Super Asura System

C78 Very Good at Pretending

C78 Very Good at Pretending

After those officials left, Liu Kebai immediately frowned. He didn't know what to do.    


After dinner, all the higher-ups gathered in the living room. Liu Kebai introduced the situation today and said, "We need to think about it. If you have any ideas, just say it."    


Eunuch Sun said at the top of his voice, "In this deep palace, the most common thing I see is mutual deception. I think that even if the four sects were to form an alliance, they would not be able to be completely united. They should be able to split up. "    


Liu Kebai nodded and said," Eunuch Sun is right. However, this also involved the conflict between civilians and families. How should we solve this problem? "    


Huang Minzhong came from an aristocratic family, so he naturally spoke on behalf of the family. He said, "What's there to think about? If those civilians dare to cause trouble, we'll just kill them. Families are the foundation of the empire, so of course we have to protect the country "    


Zhao Yiming snorted and said," You are talking nonsense. The empire is not a family, but the people you speak of. The Empire needs the support of the people. Don't you understand such a simple logic?"    


His words caused everyone's eyes to light up. It didn't matter if his words were right or wrong. Just his words about the empire needing the support of the people seemed to have a deeper meaning, making everyone clap their hands in admiration.    


Huang Minzhong said carelessly, "I don't agree with Young Master Zhao's words. The people are just as lowly as mustard grass, and the children of the family are the pillars. How can we give up the pillars because of Mustard Grass? "    


Eunuch Sun also said sharply," I think General Huang is right. The pillars of the empire are all from different families. Although there are some people among the people, they are very few. "    


Zhao Yiming shook his head and said," Your opinions are too one-sided. Think about it, if there were no civilians at the bottom of the society to serve you, how would those so-called families be able to produce a pillar of the empire?    


The disciples of the various large families are not all outstanding talents. And the outstanding people among the commoners would not be able to obtain the opportunity to display their talents. At this moment, if someone called for the people to fight back, the consequences would be severe.    


Even if every ten thousand people had a Transformational Stage, there would be a lot of Transformational Stage warriors. If every thousand Transformational Stage had one Master warrior, there would be a lot of Master warriors. Even if there is a one in ten thousand chance of breaking through, how many Grand Master warriors will there be?"    


Zhao Yiming's words made everyone suck in a breath of cold air. Because, no one had ever considered this before. The Divine Martial Continent was vast, and its population was in the hundreds of millions. With this, the combat strength of the people was absolutely terrifying.    


Li Jia hesitated for a moment and said, "I think your words are too idealistic. Every year, the big sects would also recruit disciples. Among the commoners, there are only a few who meet the requirements."    


Zhao Yiming said with a smile," Eldest Senior Sister, you are right. However, is the sect's selection really fair? Not to mention the commoners, even some of the Small Family might not have the chance to take the test.    


If the four major sects were at the top, they would only recruit geniuses. The other sects were in the middle, and they recruited those who were eliminated by the four major sects.    


Right now, the White Eyebrow Sect was at the bottom. They were giving hope to the people. I feel that this White Eyebrow Sect is bound to become a huge threat to the empire. One day, if the empire is defeated, it will be destroyed by the White Eyebrow Sect."    


Although Liu Dan had resolved the knot in her heart, she was still dissatisfied with Zhao Yiming. She sneered and said, "I think you are trying to scare us. Not to mention the four major sects, even the empire could easily destroy the White Eyebrow Sect."    


Zhao Yiming shook his head and said, "You are not right. Even if the empire could kill all the higher ups of the White Eyebrow Sect, as long as the empire did not change the current situation, the empire could not change the fundamental system.    


White Eyebrow Sect will rise again. The empire could not defeat the people. When the time comes, you will only be able to run for your lives and be destroyed in the blink of an eye."    


His impassioned look made Xia Zi intoxicated. The others all admired him very much. Although his thoughts were unique, they made a lot of sense.    


In his heart, he was secretly mocking this group of country bumpkins. This was the simplest logic. Any educated youth would be able to speak openly for half a day.    


Liu Kebai stood up and bowed deeply to Zhao Yiming. "Your words are like thunder in my ears. It makes me feel enlightened. I want to ask you how we are going to solve the problem now. How should we resolve the crisis you mentioned? "    


Zhao Yiming smiled and said confidently, "Actually, solving this crisis is very easy. You only need to know what the people need. "    


Liu Dan snorted and said, "You speak as if you are very smart. What do you think the people need? "    


He pretended to be deep in thought and said, "What the people want is nothing more than food and clothing. As long as they can eat well and dress well, they don't care who is in power. As long as they have food and drinks, no one will cause trouble!    


"It's very easy to solve the current situation. You guys distribute relief food to them. Then, find two scapegoats from small families and kill them in front of everyone. "    


You need to let the people know that the Empire hasn't given up on them. The upper echelons of the Empire have always been with them. It was just that the people below did not do well, and the civilians were easily deceived.    


At that time, as long as the White Eyebrow Sect did not have the support of the people, the White Eyebrow Sect would be like a fish out of water. We can deal with them however we want."    


After saying that, Zhao Yiming walked out of the hall. He raised his head and looked at the stars in the sky, pretending to be very lonely. He felt that if he took another feather fan, he would be Zhuge Liang.    


His image seemed incomparably lonely under the starry sky. It was as if everything in this world was under his control, making people deeply admire him!    


This time, not only Xia Zi, even Liu Dan's face revealed an intoxicated expression. But she immediately shook her head, and her face became cold again.    


Eunuch Sun said from the side, "Your talent really makes me admire you. I have experienced three generations of the empire, and I have seen many talented people. But the difference between those people and you is like a weak light and a bright moon. "    


Zhao Yiming said inadvertently," Eunuch Sun, you are too polite. I am just a child. How can my superficial knowledge be worthy of your praise? "    


Liu Kebai immediately said, "We will do as Big Brother says. How should we deal with the four big sects? "    


Zhao Yiming said confidently, "We don't know much about them for the time being. Know yourself and know your enemy, and you can fight a hundred battles without losing a single battle! We need to get in touch with the three sects. We can directly issue an order to make the White Eyebrow Sect a cult, and resolutely attack them."    


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