are so many benefits here, it's worth it to take some risks. After all, those who are brave and brave will starve to death, and those who are timid will seek riches from danger! "    


Zhao Yiming nodded secretly. It was true. Many times, when everyone knew that there was a risk, they always had the mentality of being lucky, because the benefits during this period were too great.    


The Cloud Waterswamp suddenly began to shake, and countless water vapors emerged from the ground. These water vapors gradually formed a big screen, like a movie.    


A huge battlefield appeared in front of everyone. On one side, there were people from different races led by the Human Clan. These people had all kinds of strange things. For example, there were some minotaurs with bull heads and winged winged winged Birdmen.    


Opposite of these people were countless people wearing black armor and covered in Black Gas. These people launched their attacks and rushed over like a tide.    


On the side of the square formation of the hundred races, countless bows and arrows soared into the sky. Numerous arrows covered the warriors of the Devil Clan. Some warriors turned into Black Gas, and these Black Gas were absorbed by the others.    


The warriors of the Devil Clan who absorbed the Black Gas undoubtedly increased their size by a few points. Immediately, tens of thousands of catapults were pushed out from the square formation. Fireballs were shot at the square formation of the Devil Clan.    


Everyone looked at Zhao Yiming. They had also heard about the Feng City's defense battle. The Mechanism Apparatus used in this scene was very similar to the one used by Zhao Yiming.    


Zhao Yiming looked at the few people staring at him and said helplessly, "If I said this was purely a coincidence, would you believe me?"    


Monk Fa Yan chanted the Buddha's name and said, "Monks don't lie. I really don't believe this."    


The scene continued to play the war. Zhao Yiming gradually felt speechless. The Mechanism Apparatus that he used during the battle to defend the city was actually displayed here one by one.    


If there was no relationship between the two parties at this time, even he would not believe it. He even felt that there was also a senior who had transmigrated to that time.    


The weapons of the Hundred Races were really too advanced. The few people standing behind the square formation, don't tell me that it wasn't a missile, and it was a vertical launch.    


However, after the death of the warriors of the Devil Clan, they would add their strength to their comrades. Slowly, a huge Devil Clan appeared on the battlefield.    


The Mechanism Apparatus was no longer effective on them. A Human Clan general took out the Longsword from his waist and pointed it at the Devil Clan. The soldiers rushed forward like a tide.    


Both sides began to engage in close combat. The cultivation base of these soldiers made the disciples who were watching feel ashamed. These basic soldiers were at least at the Master Stage.    


Zhao Yiming whispered to Jian Chenzi, "If this illusion can really become real, do you think we can stop it with our warships?"    


Jian Chenzi nodded seriously and said, "If this illusion can become real, the first thing I need to do is to run away. I'm afraid we can't even block a wave of attacks from them."    


Sun Xiuli came over at some point and immediately said, "I totally agree with you, but I'm afraid we can't even run away."    


Li Feng also said to the other elders emotionally, "When I first saw this scene, I was dumbfounded. At that time, I was thinking that if the Devil Clan really attacked us, I'm afraid we don't even have the strength to defend ourselves."    


Yu Ruofei nodded and said, "Every time I think of these scenes, my heart still palpitates. These people are just too strong, and those Devil Clan are simply abnormal."    


Zhao Ya was the youngest among these people. Back when she followed her master here, she was only seven or eight years old. Now that she thought about it, she still felt a lingering fear in her heart.    


She nodded and said, "These scenes are the motivation for my cultivation over the years. Every time I slack off, these scenes will appear in my mind, and I will cultivate with all my might. I hope that I can keep my life when the time comes. "    


Sun Wenhao also sighed lightly and said, "Aren't we the same? However, I know that no matter how we cultivate, we can't compare to the Ancient Hundred Clans.    


So all these years, I have been searching for other methods. I have searched countless ancient ruins, and in the end, I am covered in injuries and injuries. Finally, I have found the method to form a military formation.    


Besides that, I have always been very interested in the Mechanism Apparatus here, but unfortunately, I have never been able to replicate it. Do you know when I heard about the Feng City's defense war?    


When a similar Mechanism Apparatus appeared, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep for a few nights. Today, I will put my words here, before that brat can fully research the Mechanism Apparatus.    


I don't care what dirty benefits there are between you two. If anyone dares to touch him, I will let you know what the Star Moon Battle Array is."    


Gu Yuguan's heart trembled slightly. Although the Haotian Sect was determined to get that Zhao Yiming, he could still consider changing their strategy.    


In fact, there were many times when it was not necessary to use force. A soft knife was more terrifying than a hard axe. Judging from the various signs of this kid, he was also a lecher.    


The few women around him were all known to be beautiful women. It was indeed necessary to make a long-term plan. The key was that this fellow was too smart, and he had to find a person with beauty and wisdom at the same time.    


Ying Tianzhuo's heart shivered. He knew a thing or two about the engagement between his nephew and the Xia Family, and he didn't put that kid in his eyes at all.    


But now, it seemed like he really needed to make a new deal. Although he wasn't afraid of the Star Moon Battle Formation, he might not necessarily win.    


Besides, what War God said was right. Who knew what good stuff this kid had? If he used this matter appropriately, it would definitely bring him a lot of benefits.    


Everyone's thoughts were spinning quickly. Even Zhao Yiming himself didn't know that he was like a cute little rabbit right now, surrounded by a group of lions that were eyeing him covetously.    


If it wasn't for these lions being wary of each other, they would have torn him into pieces long ago. All along, he had thought that he had used a fake master to scare everyone. In fact, what really made everyone shrink back was profit.    


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