Bloody Doomsday: I Became A Tyrannosaurus Rex

C177 New Talent Red Lotus Breath

C177 New Talent Red Lotus Breath

Crazy Animal City's super weapon warehouse exploded with powerful energy violence!    


Especially that heat that was even more terrifying than the temperature of the earth's core!    


Chen Chu had once faced a nuclear explosion in the Dahang Mountain, but he was never so close to it!    


The current distance was only three kilometers!    




Chen Chu's wings were turning into ashes bit by bit, and under the help of his grade six Regenerative talent, they were growing again.    


Fire Resistance: 51    


Fire Resistance: 52    




Radiation resistance: 41    


Radiation resistance: 42    




In the midst of the violent energy, the color of Chen Chu's body was turning red!    


This wasn't using the Color Changing innate skill!    


It was because these energies kept invading his body, making him feel as if his body was about to expand!    


The Crocodile Armor that was covered in mysterious runes flickered with a red light.    


The red light became increasingly bright!    


Looking from afar, the red light in the black smoke was like the birth of some great calamity!    


Chen Chu opened his mouth and a red light appeared in his mouth!    


Attribute Panel Update!    


Talent 7: Fire Jet Vanish Vanish    


Ability 3: Red Lotus Breath (Level 1)    




Fire Resistance: 55    


Radiation resistance: 45    


"Ao -"    


A red beam of light shot out from Chen Chu's mouth and shot into the sky.    


It scattered the black ashes in the sky!    


"Heavens! What's going on?! The volcano erupted?"    


"It's Overlord! It must be Overlord!"    




Hee Jianfeng, who had retreated frantically, had already returned to the aircraft carrier.    


When he saw the red light, he was shocked in his heart.    


In his mind, he immediately thought of the nuclear explosion in Dahang Mountain, the blue beam that shot up into the sky!    


"It's over! That Evil Dragon isn't dead!"    


"Sir, what do we do now?"    


"Retreat! Retreat immediately!"    


"Hu -"    


Chen Chu poured out a lot of the energy that was wreaking havoc in his body along with the red light.    


Under the Derivation innate ability, the Derivation actually produced a new ability among the super weapons of humans!    


"Hahaha! The means of attack has become even stronger! Xiao Shiyi, I really have to thank you for this."    


If he hadn't consumed Xiao Shiyi's Derivation and used the Fire Spit, he wouldn't have been able to transform his innate Derivation into a divine ability when he was withstanding the nuclear energy.    


The Red Lotus Breath was different from the Overlord Breath.    


The Red Lotus Breath was a wireless hotline!    


It had super powerful heat energy!    


Basically, it could melt everything.    


The Overlord Breath was the ionization beam.    


From now on, the nuclear energy would become Chen Chu's nutrient solution!    


"Buzz buzz!"    


The aircraft carrier started to move, preparing to retreat.    


"Father, that b * tch Hee Jianfeng is going to run away." Zhang Dapai, who was hiding in the depths of Chen Chu's ear hole, survived!    


Chen Chu spread his wings and flew high into the sky, heading straight to the surface of the sea.    


A huge red figure appeared.    


When Hee Jianfeng saw Chen Chu's figure, he was frightened.    


"Cannon! Shoot!"    


"Boom, boom, boom!"    


Dozens of cannonballs bombarded Chen Chu's body.    


The high temperature and heat energy after the explosion were all absorbed by Chen Chu!    


If the Red Lotus Breath wanted to increase its power, it needed to absorb heat energy!    


"Hee Jianfeng! How dare you plot against me! Divine ability! Red Lotus Breath!"    




A red pillar of light shot out from Chen Chu's mouth.    


A huge hole instantly appeared on the aircraft carrier!    


Chen Chu slowly raised his head and ordered the Red Lotus Breath to cut the aircraft carrier!    


It was like a super laser had cut an iron plate.    


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"    


The huge aircraft carrier was actually split in half under the Red Lotus Breath!    


"The aircraft carrier is going to sink! Quickly jump!"    


"Ao -"    


The heat in his body had yet to run out. Chen Chu shook his head and shot randomly.    


The slowly sinking mothership had become a sea of fire. It was a horrible sight.    


A large number of humans on the ship were turned into ashes as soon as they touched the Red Lotus Breath.    


Hee Jianfeng stood at the edge of the deck.    


"Don't kill me! I am a First Rank Officer! I can give you anything you need!"    


" Howl - "    


The Red Lotus Breath started from Hee Jianfeng's head to his feet, and his entire body started melting and turning into ashes.    


The members of the Mad Beast Hall were stunned.    


This Evil Dragon was too strong!    


"Hurry up and leave! Don't get caught up in it!"    


The sea creature from the Mad Beast Hall rolled its body and set off a huge wave, extinguishing half of the fire on the mothership.    


The two members even ran in the direction of the Prophet.    


Chen Chu's spray had turned the two of them into ashes.    


"Evil Dragon! How dare you!" On the back of the sea creature, a fierce beast was still shouting.    


They also wanted to retreat, but they needed to take the Prophet away when they retreated.    


Chen Chu naturally could not let them do as they wished. The Prophet was his!    


"All the members of Mad Beast Hall! They are all on my must-kill list! Since we have met, there's no need to leave! "    


"No!" The ferocious beast immediately became dispirited, "We still need to fight City Lord together!"    




The Red Lotus Breath shot towards the ocean creature.    


The ocean creature raised its huge head, opened its mouth, and a thick water column shot up into the sky, colliding with Chen Chu's Red Lotus Breath!    


"Hiss! Hiss!"    


When the high temperature touched the seawater, it immediately vaporized, and a large amount of boiling hot mist appeared around it.    




The Red Lotus Breath shot through the water column and into the mouth of the marine creature.    


It pierced through its huge mouth and shot into the ocean.    


The surrounding sea area was boiling hot!    


"Wuuu -"    


The marine creature let out a sorrowful cry as its huge body turned white.    


Under the direct attack, it died on the spot!    


"The heat from the explosion of a nuclear bomb, can a mere seawater block it?"    


"Gulp. Gulp."    


The seawater was boiling hot, like a pot of boiling water.    


The marine creature was about to be cooked.    


"Father, Zheng Shanhe said City Lord still has a body! He ran in the southwest direction!"    


City Lord was like a fire burning in the wild. He was born again in the spring wind!    


As long as he still had a body, he could rely on his Devil Skill and talent to grow again!    


City Lord had never thought that he would be tricked by a human.    


Now, only one-tenth of his huge body was left!    


After losing one-ninth of his body, City Lord felt incomparably weak.    


After the nuclear explosion in Animal City, the temperature was too high. It was no longer suitable for him to stay here.    


Thus, City Lord followed the southwest direction and ran towards the primitive forest of East Africa!    


"Southwest direction, isn't that the primeval forest of East Africa? We absolutely can't let him run over there!"    


The Eastern African primitive forest was one of the outbursts of the fourth Heaven Earth Great Disaster! Furthermore, there are many animals resting there!    


Chen Chu descended, "All of you get the hell out here!"    


Judy, Nick, and the Prophet clung onto Chen Chu's feet.    


"Zhang Dapai, let Zheng Shanhe and the others go to the primitive forest in East Africa."    


He spread his wings and flew southwest.    


There was nothing left in the Wild Animal City that could be missed.    


Except for City Lord, all the other forces had been slaughtered.    


Chen Chu's Evolution Value had also grown a little, reaching 9876341: 120000000.    


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