Deserted Wife's Extraordinary Life

C638 Out of Prison

C638 Out of Prison

Perhaps Shi Jiangyuan and Zhao Shihong were together because they borrowed Zhao Shihong's reputation as a playboy to satisfy their restless hearts and made Zhao Shihong take the blame to cover up their romantic affairs.    


Therefore, Liang Ying had always felt that to her, Shi Jiangyuan was like a fly that didn't bite a seamless egg. Sooner or later, Shi Jiangyuan would be in her hands.    


Liang Ying was extremely confident. In her entire life, there was nothing that she could not accomplish successfully, just like how she now opened up a large shopping mall in Lu County and realized her dream of doing business.    


Although it was difficult to operate now, Liang Ying had recently used the assets of the shopping mall as collateral to refinance herself and obtained a loan of 500 thousand yuan from the bank.    


Although the total amount of loans had already exceeded over one million yuan, Liang Ying was not worried at all. Looking at the flourishing business of Friendship Mall on the other side, she had always felt that it was because she hadn't seized the initiative that her own business was inferior to Friendship Mall's.    


She believed that as long as time passed, she would be able to think of ways to break the monopoly of Friendship Mall. Currently, Universe Appliances were selling for a lot less than Friendship Mall s, attracting a lot of people who had low incomes in the mountain regions but also pursued a modern life.    


Seeing that the electrical appliances were selling quite well, this gave Liang Ying a lot of confidence that she would be able to completely destroy her Friendship Mall in a short amount of time.    


However, the news of Shi Jiangyuan and Kang Ying officially becoming lovers had truly provoked Liang Ying. Otherwise, she wouldn't have broken this layer of paper and sent Kang Ying's' ugly story 'to the capital.    


The Beijing friends originally only knew that Shi Jiangyuan had blossomed under an iron tree and finally found a pretty girlfriend.    


Now that Liang Ying felt that this matter was urgent, she wanted to use the pressure from the public to force Shi Jiangyuan to abandon Kang Ying. Therefore, she couldn't wait to bring up the matter of Kang Ying's divorce to the capital.    


Liang Ying reckoned that Shi Jiangyuan didn't even dare to tell his family's elders that Kang Ying was a divorced woman.    


If the elders of Shi Family knew that Shi Jiangyuan, who was highly valued by them, found a woman with such terrible conditions, they would definitely beat the both of them up.    


This move was originally meant to injure one thousand enemies and wound herself eight hundred times. Liang Ying didn't want to use it carelessly, but the situation was urgent, so she had no choice but to use this move.    


As long as she could separate Kang Ying and Shi Jiangyuan, she would think of a way to deal with the rest.    


After hanging up the phone, Liang Ying was elated. She had a nagging feeling that Shi Jiangyuan would feel terrible if he knew that she was a woman that was looked down upon by her friends in the capital.    


After hanging up the phone, Liang Ying was finally able to vent her anger. She brewed herself a cup of coffee with double the milk candy and savored it contentedly.    


At this moment, Zhang Qian walked into her office and said, "Liu Kun is about to be released from prison tomorrow. He wants us to go pick him up."    


Liang Ying suddenly felt unhappy. She felt that Liu Kun was too good at putting on airs. He actually dared to ask her to pick him up?    


Liu Kun seemed to not only have not been taught a lesson in prison, but he had also become more honest.    


Liang Ying suddenly had a bad feeling. She always felt that Liu Kun was no longer easy to control since he went to the prison and got brainwashed by those criminals.    


If that was the case, wouldn't it be letting Liu Kun go if she tried to use her connections to let him out?    


No, he must show Liu Kun who's boss, and let him know that it's Liang Ying who can cover the sky with one hand.    


Therefore, he said to Zhang Qian, "Ignore him. It's not like he has no legs and doesn't know how to find a bus."    


Zhang Qian said, "Forget it, you are our brother after all. You have been there before, so you know it's a long way from the prison to the train station. Since you got him out, you should be happy to pick him up.    


After all, Liu Kun suffered through this big change. I feel that his temperament has changed. If you don't want to provoke him, then go and pick him up! "    


Zhang Qian did not make it very clear. However, he felt that if Liang Ying had a guilty conscience, she would definitely be moved by his words.    


As expected, when Liang Ying heard this, she hesitated for a moment, then softened her tone and said, "Forget it. Like you said, we are siblings, and we still need to develop together. There is no need to be friendly with him because of such a trivial matter."    


Seeing Liang Ying give in, Zhang Qian was relieved. Right now, the operation of the company depended on Liang Ying's social relations. If something happened to Liang Ying, he couldn't be alone. The glory in front of his eyes would also become smoke in the sky.    


Although the company was heavily indebted, as long as Liang Ying was around, she could still survive.    


Zhang Qian was very satisfied with his lofty image in the eyes of outsiders. In the past, when he was looking at his father's shop, he had no name nor money, and even his girlfriend looked down on him.    


Ever since he became the manager of Universe, his girlfriend had been pestering him all day. She had been acting like a spoiled child and trying to curry favor with him, treating him more seriously than a slave serving his master.    


Zhang Qian knew that this was the effect of his halo as the manager of Universe Shopping Center. If he didn't have this halo, how could his girlfriend be so good to him? How could his father-in-law and mother-in-law ask him to come home to eat every day?    


Without Liang Ying, there would be no Universe Shopping Center. After all, Liang Ying had her mother's big golden signboard on her head, and there were also three pounds of nails on the broken boat. As long as Liang Ying was here, his Universe would not fall.    


Therefore, just like now, when Liang Ying committed a "mistake", he would remind her. However, the way he reminded her was very tactful. Just like how he reminded Liu Kun, Liang Ying would only feel touched by the matter, not let Liang Ying feel that she knew something.    


Liang Ying began to work from top to bottom. After some effort, Liu Kun was evaluated as a good prisoner in the prison and was awarded enough points to be released on parole.    


After this wave of manipulation, Liang Ying threw in a lot of money. Although she felt pained in her heart, when she saw Third Aunt smiling at her and no longer fretting over her, Liang Ying could only accept her fate.    


The next morning, Liang Ying drove to the prison with Zhang Qian to pick up Liu Kun.    


Wu Qin initially wanted to go with him, but Liang Ying told her that Liu Kun would definitely bring his luggage when he got out of prison. If she did, his luggage wouldn't be able to hold her.    


Since her son wouldn't leave this time, she started to tidy up Liu Kun's room happily. She also said that once Liu Kun came out, she must quickly tell him about the marriage and protect his heart. As for the college entrance exam, she didn't expect it.    


I hope that Liang Ying can give Liu Kun a position in Universe that will earn me a hundred and eighty yuan a month.    


With a job, although it would be difficult to find a girl with good character in the city, if he was willing to lower his status and go to the mountainous region to find a girl with a rural household registration, it would not be a problem.    


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