Making Great Fortune Overnight

C849 Snow God Ten Thousand Year Ice Lotus

C849 Snow God Ten Thousand Year Ice Lotus

The other two also changed their expressions. The leader said coldly, "You are indeed powerful, but don't think you can kill Jin Bo. How dare you act impudently in the territory of my Ancient Tomb Sect? My ancient tomb has an Earth Immortal expert guarding it. There are five to six Divine Stage Martial Masters. There are many true disciples. No matter how strong you are, can you defeat an Immortal? "    


Hearing this, the expressions of the Sword Manor disciples changed. Even Xiao Xiao and Jian Wu's expressions changed.    


Earth Immortal!    


This was a great mountain that was pressing down on the people of Divine Void Realm. The reason why the various large sects were able to rule over Divine Void and control billions of people was because they had an Earth Immortal guarding them.    


Otherwise, just the Sword Manor alone would be able to summon hundreds of inner strength experts. They could easily tear the three from the ancient tomb sect to pieces. Even a Divine Stage wouldn't be able to fight against a hundred thousand strong army. After all, the people of Divine Void Realm... More or less, they had trained their inner strength, and their strength was far greater than that of Earth. Only an Earth Immortal could ignore everything and crush everything, no matter how many people came. Slap to death.    


"I'll make all of you kneel down!"    


Qin Lang didn't even bother with them. He just stared at them with his eyes wide open and shouted out loudly.    


A monstrous Qi instantly surged out from his body.    


The three men of the Ancient Tomb Sect felt as if Mount Tai was pressing down on them. The three white cranes wailed. They dropped their heads and folded their wings. As for the three Immortal Elders, they still wanted to hold on, but in front of Qin Lang's vast aura... All of them fell to their knees.    


"Divine Stage! You're actually a Divine Stage!"    


The leader said with a trembling voice.    


A Transforming Stage was Immortal Master, and he was able to shake an entire region. As for a Divine Stage, he was a big shot even in the Divine Void Realm. For example, in the ancient tomb, there were only a few Sect Elders and Sect Masters who had broken through to the Divine Stage.    


Qin Lang was so young, yet he already had the cultivation of Divine Stage. Only the core disciples of a great sect could have such talent.    


'Could he really be a disciple of a higher sect? '    


The three of them were extremely surprised.    


After that, under the dumbfounded gazes of the disciples of the Sword Manor, the three Immortal Elders of the ancient tomb obediently kowtowed to Jian Wu and apologized respectfully.    


The leading elder even gave a bottle of spiritual pills to Xiao Xiao and repeatedly told her that they had acted recklessly and begged for her forgiveness.    


Her beautiful eyes widened in disbelief.    


The Immortal Elders of the Ancient Tomb Sect were usually like immortals, and they would kill and seize every city in the mortal world. When had they become so respectful? Everyone's gaze couldn't help but focus on Qin Lang.    


It was him who made the three Immortal Elders of the Ancient Tomb Sect so respectful!    


"Immortal Master of the higher sect, this is the true bearing of Immortal Master of the higher sect. It's true that the times have changed." Jian Wu burst into laughter. His beautiful eyes sparkled with admiration.    


At this moment, the three men from the ancient tomb came over and said with smiles on their faces.    


"Immortal Master, we have already apologized. Can we leave now?"    


Qin Lang narrowed his eyes and said with a smile that wasn't a smile, "I have already said that I will let you go if I apologize."    




Instantly, the three of them were dumbfounded.    




To Qin Lang.    


He had only entered the Divine Void Realm for two reasons.    


First, he wanted to find the Celestial Road, and second, he wanted to suppress Divine Void. He wanted to kill until they didn't dare to look down on Earth. And all of this required him to restore his cultivation, or perhaps even advance to the next level.    


The turbulent storms in the space channel were far too terrifying. Although half a month had passed, Qin Lang had only recovered half of his strength. He wanted to completely restore it. * Hong Long...... * Therefore, he urgently needed to find enough herbs to concoct a supreme medicine. He would return to his peak.    


"Tricolor grass? Tundra fruit? Ten Thousand Ice Lotus? These were all precious medicines or quasi-precious medicines. In the entire Divine Void Realm, very few. Other than the few great sects and forbidden areas that are still preserved, the few of us brothers... Let's not talk about meeting them in this lifetime, we've never even heard of them before."    


Hearing Qin Lang mention a few stalks of spiritual herbs, the faces of the three men from the Ancient Tomb Sect turned green.    


"I don't know about it, and I don't know about it either. What do I need you for?"    


Qin Lang narrowed his eyes, and his killing intent surged.    


"Wait, Immortal Master. I've heard of the Myriad Ice Lotus. It was said that there was a Myriad Ice Lotus planted in the depths of the Snow God Palace. It blooms every five hundred years, and it's the most precious medicine of the Snow God Palace. It's very strange, but it can kill people and kill them." The leader of the group, the middle-aged man, hurriedly called out.    


His name was Zihe, and he was the eldest senior brother of the current generation of the Ancient Tomb Sect. The two people beside him were his junior brothers, Siyuan and Sifeng.    


After hearing the description of Si He, Qin Lang frowned slightly. Ten thousand years of immortality. When blooming, dazzling aurora. When a person approached, they would freeze into ice. These were indeed the signs of the Ten Thousand Ice Lotus.    


"It looks like I'll have to make a trip to the back of the mountain when I come to the Snow God Palace."    


Qin Lang rubbed his chin.    


The three of them had already guessed the answer. They didn't dare to think that Qin Lang was thinking about the treasures of the Snow God Palace. That was a dignified high sect, one of the Seven Great Sects of Divine Void. It had an Unparalleled Magnate guarding it.    


After squeezing out the three people of the ancient tomb, Qin Lang casually cast a curse on them and then let them go. After the three of them left the Sword Manor in a sorry state, the youngest Si Feng immediately revealed a ruthless expression.    


"I must avenge today's humiliation. Also, those bastards of the sword manor dared to draw their swords at us. They deserve to go to hell!"    


"This matter needs to be discussed and reported to the teacher. A Divine Stage Immortal Master has appeared under our sect's jurisdiction, and he's close to being a disciple of a higher sect. We must report this to him. " Siss and Old Man Cheng held their ground, but a hint of hatred could be seen in their eyes.    


After the three of them left, the people of the Sword Manor recovered from their ecstasy, and a look of worry gradually appeared on their faces.    


"Immortal Master, they are all Immortal Elders of the Ancient Tomb Sect. You are the Immortal Master of the higher sect, so naturally, you don't have to fear them, but I, the Sword Manor, can't stop the anger of the Immortal Elders of the ancient tomb."    


Jian Wu said with a bitter smile.    


"Brother, why are you afraid of them? We have Immortal Master here. Besides, big sister is a disciple of Wushang Palace, and she also comes from a higher sect. Once big sister returns, we'll annihilate the entire Ancient Tomb Sect. "    


Xiao Xiao harrumphed.    


Qin Lang raised the corner of his eyes. This was the nth time he had heard of Xiao Xiao's elder sister. It was said that her talent was astonishing. She had been taken away by Immortal Master from a young age and had rarely returned home after decades of cultivation. The last time she came back, she was already at the peak of the Transforming Stage. Now, her cultivation base was even more unfathomable, and she was incomparably beautiful. Even the elders of the ancient tomb sect had their eyes on her.    


"Sigh, Yinyin is too far away in the end."    


Jian Wu shook his head.    


However, he did not say anything after that. Instead, he became more respectful to Qin Lang. He was busy helping Qin Lang. Whenever he needed any herbs, he would use all his strength to search for them. He was extremely attentive to them.    


It wasn't until one day, when Qin Lang stopped him and asked him what he wanted, that Jian Wu spoke haltingly.    


"Sister Xiaoxiao, you have been naughty and mischievous since you were young. If you can become Immortal Master's disciple and receive Immortal Master's teachings, my Sword Villa will do our best to serve you."    


Qin Lang found it funny, he cast a sidelong glance at ___ and smiled.    


The purple-clothed girl stood at the side with her delicate hands behind her back. She turned her face away and pretended not to hear him. However, her pair of crystal clear little ears were sticking out. It was obvious that she was looking forward to it.    




Just as Qin Lang was about to speak, a cold voice suddenly came from outside.    


"Brother, I will bring Xiaoxiao back to Wushang Palace. There is no need to trouble others."    


After saying that, a beautiful and cold girl pushed open the door and entered. The moment she entered, the entire room lit up, as if a fairy from the Moon Palace had descended, and a dragon girl from the Dragon Palace had descended to the earth. She wore white clothes that were as white as snow, and she looked extremely otherworldly.    


"Yinyin, you are back."    


Jian Wu forced a smile.    


When Lian Xiaoxiao saw the woman, she did not even dare to breathe loudly. She called out in a low voice.    




"I passed by Huyan territory. I heard that a distinguished guest had arrived, so I specially came back to take Xiaoxiao along with me." Yinyin said lightly and her cold gaze swept towards Qin Lang.    


"May I know which sect you are from? The seven great sects were the Ancient High Sect, Thunder Shock Hall, the Scarlet God Sect, the Leiyin Mountain, the Snow God Palace, the Wushang Palace, and the Great World Sect's core disciples. I know all of them. Those who are as young as you and have great achievements in cultivation... They should be very familiar with each other. Why haven't I seen them before?"    


"I've been cultivating in seclusion and rarely show myself. It's normal that you haven't seen me before."    


Qin Lang replied faintly.    


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