Super Asura System

C102 Free and Unfettered Farmer

C102 Free and Unfettered Farmer

After choosing the Cultivation Method, Zhao Yiming quickly returned to the first floor. After respectfully giving the Cultivation Method to the old man, the old man casually glanced at it, indicating that he could take it away.    


The reason why Zhao Yiming chose the Human level Medium Grade Cultivation Method was not because of those high grade and supreme grade Cultivation Method. It was because of two factors. First of all, he already had the Earth-grade Qi Method, so it didn't matter what grade the Mortal Level Cultivation Method was.    


Secondly, in terms of practicality, he thought that Capturing Hand was more practical. Because there was the Ice Palm as an example, the grade of the Cultivation Method was not the final embodiment.    


Just as he returned to his thatched cottage, he saw the door of the thatched cottage open. A beautiful figure was lazily lying on his bamboo bed, looking at the roof in boredom.    


Zhao Yiming coughed lightly, and Xia Zi jumped up from the bed like a grasshopper. Then, a baby bird threw itself into his arms.    


Zhao Yiming gently patted Xia Zi's jade back and held hands. They strolled in the forest behind the mountain. It was lush and had a unique flavor.    


Xia Zi was a little girl who could not hide her words. She talked about what happened last night and told Zhao Yiming. In the end, she said angrily, "I have decided not to be a true disciple. I want to be an outer sect disciple with you."    


Zhao Yiming laughed and pinched Xia Zi's nose. "You little girl, what nonsense are you saying here again? A true disciple was something many people dreamed of. How could you not do it? "    


Xia Zi smiled sweetly and said, "I just hate people saying things behind my back, saying that there is a difference in status between us."    


Zhao Yiming laughed and said, "Other people are jealous, jealous, and hateful. Why do you care about him? You can do whatever you want. The two of us can be happy together and anger them to death! "    


Xia Zi nodded vigorously and said, "I will listen to Brother Ming. We will anger them to death."    


The two of them laughed and continued their sweet world.    


Xia Zi did not stay close with Zhao Yiming for long because she had something to do in the afternoon. She had to rush back to Ziyun Peak in a hurry. Zhao Yiming naturally could not send her away during the day.    


He stayed in the forest for a while and felt bored. He returned to the outhouse alone, feeling bored. He saw Rong Mingzhu sitting on a bamboo chair in front of the door, waiting for him to come back.    


Zhao Yiming greeted him with a smile and said, "I didn't know you were here. Please forgive me for not welcoming you."    


Rong Mingzhu laughed and said, "Junior brother, why are you being so polite to me? I saw a senior sister leave just now. He looked like senior sister Xia Zi from Ziyun Peak. I wonder what your relationship is?"    


Zhao Yiming said indifferently, "I have helped senior sister Xia Zi before, so the two of us are very compatible!"    


Rong Mingzhu said with envy," Junior Brother is really lucky. I heard that Senior Sister Xia will be promoted as a true disciple this month. With her guidance, Junior brother will definitely rise to the top. Don't forget Senior brother when the time comes."    


Zhao Yiming casually shrugged his shoulders and said, "Junior brother, I have never thought of rising to the top and having a place to settle down. That is already very satisfying. As for the rest, it will depend on heaven's will. "    


Rong Mingzhu nodded and looked to his left and right. He said in a low voice, "But don't get too close to Senior Sister Xia. Our Third Senior Brother, Zhao Xu, has a special relationship with Senior Sister Xia.    


He is a very proud man. If he knew that you were in contact with Senior Sister Xia... I'm afraid he will harm you. It's better to be careful. "    


Zhao Yiming smiled and nodded. He had heard Xia Zi mention it once. This was the second time he heard it. He thought to himself, "If this Third Senior Brother doesn't come and provoke me, then forget it. If he dares to come and cause trouble, then I'll blow his level up."    


Rong Mingzhu saw that Zhao Yiming didn't want to talk about this matter, so he changed the topic and said, "I came here this time because I have something to tell you. You know that every outer circle disciple has something to do.    


Elder Wang and I have already researched it, and we want you to take care of the spirit field in the back mountain. There are already a few service disciples taking care of that place. You just need to take care of them."    


Zhao Yiming smiled and said," Then thank you, senior brother. This is just a small token of respect. " As he spoke, he handed over a few Low-grade Spirit Crystal.    


Rong Mingzhu smiled and took the Spirit Crystal. Zhao Yiming handed over another ten Spirit Crystal and said, "I hope senior brother can pass these to Elder Wang. Thank him for his efforts."    


Rong Mingzhu secretly praised Zhao Yiming in his heart. Not only was there someone above him, but he also knew how to behave. This kind of person should be good friends, and it would be good to meet him in the future.    


Rong Mingzhu led Zhao Yiming to the Northern Mountain's spiritual field. The spiritual energy here was very abundant. The spiritual rice produced in the spiritual field was something the official disciples usually ate.    


There were a few people dressed as servants working there. Rong Mingzhu clapped his hands and called those people over, "This is the new outer sect disciple, Zhao Yiming. He will be in charge of managing this place from now on."    


Rong Mingzhu didn't pay any attention to the servants. He turned around and said to Zhao Yiming, "I'll leave this place to you, junior brother. I have something else to do, so I'll be leaving first."    


After sending Rong Mingzhu away, Zhao Yiming turned around and returned to the spirit field. The servant disciples were standing there with respectful expressions on their faces.    


In a sect, the one with the highest status was the successor disciple, but every elder only had one successor disciple. Next were the true disciples, followed by the inner sect disciples, and the outer sect disciples below the inner sect disciples.    


Although these service disciples were considered disciples in name, they were actually servants, and their status was slightly higher than servants.    


Zhao Yiming looked at these servant disciples, and every single one of them had a very nervous expression on their faces. He smiled casually and said, "Don't be so nervous, everyone. I won't bite."    


There were two young servant disciples who had a smile on their faces, but they held it in and didn't dare to laugh out loud.    


Zhao Yiming chuckled and said, "If you want to laugh, then laugh. Don't hold it in. I am not a person who is so particular, and there is no distinction between status and position. As long as everyone works hard.    


Then we're good brothers. But if anyone skives and skives and thinks that I'm weak and can be bullied, then don't blame me for being ruthless and not caring about brotherhood. "    


A service disciple in his forties cupped his hands and said, "Senior Brother, you don't have to worry about this. We'll definitely work hard, and we won't dare to trouble Senior Brother."    


Zhao Yiming laughed and said, "It seems that you are their leader. In the future, when I am not around, you will take my place and control them. I don't know your name."    


The middle-aged man said happily, "Thank you senior brother for your appreciation. My name is Lei Chunbai, and I have been a service disciple for more than thirty years."    


Zhao Yiming smiled and nodded. He had a plan in mind.    


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