Divine Magic Doctor

C405 Kidnapping Secretary Wu

C405 Kidnapping Secretary Wu

"W-what are you waiting for? Go, kill him!" Zhou Yuefang snapped out of her daze and hid behind Zhou Zhenwu in fright.    


The six of them quickly pounced towards Su Ming.    


Su Ming had already expected Zhou Zhenwu and the others to be so desperate, so he had no intention of giving these people a chance.    


Turning around to make his move, he completed it in one go.    


Su Ming was like a master in a TV show. His attacks were as fast as lightning and he didn't give his opponent the slightest chance.    


In less than ten seconds, the office was silent again.    


Zhou Zhenwu and Zhou Yuefang were shocked and their eyes were wide open as they watched the killers fall down one by one while holding onto their necks.    


"How boring, not even giving me a chance to warm up." Throwing away the blood-stained rifle butt in his hand, Su Ming walked towards Zhou Zhenwu step by step.    


At this moment, Zhou Zhenwu and Zhou Yuefang were completely shocked by Su Ming's methods.    


Who would have thought that six well-trained killers would be like helpless kids in Su Ming's hands.    


Zhou Zhenwu regretted it, and even his intestines turned green from regret.    


"Su, Su, Su Ming, what are you trying to do?" Fear made Zhou Zhenwu completely lose the domineering attitude as if he was looking down at the world from before.    


Su Ming raised the corner of his mouth: "I'll deal with you!"    


"You, you, how do you want to settle the score?" Zhou Zhenwu gathered up his courage.    


After talking about the dust on his sleeves, Su Ming pointed at Zhou Zhenwu and Zhou Yuefang, "It's not yet time to kill you." I'll let you off too easily. "    


"I don't like to use force. How about this, the two of you strip naked and get the hell out of the office."    


Zhou Zhenwu and Zhou Yuefang said in unison, "What did you say?!"    


"Take off all your clothes and get out of here!" Su Ming enunciated each word clearly.    


"Su Ming, don't go too far!" Zhou Zhenwu slammed the table.    


"Su Ming, this, this is the Zhou Family realm, don't think that you can do whatever you want with just some skill." Zhou Yuefang took out her phone, preparing to call for help.    


The office was on the second floor, so the people outside had no idea what was happening.    


Su Ming stayed behind to show off to the two of them. When he saw that Zhou Yuefang took out her phone to dial, he immediately grabbed a wine cup from his desk and threw it over to her.    


"Pah!" His phone was knocked off.    


Zhou Yuefang was shocked. "You, what are you trying to do?"    


"Both of you, my time is limited. If you don't do it yourselves, then don't blame me." Su Ming bent over and picked up a glass shard from the floor, then casually drew it on the desk.    


A deep ruthlessness appeared on the thick wooden desk.    


Zhou Zhenwu frowned as his heart skipped a beat.    


The killer lying on the floor was the best proof. Su Ming was merciless and definitely not someone who could scare people.    


Ever since he was young, Zhou Zhenwu had never been as scared as he was today. It was all thanks to Su Ming.    


"B-big brother, what, what should we do?" Zhou Yuefang panicked.    


"How, how would I know?" Zhou Zhenwu's intestines turned green with regret.    


Su Ming tapped the table with his fingers. "I'll give you guys one minute to take off all your clothes."    


Zhou Zhenwu clenched his fists tightly. This sort of humiliation was worse than death, but he didn't dare to do so.    


The richer and more powerful a person was, the more they cherished their life. Since ancient times, no one had been able to escape.    


Zhou Yuefang had given up on struggling. The smell of blood had destroyed the last line of defense in her heart.    


"Big brother, we …" Zhou Yuefang knew that she would really lose her life if she did not comply.    


Zhou Zhenwu wanted to gain more points. After all, Zhou Family was not a third-rate family in the provincial capital. Even with Ol 'Three supporting Su Ming, they still had to consider it seriously.    


Su Ming saw that the time was almost up and realized that the two of them had no intention of moving.    


"Since you two don't take my words seriously, then don't blame me for being rude." Su Ming walked around the desk with the broken glass in his hand.    


Zhou Zhenwu frowned. Just as he was about to speak, he was slapped by Su Ming and shut his mouth.    


"Don't talk nonsense with me, I don't want to hear it." Su Ming's momentum completely crushed Zhou Zhenwu.    


This was also a lesson given to Zhou Zhenwu. If it wasn't out of respect for Third Young Master Zhou, Su Ming would have already sent two people to Hades.    


"Su, Su Ming, I-I'll do as you said. You, don't, don't hurt me." Zhou Yuefang was completely terrified.    


Su Ming turned around and looked coldly at Zhou Zhenwu.    


Zhou Zhenwu, who was tough a moment ago, was completely terrified. Trembling as he unbuckled his belt, the domineering look on his face was nowhere to be seen.    


Seeing the two of them taking off their clothes one by one, Su Ming was about to kick them out when his phone rang in his pocket.    


He took out his phone and saw that the caller was Third Young Master Zhou. Su Ming picked up the phone.    


"Something happened. My secretary, Wu Xuanyi, was kidnapped."    


"Did you find out who did it?"    


"Laoba of the underworld."    


"Alright, I'll go look for you right away."    


Su Ming turned around and saw the two naked people. He smiled evilly, picked up their clothes and left.    


Looking at his disappearing figure, Zhou Zhenwu finally couldn't suppress the anger in his heart and angrily smashed the office.    


If he didn't vent his anger, even if he were to die, he wouldn't rest in peace.    


After exiting the casino, he saw Zhou Laosan's Range Rover stopping on the other side of the road.    


Su Ming walked over and got into the car. "Did your brother and Second Sister do it?"    


"No, I sent people to check. Wu Xuanyi was kidnapped half an hour ago." Third Young Master Zhou completely eliminated the suspicion of his brother and Second Sister.    


Something was not right. Su Ming was confused as to who did this behind the scenes.    


"How much does your secretary know about you?" The reason why Wu Junyi kidnapped Wu Xuanyi was to find out about Third Young Master Zhou from her.    


Third Young Master Zhou felt a bit awkward when it came to touching privacy.    


Although it was impossible for him to have an affair with Wu Xuanyi in the area of men and women, there were many things in private that Wu Xuanyi knew.    


"Speak!" Su Ming asked again.    


Third Young Master Zhou's face turned red, "She is my friend from the opposite sex. She knows a lot of things, including the company's matters and accounts."    


Wu Tie finally understood. Wu Xuanyi could be said to be the key point. As long as he could get an opening from Wu Xuanyi, Third Young Master Zhou would be in big trouble.    


But who would have the guts to do so? Who knew the relationship between Third Young Master Zhou and Wu Xuanyi?    


Countless question marks floated in Su Ming's mind.    


"Since you know who kidnapped you, then go save them." There was no better way.    


Third Young Master Zhou was enlightened, "Right, they said they want money and want me to go to the Hirota Gasoline Plant."    


"Then let's go." Su Ming urged.    


An hour later, in a logistics park in the northern suburbs.    


Third Young Master Zhou drove for three laps before he found the Hirota Gasoline Plant. On the east side of the park, a yard half the size of a football field had been built.    


When he drove the car in, he saw that there were very few workers and piles of goods everywhere.    


"Are you sure Secretary Wu is here?" Su Ming asked.    


"Laoba called and said that he would use the money to redeem the person. He is also a well-known person in the underworld, there's no need to play games with me." Third Young Master Zhou had met Laoba a few times. Although he had never worked together with them before, he had heard about Laoba's character from others.    


After parking the car, the two went directly to the warehouse at the back of the steam engine factory.    


The atmosphere in the warehouse didn't seem right to Su Ming. There were only a few workers working outside, and there were at least 30 people inside.    


These people held wrenches or iron rods, as if they had prepared them beforehand.    


The moment the two entered, the door to the warehouse behind them was closed.    


The light instantly dimmed. Su Ming looked at the person sitting in the chair in the furthest corner and knew that the person could be Third Young Master Zhou's Laoba.    


"Laoba, what do you mean by this?" Third Young Master Zhou felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere.    


Laoba raised his head to reveal his monkey face. His protruding teeth looked especially ferocious along with his grin.    


"Third Young Master Zhou, yo, you are pretty punctual. You didn't let me, Laoba, down." Laoba looked at the two of them with a cigarette in his mouth.    


He looked around and saw no trace of Wu Xuanyi. Third Young Master Zhou panicked a little, "Where are my people?"    


Laoba clapped his hands. From the back of the warehouse, Wu Xuanyi was hanged on a stick and sent out.    


"Third brother, save me!" Wu Xuanyi shouted.    


Third Young Master Zhou frowned, "Release him for me!"    


Laoba grinned and laughed, "Third Young Master, where's the money?"    


"Here!" Third Young Master Zhou took out his bank card and threw it over.    


Laoba took the card and handed it to his subordinate, "Take out the Pos and check it out."    


The subordinate turned around and left. A few minutes later, he returned and handed the card back to Laoba.    


"I gave you the money, release the person for me." Third Young Master pointed at Laoba.    


Laoba grinned and got up from the chair, "Let him go. Did I say that? Who heard you? "    


"Laoba, you're f * cking messing with me!" Third Young Master panicked.    


Laoba said proudly, "That's right, I'm playing with you. Not only do I want to play with you, I want to play with him."    


Su Ming realized that Laoba was referring to him.    


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