Ancient Ancestral Gods

C812 I don't mind if we go together

C812 I don't mind if we go together

812 - Up together, I don't mind    


"What? You're not convinced? You even brought a helper to chase after him!" Xiao Fan's eyes were as calm as water, but he was filled with killing intent.    


Liu Jieyun did not give up. After they left, he caught up with them and brought a few helpers with him.    


Especially the pair of eyes that looked at him. Like a poisonous snake staring at its prey, they were filled with killing intent towards him.    


It could be seen that Liu Jieyun also hated him bitterly. The helpers he brought were all in Ninth Order Supreme Elder and were very strong.    


"It's not that I'm not convinced, it's just rules. Rules, do you understand?" Liu Jieyun said with a thick sense of anger, "My personal honor and disgrace is small. It is more important for the prestige of the City of God to be offended. You have offended the Holy Capital, so you must be punished!"    


He was truly unconvinced in his heart. It was impossible for him to be humiliated like this by a madman without taking revenge.    


He wanted revenge, he wanted to wash away his shame. He needed to preserve the dignity of the capital, and he needed to regain his dignity.    


"You sound like a very nice guy. I'm afraid you want to take revenge on me even more than you want to, even if you want to protect your dignity!" Xiao Fan sarcastically said: "For your City Lord's sake, quickly leave, or else you will have to bear the consequences!"    


On the surface, Liu Jieyun's words sounded perfect, but in reality, he understood what Liu Jieyun was thinking.    


She was just making a perfect excuse to take revenge on a personal grudge.    


However, he wouldn't let Liu Jieyun succeed. Even if he brought helpers, it was impossible for them to succeed.    


"What big words, what great face! Even you are worthy of mentioning my City Lord!"    


"Kid, the prestige of the capital is inviolable. Since you've damaged the prestige of the capital, you must receive the punishment you deserve!"    


"Injuring the guards and humiliating the city lord is an even greater crime. Obediently surrender and you might even be able to take it lightly!"    


Looking at Xiao Fan's self-righteous expression and hearing his arrogant words, the helpers Liu Jieyun had brought along were angry.    


All of their faces were filled with disdain and anger. A brat with the strength of a Grade Three Martial Saint actually dared to trample on the dignity of the City Lord, and was still so arrogant when compared to their City Lord.    


What do you mean in consideration of their City Lord, quickly leave or face the consequences?    


It was a contempt for them, as well as a disrespect towards the Divine Kingdom and the City Lord.    


With just their Ninth Order Supreme Elder, could it be that they were afraid of a third-ranked Martial Saint?    


"It's better if all of you obediently return!" Xiao Fan smiled.    


His smile was not a true smile. Instead, it was a smile filled with killing intent.    


If you still refuse to leave tactfully and think that he is easy to bully, don't blame him for not giving you face.    


Village Head Lin Yaoqing stood at the back with an ugly expression on his face.    


Just as he was talking about the Divine Capital, the Divine Capital had already sent reinforcements to kill Xiao Fan, wanting to punish him.    


He also did not expect that Xiao Fan would be so bold as to not even have the slightest possibility of retreating.    


Looking at the situation in front of him, it was hard to avoid a fight.    


Perhaps this battle was the beginning of a disaster for their village.    


"Ignorant child, you asked for this. I, Qin Fang, will punish you!"    


One of them, a man with a small beard, unleashed his Ninth Order Supreme Elder in anger, unable to endure Xiao Fan's arrogance any longer.    


He took a step forward, shrank the ground into an inch, and arrived in front of Xiao Fan.    


His tightly clenched fist was filled with blazing light, it was as powerful as a mountain torrent exploding out, smashing straight towards Xiao Fan, producing the sound of war drums beating against each other.    


Xiao Fan was attacked by Qin Fang, but Xiao Huan and the Divine Palace Lord did not move behind him, they only sneered.    


Just as the fist was about to hit his body, Xiao Fan moved, his entire body released a gold light, with a swing of his fist, the afterimage was like a golden cloud in the sky, and in an instant, the might of the eight times more destructive god fist was unleashed.    




The two fists collided, a fierce confrontation of power was taking place. The ground under their feet was being torn apart, and the surrounding space was exploding with sparks one after another.    


Qin Fang was pushed back several steps by that punch. His expression changed as the muscles on his face twitched.    


The emotions in his heart were uncontrollable.    


That punch just now was completely unlike the power a Grade Three Martial Saint could bring out.    


That punch had caused his arm to feel a bit numb and even a bit painful as he had to retreat a few steps.    


It was really hard for him to imagine how Xiao Fan could cultivate to be so powerful.    


It was not only the fist power that was ferocious, the fist power that Xiao Fan had used was also terrifyingly powerful.    


From punching out to colliding with his fist, in an extremely short amount of time, it exploded with eight times the power. It even had a trace of destructive power, which was extremely terrifying.    


As the retreating Qin Fang stabilized himself, Xiao Fan had already pounced on him. With the same fist strike, the storm raged like flowing water of the Yangtze River.    




Qin Fang waved his fist, and in an instant, concentrated fist prints formed, blocking in front of him and producing a loud sound.    


At this moment, Qin Fang's heart was in doubt and he quickly retreated.    


Only after they exchanged pointers did they know that Xiao Fan was a man with a deep grudge. If one was careless, they would fall head first.    


No wonder Xiao Fan was so arrogant, he finally understood.    


For a third-ranked Martial Saint to be so powerful, it was truly terrifying. He did indeed have the qualifications to be arrogant.    


Liu Jie Yun's face became ugly once again. Qin Fang, as a Ninth Order Supreme Elder, had actually been forced to retreat by Xiao Fan.    


He had originally thought that he would be able to take care of Xiao Fan easily, but he hadn't thought that he would be so strong.    


With regards to the matter of the city gate, just based on the simple exchange of blows with him, he had already understood the terror of Xiao Fan.    


As a result, they specially gathered a few Ninth Order Supreme Elder s, hoping to capture Xiao Fan and the rest.    


In reality, when they were fighting at the city gate, Xiao Fan had only used the corner of the iceberg's power, hiding it too deeply.    


"Why are you retreating? You're not trying to punish me, you're trying to capture me! Come on, I'll stand here!" Xiao Fan said with a smile, "If one person is not enough, we can all attack together. I don't mind at all!"    


"Damn it, he's too arrogant!"    


"Don't get too carried away!"    


As the Liu Jie Yun who had been humiliated by Xiao Fan, he was even more furious at this moment.    


Qin Fang was also very upset, upset, and angry.    


The other Martial Saints' expressions were also ugly as their anger surged.    


It was a blatant provocation, ridicule, and contempt for them.    


did not mind that a Level 3 Elder wanted to challenge their Ninth Order Supreme Elder, but he did not mind that at all.    


If he really did that, if word of it got out, it would just make those people who did not know the truth laugh at their powerlessness. It would be too embarrassing to waste so many resources and resources on a third ranked Zhi Zun.    


"Actually, don't be angry. In order to not make you lose face, I can accept one or two challenges from you!" Xiao Huan's face was filled with joy as he walked forward.    


"Me too!" The lord of the Divine Capital twisted his beautiful body as he spoke.    


"You are all extremely hateful, brazenly speaking and humiliating words. Do you really think that we can't take you all down!?" A youth with a purple crown on his head snuck out of the darkness. With an ice-cold expression, his body was surrounded by purple aura, and after sweeping a glance at Xiao Huan and the Divine Palace Chief, he stared at Xiao Fan and said, "You will have to pay a heavy price today!"    


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