CEO's Love Affairs

C1489 Unable to Resist(2)

C1489 Unable to Resist(2)

"Doctor Lin, thank you... Jiani, thank you!" Wang Qian's watery mist was filled with gratitude.    


"What are you saying?! What are you thanking me for..."    


When she was in the most difficult time, she was the only one by her side. !    


Jiani opened the red packet in her hand and took a look.    


It was really a thick stack!    


Without counting, she still handed it to Lin Xuanfan, "See if it's enough to pay Ah Yu's hospitalization fees! Save those perverts from chasing him out again!"    


Lin Xuanfan was a little helpless. "Jiani, how can it be as exaggerated as you say!?"    


"Alright! I'm joking with you, quickly count..." Jiani just remembered that Lin Xuanfan was a part of the upper echelons of this hospital. It was not good to keep saying things that would harm the hospital like this. She quickly stopped talking.    


"Enough! That guy has always been very generous. I don't even need to count to know!" Lin Xuanfan only received it and gave it a glance.    


"By the way, you and him..." Jiani wanted to ask him about what they knew, but suddenly, the phone in her pocket rang.    


"Wait... I need to answer the phone first!" Jiani took out her phone and smiled apologetically as she left the ward.    


She took a look at the caller ID and saw that it was him, Lan Chengyu.    


She was a little hesitant... Should she answer or not?    


He took a deep breath and pressed the answer button.    


She had a feeling that this man was calling her to question her about what had just happened! If he found out that she was doing volunteer work outside, he would probably never come to the hospital again!    


"Come out!"    


Jiani had just received the phone and before she could say anything, she heard a clear command from the other end of the phone.    


Following that, a mechanical beeping sound rang out.    


Before she could speak, the phone had already hung up.    


Jiani looked at the phone in her hand in a daze. She was unable to calm down for a moment.    


Did she really receive a call just now?    


There was a moment when she really suspected that it was an illusion!!    


This man was really overbearing!!    


"No manners!!" Curling his lips, he complained in a low voice. He put away his phone and returned to the ward.    


"Well, I'll go out first, I'll be back soon..."    


Jiani did not know why, but when she said this, she felt a little guilty.    


She did not want any of them to know about her relationship with Lan Chengyu. After all...    


Their relationship was not honorable at all!    


"Alright... Jiani, if you have something to do, then go! I don't have anything to do with it..." Wang Qian replied in understanding.    


On the other hand, Lin Xuanfan just lazily leaned to the side and did not say anything. After a long while, he raised his eyes and looked at her meaningfully. He reminded her, "Jiani, go early and come back early. We are still waiting for you to start work!"    


"Okay... I know!"    


After saying that, Jiani went out of the ward.    


At this time, Jiani felt a little lucky. Fortunately, he came at noon. During the rest, she changed her work clothes out of convenience. Now, she was only wearing casual clothes.    


Very quickly, Jiani came out of the hospital.    


Standing at the entrance of the hospital, she looked around but did not see the man's figure.    


Wasn't he outside? Why didn't he see him?    


Jiani was a little suspicious. After waiting for a while, just as she was about to turn around and leave, suddenly, a silver Buchani Veyron swept past her. A cool breeze blew past, giving rise to a bit of chilliness. The luxurious car stopped in front of her.    


"Get in the car!"    


It was the same simple command.    


The window rolled down, revealing his handsome and cold profile.    


He did not turn his head to look at her, but Jiani could clearly feel his coldness.    


It seemed that he was not in a good mood today!    


However, she could not leave. She was about to go to work!    


"Are you looking for me for something?" Jiani stuck her head out and asked him weakly.    


Lan Chengyu frowned and finally tilted his head to look at her.    


From top to bottom, it finally landed on her neck that was tied to her eyes.    


After a while, two words popped out from between her lips. "Get in the car!"    


It was short and neat, but there was no doubt about it.    


Jiani glanced at him and curled her lips. Helpless, she could only get into the car.    


This man's aura was always irresistible.    


Jiani got into the car and just as she sat down, Lan Chengyu's pair of cold palms reached towards her.    




Before she could react, the next moment, there was a hissing sound.    


Jiani frowned and could not help but let out a low cry of pain. She subconsciously covered her neck.    


Band-aid adhesion was very strong. When it was suddenly ripped off, it pulled on her sensitive skin. It was as painful as being pricked by needles. It was painful. It was Mommy. Fortunately, the pain only lasted for a moment.    


He stared at him, feeling wronged. There was a questioning look in his eyes.    


"What the hell is this!?" Lan Chengyu completely ignored her questioning look. He only glanced indifferently at the band-aid in his hand and cursed in a low voice in disgust.    


In the next moment, he threw it into the garbage bin in the car.    


He raised his eyes and looked at her. His eyes were cold to the point of having no warmth at all.    


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