Divine Magic Doctor

C658 Savage Tribe

C658 Savage Tribe

"Brother Su, I beg you, please save my friend. " Jiang Chuchu begged.    


"Your friend?" Su Ming said in astonishment, "Don't tell me you have a friend in his team?"    


"Yes. " Jiang Chuchu nodded and said, "His name is Ye Linqian. If it wasn't for his help that day, I wouldn't have been able to escape from their hands. "    


Next, Jiang Chuchu told Su Ming and the others how she escaped from Black Eyes and the others.    


It turned out that Jiang Chuchu and Ye Linqian had been rushed to the beach together. Since they were in trouble, they naturally became friends. They had agreed to help each other on this island, but it didn't last long. After walking on the beach for a while, Jiang Chuchu met Hei Jing and the others who had escaped death. At this time, Black Glasses and the others had already found weapons in the remains of another ship and held the captain and the others who had escaped from death.    


Naturally, Black Glasses and the others wouldn't let Jiang Chuchu and the others go either. They immediately controlled the two of them to be controlled by them. That night, Jiang Chuchu took the three of them to sleep and prepared to escape. However, the commotion was too great and woke Black Eyes and the others up.    


In order to protect Jiang Chuchu, Ye Linqian failed to escape. The reason why Jiang Chuchu appeared at the wreckage of the ship this morning was to see if she could find a weapon so that she could go back and rescue Ye Linqian.    


After hearing Jiang Chuchu's words, Su Ming nodded and said, "Don't worry. As long as your friend wants to join my team, I will definitely bring her back safely. "    


With Su Ming's promise, Jiang Chuchu felt relieved. Although Black Eyes and the others had excellent weapons, as long as Su Ming helped her, she would be able to save Ye Linqian.    


In the depths of the forest.    


Blackglasses and the others had traveled a long distance in the dense forest. They had no idea how far they had gone or where they had gone.    


There was no other way. This primitive forest was simply too terrifying. The towering tree covered the sky and covered the sun. If it wasn't for the fact that Black Glasses had left marks along the way, they probably wouldn't even have been able to find their way back.    


"Dammit! Big bro, could it be that all the animals in this forest are dead? We've been walking for so long, and we can't even hear a single bird's cry? Could it be that there's no living creature here?" The bearded man complained.    


Black Glasses also frowned at this moment. This forest was far more bizarre than he had imagined. When they were at the periphery of the island, although they could not see any living creatures, they could still hear a few bird's cries from time to time.    


But now, according to Black Glasses' estimations, they had walked at least five kilometers into the forest. Logically speaking, they should have been able to see some living creatures.    


"Brother, if we keep walking like this, we won't be able to return to the camp at the lake before it gets dark. " The cigar man said helplessly.    


"Then what should we do? If we can't find food, we will also die. " The bespectacled man said in pain: "We don't have much compressed biscuits left. If we continue like this, we will be completely exhausted after a day or two. At that time, we won't be able to hunt even if we want to. "    


At this moment, Hou Tiancheng, who had a sharp ear, happened to hear this sentence.    


"Okay. " Hou Tiancheng instantly raged, "They said there was no food, but I didn't expect you guys to hide compressed biscuits. "    


The captain and the two sailors were also furious. Just as they were about to say something, Ye Linqian shouted, "Is this still considered a team? How dare you secretly hide food and let us open the way for you as human shields?"    


"How dare you!" Black Eyes pulled out the gun from his waist and pointed it at Ye Linqian, saying, "Don't think that I don't know that you were the one who let that woman named Jiang Chuchu go yesterday. Are you tired of living now that you still dare to make demands of us?"    


Ye Linqian was at a loss for words for a moment. Although she had a thousand reasons, the other party was holding a gun.    


On this deserted island, guns were the hardest.    


However, Hou Tiancheng, who was standing at the side, did not fall for this trick. He had been holding back against these three people for a long time.    


"Damn it, didn't you guys only have two broken guns?" Hou Tiancheng said angrily, "At most, you can just kill me with one spear. Anyway, if we continue to follow you guys, we will die sooner or later. Why don't we die now and suffer less torture?"    


Hearing this, the captain and the two sailors all responded.    


"Yes, that's right, sooner or later we will die. We won't do it!"    


The scene fell into chaos.    


"Big. . . Big Brother, what should we do?" The cigar man said tremblingly.    


Among the three of them, he was the one with the least courage. If it wasn't for the fact that he had a gun in his hand, he would normally not dare to shout like this.    


"What should we do?" Black Glasses smiled coldly and said: "Since they want to die, we'll fulfill their wish. Anyway, bringing them along will be a burden!"    


Black Glasses thought very clearly. In the current situation, agreeing to be equal with Hou Tiancheng and the rest was absolutely impossible.    


Because they were equal. This meant that they would have to share resources. Food was a small matter, but the important thing was that the weapons could only be in their hands.    


After all, Black Glasses was an experienced person. He knew very well that. . . This kind of rebellion was actually led by one person, and the others followed to increase their momentum.    


As long as this leader was brought out to kill the chicken to warn the monkeys, Black Glasses was sure that the remaining people would definitely soften.    


"Hou Tiancheng, I originally won a few hundred thousand from you on the ship. I was planning to treat you better on this deserted island. " Black Eyes put the gun on Hou Tiancheng's head and said, "I didn't expect you to be so disobedient. Since that's the case, you can go and die. "    


Hou Tiancheng's face was covered in cold sweat. He didn't expect that the black-rimmed glasses would actually dare to kill him.    


It was impossible to say that he wasn't afraid of death. At this moment, his body was trembling slightly.    


At that instant, a rare occurrence took place.    




The sound of wind breaking could be heard.    




Following that, a blood-curdling scream could be heard.    


The bearded man in the crowd fell to the ground with a sound. There was even a thorn on his left arm.    


The thorn was quite long. From the outside, it looked like an arrow, but it was much simpler than an arrow.    


"Who is it!?" The black-rimmed glasses reacted quickly. They pulled out their spears and pointed them in the direction of the spike.    


In everyone's eyes, a human-shaped creature appeared in front of them. Its upper body was completely naked, and the fur on its body was very thick. Its skin revealed a demonic red color.    


On its body, it was only wearing a leather skirt, and there was a bone necklace around its neck. In its hand was the strange bow used to hurt people.    


Primitive barbarian!!!    


Everyone was shocked and immediately guessed the identity of the other party from his clothing.    


"Damn it, why is there such a monster here?" Black Eyes cursed.    


Then, without any hesitation, Black Glasses fired two shots.    


"Awoo!!" The barbarian howled.    


Although these two shots were not accurate enough and hit the barbarian's body, they did not hit his vitals.    


The barbarian was in pain. At the same time, he understood that the people underground weren't to be trifled with. He turned around and ran towards the depths of the forest.    


In everyone's eyes, they could clearly see that the speed of this red barbarian was extremely weird.    


659 Poison Stance    


Somewhere in the forest.    


Su Ming and Jiang Chuchu, who were walking in the forest, could clearly hear the sound of gunshots coming from afar.    


"Is that the direction of the lake camp?" Su Ming frowned. He pointed at the direction of the gunshots and asked Jiang Chuchu.    


Jiang Chuchu shook her head and said, "No, the lake camp is in front of us, not there. "    


Su Ming frowned as he sensed a trace of danger.    


The possibility that there were still people on this island with guns was very slim. The person who had fired the gun was most likely Black Eyes and the others. It seemed that they were not in the lake now, but had instead turned into the forest. Furthermore, it was clear that they had encountered great trouble, or else they would not have fired.    


It had to be known that the bullets of guns were limited. Blackglasses and the others had a crossbow that could be used repeatedly. Unless it was absolutely necessary, they would not open fire.    


Furthermore, this was two shots in a row!!    


"Brother Su, are they no longer at the lake camp?" Jiang Chuchu asked worriedly.    


Su Ming nodded and said, "If I'm not wrong, they must have gone to the forest to find food. Besides, they must have run into some big trouble. "    


"Then what should we do?" Jiang Chuchu panicked and said, "They will never let anyone stay in the camp to wait for him. That means Sister Ye is with them. If we shoot now, will Sister Ye. . . "    


"Don't worry. " Su Ming comforted her, "They only shot twice. It's very likely that these two shots have solved the current situation. Otherwise, the gunshots wouldn't have stopped so early. "    


After that, Su Ming thought for a while on the spot and continued, "The target of this forest is too big. It's too troublesome to find people with just one direction. I should go to the lake first and see how I'm going to go next. "    


In front of the black-rimmed glasses.    


After shooting the barbarian away, the black glasses hurriedly ran to the side of the bearded man.    


"Big. . . Big brother, save me. " The bearded man begged with a pale face.    


The black glasses pulled out the needle from the bearded man's left arm and signaled the cigar man to bandage the bearded man with his eyes.    


After that, the cigar man tore off a piece of cloth from his clothes and bandaged the bearded man in a simple way.    


"Don't worry, he won't die for the time being. " The man with black glasses frowned.    


"Temporarily die. . . I won't die. " The bearded man asked with a trembling voice, "Wha. . . What do you mean?"    


The black eyes signaled the bearded man to look at his arm.    


At this moment, everyone realized that the blood vessels near the injured arm of the bearded man were all showing a strange purple color. The purple color was still showing signs of spreading.    


The arrow was poisonous!    


The bearded man naturally saw the fact that he was poisoned.    


"Big. . . Big brother. " The bearded man's eyes were lifeless as he begged, "Big. . . Big Brother, you have to. . . Save me!! I. . . I don't want to die!!"    


Since there was no bloodshed, This poison was clearly not some kind of poison. As long as there was a doctor here, he would definitely be able to cure this poison.    


But this was a deserted island. Even if there were doctors, they would not be able to find any antidote.    


If he did not wait, he would definitely die.    


Black Glasses also had a headache. After thinking for a long time, a bold idea suddenly appeared in his heart.    


"Don't worry. " Black Glasses comforted MALE2: "Since that barbarian can make this kind of poison arrow, then there must be a way to cure it. "    


The cigar man instantly understood what the man with black glasses meant and asked: "Big brother, you mean we should go and find trouble with the barbarian?"    


Black Glasses nodded.    


"But?" The cigar man said in a low voice, "Since there are barbarians here, they are definitely not the only barbarians on this island. If we go there like this, will we. . . "    


"What are you afraid of?" The man with black glasses said confidently, "As you can see, the weapons of these barbarians are so backward. When our guns ring, not to mention not daring to resist, they will probably worship us as gods. "    


After saying that, the black-rimmed man whispered into the man's ear again. "As long as we conquer these barbarians, do you think we will be worried about not being able to survive on this deserted island?"    


The cigar man came to a realization and immediately came to a realization.    


Just like what the black glasses said, as long as they controlled this group of barbarians, they could directly order these barbarians to give them food. And leaving this island was only a matter of time.    


"Big brother, you are really good at recruiting!!" The man with the cigar complimented the man with the black glasses in a low voice.    


Not to mention Hou Tiancheng and the others, even the bearded man did not hear their conversation. He had no idea what they were talking about.    


The bearded man only felt that what the black-rimmed glasses said made sense. If they wanted to save him now, they could only start from the barbarians.    


"Are you guys done talking?" Hou Tiancheng couldn't help but ask. Didn't you see the barbarians just now? I told you not to go so deep. Why are you still standing here? Hurry up and leave. "    


"Go?" Blackglasses smiled. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You're telling me to leave?"    


Then, Black Glasses told everyone his plan.    


"Damn it, you're crazy! That is a barbarian, a person without any humanity!" Hou Tiancheng was frightened by the bold plan of the black-rimmed glasses and broke out in a cold sweat. " Whoever wants to go, who wants to go. Anyway, I'm not going. "    


"Yeah, this is like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth. I'm not going either. " Ye Lin and Ye Qingye expressed their attitudes.    


Only the captain and the two sailors were still hesitating, but from their eyes, one could see that they were slightly moved.    


"Hou Tiancheng, we haven't settled the accounts yet?" Black Eyes threatened: "Don't refuse a toast, drink a forfeit!!"    


When he shut his mouth, Black Glasses saw that Hou Tiancheng didn't have any intention of backing down and couldn't help but become furious.    


At this time, it was different from before. Black Glasses needed Hou Tiancheng and the others for the time being. After all, there was a certain risk in this matter. If there was an accident, Hou Tiancheng and the others could be the scapegoat and buy him some time.    


Just as he was at his wits' end, he suddenly thought of a plan.    


He smiled evilly and said: "Since you two don't want to go, then I won't force you. However, we will definitely chase after you, so you can only go back to the camp yourselves. "    


"Go back by yourself. ……”    


Hou Tiancheng was only halfway through his sentence when he suddenly shut his mouth.    


The reason why he shut his mouth was because he had noticed the current situation he was in. Everyone had left early in the morning until now, looking at the sun in the sky until now. It was definitely after three o'clock in the afternoon. If they returned to the camp now, they would not be able to reach the lakeside before dawn.    


Black Glasses and the others would definitely not leave them with any weapons. Without any weapons, the two of them would not be able to survive until midnight in the forest!    


What a vicious plan!    


Ye Linqian was not stupid. She naturally understood what was going on.    


"You guys are so vicious!" Ye Linqian directly scolded, "Isn't this equivalent to forcing us into a dead end?"    


Black Glasses sneered and said, "I have given you a choice. Now, you can still choose to work with me. I promise you that I will let bygones be bygones. "    


Ye Linqian was so angry that she almost exploded. Just as she was about to explode, Hou Tiancheng stopped her.    


"Okay, we'll go with you. "    


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