Making Great Fortune Overnight

C435 Hiring Soldiers

C435 Hiring Soldiers

Zhu Junwen's palms were sweating. He was now the form teacher of Grade 12 Class 6. If anything happened, he would be responsible for it.    


If this continued, the Department of Education would probably be furious. When that time came, it was very likely that he would be kicked out of the school. Besides, who in other schools would dare to hire a useless teacher like him?    


Zhu Junwen was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan, as if he was holding a hot potato in his hand.    


He ran to the school gate like a headless fly. Not only did a few cars drive in, but all the security guards had been replaced and replaced by the armed police.    


All the people who came and went had gone through strict checks. Damn, what was going on?    


There was a group of social people wearing strange clothes outside the school gate, eyeing them covetously. Maybe the armed police were here for this?    


It turned out that the gangsters outside were all called over by Class 6. If they came in, the world would be in chaos soon.    


Cold sweat rolled down Zhu Junwen's face. It was a nightmare.    


He stood on the side like a fool and did not have the mind to deal with any of the incidents. At this time, the principal's car drove in. When he saw Zhu Junwen, he was furious.    


"Are you still standing here to watch the show? This is a serious dereliction of duty and dereliction of duty! " The principal was so angry that he was shaking. Although he understood the situation in Class 6, Zhu Junwen still had to deal with it, right? What was this called?!    


"Don't think that I won't dare to touch you just because you have a second-in-command uncle. Recently, your performance has seriously tarnished the reputation of the school!" The usually gentle and gentle principal was very angry. He left Zhu Junwen behind and quickly went to deal with the matter.    


The principal was a smart person. He first went to the classroom of Grade 12 Class 6, which immediately opened his eyes.    


Grade 12 Class 6 was empty. There was no one there, but there was a white candle lit on both sides. There was a couplet on both sides.    


In the middle was Zhu Junwen's black and white photo...    


This was a mourning hall. It could be seen how much Class 6 despised Zhu Junwen!    


"This Zhu Junwen has a stomach full of bad water and a stomach full of straw bags. I've had enough of it!" Seeing that there was no one around, the principal couldn't help but curse. Then, he quickly took out his phone and made a call.    


"Hello, Teacher Qin, right?"    


Qin Lang was snuggling with Zhong Yu. He savored the sweet taste of love and naturally wouldn't answer.    


But this call was persistent. In the end, Qin Lang frowned and Zhong Yu smiled shyly. "Answer it, Alang."    


"Hello, is this Teacher Qin? Are you busy?"    


"Yes!" Qin Lang said and immediately pressed the phone. It seemed that it was not a good habit to bring a phone.    


At this time, outside the school gate, an expressionless man was sitting on an off-road vehicle.    


This man had a angular face and was wearing a flat hairstyle. His two thick eyebrows were upside down. He was staring at the Huajie Middle School's every move outside the window without blinking.    


Wu Zhenguo, a very powerful name. He was an agent of the National Security Bureau.    


He had received the strictest security training. He was able to skillfully dismantle all dangerous devices hidden in the dark, use all modern mobile weapons, and obtain the best in many international martial arts competitions.    


His body was full of muscles, and he had a pair of sharp eyes, causing him to be the center of attention.    


Behind the car sat a middle-aged man with a serious expression. He was observing the school's movements behind the brown car window.    


"Zhenguo, don't you need to go down and see what's happening inside? Will there be a disturbance in the school and our opponents will take advantage of it? To achieve their goal? "    


"Hmph, Division Head Chen, this is the difference between me and that bumpkin Qin Lang. We don't need to enter the school, and we don't need to pretend to be teachers! Because the school is the safest place, those foreign mercenaries will never enter the school again. I'm sure!"    


"Oh? Is the school really safe? Didn't those two agents enter the dormitory last time and almost took Huang Rong away?" Division Head Chen seemed to be a little worried.    


"Because of what happened last time, they thought the school was heavily guarded this time. We will not commit crimes in the school anymore. We just need to sit in the car and wait for the rabbit. There is no need to get out of the car. Everything I do is to distinguish myself from the unorthodox Qin Lang! " Wu Zhenguo was very confident.    


It was not until evening when the military police withdrew that Wu Zhenguo drove into the Huajie Middle School. He stopped in the parking lot and observed everything in front of him. However, he did not get out of the car at all.    


The campus was the safest. Because they were young, if there were strangers, it would be easy to find them. How was it possible to kidnap a female student in public?    


There was no need for them to do anything like following the message, personal protection, and turning on their phones 24 hours a day... Wu Zhenguo had a conceited look on his face. It was obvious that he was disgusted by the way the higher-ups had arranged for Qin Lang.    


"Zhenguo, it was our Security Bureau who forcefully snatched the task of protecting Huang Rong this time. Zhenguo, this time, it was our Security Bureau who snatched the task of protecting Huang Rong. You have a heavy responsibility on your shoulders. If you do well, you will bring honor to the Security Bureau. If you do not do well, it will be very serious. You will not lose face for me and you. Do you understand? " Division Head Chen reminded him before he got off the car and was about to leave.    


"Don't worry. I will definitely do better than that Qin Lang. I promise to complete the mission. I think Qin Lang only knows how to kill. He doesn't know how to protect people! That's why it's the right choice for us to snatch it from him! " After Wu Zhenguo belittled Qin Lang for a while, he made a solemn promise.    


What a joke. How could a professional be worse than a martial arts practitioner?!    


Wu Zhenguo's strategy now was that after what happened last time, the evildoers no longer dared to come to school. So now the campus was the safest place. As long as Huang Rong was not allowed to leave the school, everything would be fine.    


Indeed, in history, there were not many cases of kidnapping hostages in public. It was all done by gangsters.    


Of course, if someone really dared to enter the school, Wuzhen Congress would make it impossible for them to return!    


"Oh, right, Zhenguo, what did you mean by asking the agents to come to school to look for someone? Do you want to use Huang Rong as bait to catch them all once and for all?" Division Head Chen's expression was serious. He walked back and asked worriedly.    


"Yes, Division Chief. This is a professional fighting style. Rather than that foolish Qin Lang being careful everywhere, why don't we take the initiative and lure the snake out of its hole!"    


"At that time, with my skills, I will definitely wipe them all out." Wu Zhenguo said casually.    


"I hope so. I wish you success!" Division Head Chen was relieved.    


"This is the difference between an amateur and a professional!" Wu Zhenguo was quite confident. He disdained Qin Lang, whom he had never met before.    


That night at 11: 30 PM, just as the lights in the school turned off, Wu Zhenguo's phone rang. Something had happened in Huajie Middle School's dormitory.    


Because Qin Lang had already withdrawn from the dormitory, Huang Rong returned to the new dormitory but was still quickly found by the mercenaries.    


Wu Zhenguo suddenly woke up. He pushed open the car door and quickly ran over. In the night, about six or seven people grabbed Huang Rong and went down the dormitory building.    


"Things went so smoothly that it was unbelievable. Bill, I suspect that the two agents last night were two stupid pigs. Otherwise, why was there a fire and a gun fight, and they all died in the end?!"    


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