Making Great Fortune Overnight

C772 Missile

C772 Missile

Qin Lang stood in the void and coughed violently. Every time he coughed, his Qi would decline once more. Even his hair had turned gray. In the end, his ink-black hair would turn into half gray and half white. His aura was like a candle flame in the wind, about to extinguish at any moment.    


However, no one in the valley, no matter if it was Hsing Zhan or the other wolves, dared to point a finger at him.    


Everyone looked at the figure standing proudly in the void with fear and shock in their eyes.    


"A Divine Stage who has lived for a thousand years has fallen just like that?"    


The Guangling High Immortal said in disbelief, his teeth trembling.    


The others also lowered their heads and stood there respectfully, not daring to raise their heads. Including Hsing Zhan, everyone's heart was filled with endless shock and fear. Many of the Werewolves stood there stiffly, not to mention escaping. They didn't even dare to move.    


This was a myth!    


Dull Black King, the Diabolic Wolf King, was a genuine Divine level expert.    


However, even such a Divine level expert, who had been in stock for over a hundred years, was killed by Qin Lang with a single slash. At this moment, who dared to look directly at Qin Lang?    


An old legend has fallen. Perhaps, we are all witnessing the birth of a new legend!    


A thought suddenly rose in everyone's heart.    




The sky was filled with them. The yellow sand blew across the sky above the Buried Heart Valley.    


The entire valley was in a mess. Buried Heart Valley wasn't very big, it was about one to two hundred meters in length and width. Qin Lang and Dull Black King's fight could easily attract the power of heaven and earth. It shook the heavens and earth. It had almost destroyed half of the Buried Heart Valley. Luckily, Qin Lang had used seventeen pieces of top-grade jade to set up a defensive Spell Formation in advance to firmly protect the spiritual pond and the Tricolor Flower. It allowed them to remain unharmed.    


"Phew, this battle is finally over."    


Qin Lang's cough gradually stopped. His body became taller and straighter, and his breathing started to recover. With every breath he took, his Sub-Saint Body was absorbing a huge amount of surging Yuan Qi from the heaven and earth. Repairing his body and the Genuine Essence that he had used up. Many trees in the valley also emitted green lights. Like a belt of light, it surrounded Qin Lang.    


At this moment, Qin Lang felt as if he was soaking in hot water. The strength in his body was recovering quickly.    


"It's a pity that time is such a great divine ability, and it requires the consumption of one's natal Yuan Qi. Fortunately, I have the Tricolor Flower that can replenish my Yuan Qi. Otherwise... After this battle, I will need at least half a year to recover to my original state." Qin Lang thought quietly.    


The many powerful Dark Wolf Kings and wolves in the valley did not even dare to breathe loudly. They surrendered to Qin Lang's divine might.    


Only Liu Yongqiang ran over quickly and cried out with wild joy.    


"Qin Lang, you are... too strong. A real person does not show his face! After this battle, who else in the world would dare to fight you? "    


Liu Yongqiang felt that this mission was full of twists and turns.    


First, he successfully found Buried Heart Valley, then found the Tricolor Flower. After that, more than twenty experts of the Immortal World gathered. Even the Third Immortal had come. After that, Qin Lang unleashed his divine might and crushed the three overlords. Liu Yongqiang's heart had just settled down, but before he could rejoice... In the end, over a hundred werewolves came, and there was even a Wolf God who attacked. In the end, when everyone thought that he was going to lose, Qin Lang used his divine ability. Heaven Trampler God Slaying!    


That blade of Time slashed away the lifespan of Dull Black King's Dark Wolf King, which was over a hundred years. It directly caused this nearly unkillable Divine level expert to die on the spot. It was simply miraculous. Liu Yongqiang didn't even dare to imagine that it was a power that could be unleashed by a human.    


Controlling time, one slash for a hundred years.    


Just thinking about it made his heart tremble.    


Hsing Zhan and the rest of the wolf tribe, why did Qin Lang appear so weak? It was because the divine ability Qin Lang used was too powerful. It wasn't the power of a human, it was the power of a god! It was the power of an immortal! It was the power of a devil!    


"This mission has finally been completed. I just need to wait for another day until the Tricolor Flower matures..." Qin Lang nodded slightly, and was about to withdraw the Five Elemental Extreme Heaven Formation that was set up around the spirit pond.    


The formation diagram was the strongest Spell Formation that Qin Lang had refined with him, and it was formed by seventeen top-grade jade talismans. Once it was set up, even if a peak Divine Stage expert attacked for half a day, it would still be fine.    


Just as Qin Lang was about to land, his expression suddenly changed. He suddenly raised his head and looked towards the eastern sky.    


"What's wrong?"    


Liu Yongqiang was confused.    


He turned his head and his pupils shrank.    


In Liu Yongqiang's eyes, he only saw a small black dot shooting towards him from the far east. It was extremely fast, almost beyond the reaction of people. When he first saw it, it was still dozens of kilometers away. In the blink of an eye, it had arrived above the valley.    


"Supersonic missile!"    


A thought appeared in everyone's mind at the same time.    




Qin Lang took a step into the void and ascended to the sky. His grayish-white hair fluttered in the wind, and a divine light shone in his eyes. His black clothes fluttered in the wind.    


Qin Lang stretched out his hand and grabbed the void. It was a long spear made of alloy. It appeared out of thin air in Qin Lang's hand. He grabbed the spear and threw it into the air. The alloy spear shot out like a rocket, instantly breaking through the boundary of time and space. It crossed over a kilometer of space and hit the incoming missile.    




Everyone saw a white light shoot out from Qin Lang's hand, but before they could react, the missile was intercepted in the sky above the valley. It exploded in the air, and a huge fiery light instantly covered over a hundred meters of the void. It almost covered the top of the mountain, and a huge black and red fireball expanded in the sky. The huge shock wave spread out in all directions without any restraint.    


"How could there be missiles?" Liu Yongqiang asked.    


"It's the Mei organization..." Qin Lang said with a fierce look in his eyes.    


"Yang Zhanguo!"    


Liu Yongqiang also wished he could kill Yang Zhanguo with a single palm strike.    


"Luckily Qin Nanzong blocked the supersonic missile. Otherwise, if it fell down, this valley would only be one to two hundred meters away. With the power of the missile, all of us would die."    


Everyone was in a panic. Some of them were confused, some were shocked, and some had lingering fears.    


The missile was a modern military weapon. Once this supersonic missile landed, the radius of the explosion was close to a hundred meters, and more than half of the valley would be covered by it. At that time, only Qin Lang, Hsing Zhan, and a few others would be able to withstand it. The other Grandmasters, powerhouses, and wolves would all die.    


Fortunately, Qin Lang discovered it ahead of time and used a supersonic strike to block it, causing it to explode ahead of time.    


Just as Liu Yongqiang was about to smile happily, he saw that there was no smile on Qin Lang's face. Instead, it became more and more serious, like water.    


"Could it be?"    


Liu Yongqiang was startled. He raised his head and looked towards the west.    


As soon as he raised his head, he saw dozens of small black dots appear in the distant sky. These small black dots rapidly approached, bringing with them the whistling sound of the wind. In the blink of an eye, they arrived in the sky above the valley. Liu Yongqiang could even clearly see the logo and model of these missiles.    




As a military commander, Liu Yongqiang naturally knew the model of the rocket. But because he knew it, his heart instantly sank.    


Under the cover of dozens of powerful heavy rocket launchers, not to mention Grandmasters... Even a half-step Divine Stage would die on the spot, perhaps only a true Divine Stage. Only existences like Qin Lang or Dull Black King could barely survive.    


Thinking of this, Liu Yongqiang looked at Qin Lang in despair.    


Not only Liu Yongqiang, but also Hsing Zhan, Grand Immortal Guang Ling, and the rest of the Wolf Race felt as if they had fallen into an ice cellar.    


The 773rd Sub-Sacred Body, Minor Success Stage    


"Break! Break!"    


Qin Lang's expression was indifferent as he shouted out loudly. He took seven consecutive steps in the air. With every step he took, he shot out an alloy long spear, exploding one or several BM-30 rocket launchers thousands of meters away.    


However, there were too many of them. Even though Qin Lang had destroyed nearly ten of them, the remaining dozens had already rushed within a thousand meters in an instant. The sharp sound of air piercing through the air almost shattered everyone's eardrums.    


There was only one thousand meters left!    




At this time, Qin Lang's eyes lit up. With a slash in the air, dozens of sharp wind blades shot out like a tornado, setting up an invisible interception net in the void.    


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"    


Numerous rocket launchers hit the wind blades and exploded in the air. Dozens of beautiful fireballs appeared in the air. The violent explosions and shockwaves caused the entire valley to tremble like hell.    


Unfortunately, Qin Lang's final interception was too late. Nearly ten rockets broke through the wind blade net and fell into the valley.    




Looking from afar, ten brilliant fireballs bloomed in Buried Heart Valley at the same time. These fireballs exploded one after another. Each of them covered a radius of ten meters. Like a pearl chain, they covered the entire Buried Heart Valley.    


But this was only the beginning.    


In the eastern sky, another wave of fire arrows rained down. Similarly, dozens of rocket launchers let out a long, sharp whistle. However, in the time it took to snap a finger, once again, they fell into the Buried Heart Valley. This time, the sound of the explosion was even louder. Almost the entire Buried Heart Valley was covered by countless intense flames. Even the surrounding mountains were trembling.    


The final decision was made.    


It was a white, beautiful supersonic bomber that flew over ten thousand meters in the air, throwing down a few tons of air bombs.    


As soon as the super large aerospace bomb landed in the valley, it immediately let out a world-destroying sound.    




A sad and beautiful mushroom cloud instantly soared into the sky. It was several hundred meters away. Even from over a hundred kilometers away, one could still see this beautiful mushroom cloud. The entire area within a hundred meters of Buried Heart Valley was completely covered by this mushroom cloud. The mushroom cloud even rushed out of the valley and swallowed all life within a five hundred meter radius.    


The sky and the earth were collapsing, just like a nuclear bomb exploding.    


It was over. Under such a violent explosion, no one would be able to live!    




One year later, in the desolate ruins of Buried Heart Valley.    


The spiritual pond in this valley that lasted for four seasons had long dried up and turned into a pit. Without the spiritual vein, it had long been covered by yellow sand. There was a long stretch of yellow sand and no one was there.    


At this moment, the place where the spiritual pond had originally been exploded with a loud bang, and a purple figure soared into the sky. Inside the Buried Heart Valley, the yellow sand was soaring into the sky.    


The entire northwest desert had arrived at the season where the sandstorm was the most violent. The entire valley was covered in sand that was more than half a meter thick, but at this moment, this purple shadow broke through the sand. It rose up to a height of over a hundred meters and seemed to be on par with the heaven and earth.    


Within the purple light, there was a person standing there.    


That person's black hair was like ink, and his long robes fluttered in the wind. There was nothing in his eyes, and there was no sorrow or joy. His body was like a shiny glass diamond, and it emitted a gentle glow from inside out.    


The moment the man appeared, the cold wind in the entire valley seemed to have stopped howling. The surging energy around his body was like an ocean, as if it could not be controlled. It surged in all directions. Whirlwinds appeared in the air as massive amounts of Heaven Earth Yuan Qi roared beside him.    


"I wonder how long it took for me to enter seclusion this time."    


The man sighed softly as he slowly extended his palm and lowered his head to size him up. His palm was like a perfect piece of jade. Through the palm, one could see the bones, blood vessels, and tendons inside.    


It wasn't just the palm. From the arms to the shoulders, chest, head, limbs and even internal organs.    


All of them were shining brightly, as if they were sculptures made of purple jade. They were perfect and flawless, without the slightest gap or flaw. The man just stood there quietly and dispersed the light. He just stood there in the void. It was as if he didn't use any power, just relying on this body. He was able to walk through the sky and earth as if nothing was there.    


The man clenched his fist lightly and felt the surging power in his body that was like a great river. He had a feeling that he could blow up the entire Earth with a single punch.    


Of course, the man knew that this was just an illusion, and that it was the perfect Sub-Sacred Body. He could not even blow up the Earth. However, the power within his body was several times stronger than before. He was confident that the real Father of Rocket and Bomb would fall. He would not be in such a sorry state anymore.    


"After such a long period of bitter cultivation and adding on the Tricolor Flower, the Demigod Sub Sacred Body has finally reached the initial stage."    


Qin Lang let out a long sigh.    


The man was precisely Qin Lang. When the rocket launcher landed, he saw that things were not going to work out and immediately hid in the 'Five Elements Extreme Sky Formation'. Relying on this powerful Spell Formation, he was able to withstand two waves of rocket launchers washing the ground.    


Then, taking advantage of this time, Qin Lang opened up the biological space and stored the entire Divine Spring of Life within the spirit pond into a spatial magic treasure. Finally, when the Father of Bombs landed, he used magic power to wrap around the Tricolor Flower and escaped underground.    


Even though they were separated by a thick layer of soil, Qin Lang could still feel the terrifying vibrations that could destroy the heavens and extinguish the earth from above.    


"That was just a regular bomb. If it was a nuclear bomb that fell, even if it was a miniature nuclear bomb of several thousand tonnes, I'm afraid I would die without a doubt."    


Thinking of the critical situation at that time, Qin Lang could not help but bare his teeth.    


Because of this, Qin Lang quietly cultivated the Tricolor Flower underground and matured it, swallowing it to replenish his Yuan Qi. After his injuries were all gone, he was not in a hurry to come out, but instead slowly cultivated.    


This time, the explosion in Buried Heart Valley completely woke him up. It let Qin Lang understand that there was still a weapon on Earth that could threaten his life.    


Therefore, Qin Lang decided to go into seclusion and cultivate.    


Anyway, he already had the Innate Dao Body, and he didn't need to breathe to survive for a long time. Not to mention the fact that there were many spiritual pills in the Life Space Tomb, as well as nearly ten tons of Divine Spring of Life. The spiritual energy in the northwest desert was far more abundant than in the city.    


In one breath, he borrowed the power of the Tricolor Flower to cultivate the Demigod Sub Sacred Body to the realm of minor accomplishment. Moreover, he broke through to the middle stage of the Common Mysterious Stage, pushing his cultivation all the way to the peak of the late stage. He was only half a step away from the Divine Sea Realm.    


"At this time, I'm only a turning point away from the Divine Sea realm. As long as I need it, I can take that step at any time."    


Qin Lang narrowed his eyes, deep in thought.    


He could feel that the massive Genuine Essence within his body was several times more vigorous than before. It was almost ten times more powerful than those in the early stages of the Common Mysterious Stage. Moreover, the power was boiling and surging. It could break through the barrier at any time and step into another realm. However, it was being suppressed by Qin Lang.    


Qin Lang had been reborn, and he had been trying his best to cultivate every realm to the peak. He could feel that he was still missing an opportunity. When that opportunity arrived... He would be able to smoothly enter the Divine Sea. Moreover, his substandard Saint Body had already reached minor completion. In the entire Earth, there was something that could threaten him. Basically, only nuclear weapons were left.    


"If that Wolf King from before still dares to appear in front of me, I can blow up his soul with one punch."    


Qin Lang revealed a disdainful sneer and casually threw out a punch.    




The void exploded, and an invisible fist force shot out with a swoosh. It streaked across a distance of over a hundred meters. It crashed into the wall of the desert that was hundreds of meters tall. The snow mountain trembled violently, and was unexpectedly punched several meters wide by the fist force. It was a huge fist print that was more than one meter deep.    


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