Evil CEO's Favorites

C614 Chapter 614

C614 Chapter 614

However, this time, she was at a complete loss. It was likely that he would once again fall into despair. That man, that man who loved her so much …    


After chatting with her daughter, Jun Haixin looked at the time. It was already 11pm, but he still hadn't returned home yet.    


Ever since their marriage, he rarely came home late. But this morning, because she still couldn't clear her heart, she didn't explain it to him.    


Where would he be now?    


Lili called Bai Zhuyun's cell phone, but told him that it was off. After some thought, Lili dialed Mo Feng's number again. "Where's Zhuyun now?"    


"In the Bai Sect headquarters, Madam, the woman before had nothing to do with the Sect Leader. I accompanied the Sect Leader to dinner that day, and from start to finish, the Sect Leader did not say a single word to him, much less look at him." With great difficulty, Sovereign's life stabilized for more than ten years. He really did not wish for the Sect Leader to once again fall into pain because of some unexpected things.    


After all, it could be said that Mo Feng had been watching over Bai Zhuyun and Jun Haixin's feelings all those years ago.    


"I understand. I'll have a good chat with Zhuyun. Don't worry, you won't worry about anything." Jun Haixin said.    


After ending the call, she drove towards Bai Sect headquarters. Even though she had been married for many years, she rarely came to the Bai Sect. If she really counted them, her daughter's frequency of coming to Bai Sect was much higher than hers.    


Arriving at the Bai Sect headquarters, Jun Haixin revealed her name plate, Bai Sect, and under the surprised gaze of the guard at the door, she walked in.    


At night, there weren't many people inside Bai Sect Headquarters, and those who saw her occasionally wouldn't recognize her. He had never used his eyes to look at her.    


To Zhuyun, she was the person he loved the most, but to an ordinary person, she was just an ordinary middle-aged woman. Even though her maintenance was still good, she was still carrying the word "charm" with her.    


According to Mo Feng, Jun Haixin had arrived at the top floor of the headquarters. Her identity card was the highest level within the Bai Sect, equivalent to a Sect Leader. The electronic lock on the nameplate could naturally open the door to the top floor as well.    


When Jun Haixin saw Bai Zhuyun, she only saw the familiar figure sitting at the furthest corner of the long table in the dark meeting room. The huge electronic screen in front of them was showing the video footage he had taken of her all these years.    


In the camera, most of the people were smiling, as if they were smiling at the camera. Although there were many times when the smile was very faint, and the first transition was fleeting, it was indeed a smile.    


She had never known that her smile could contain so many emotions.    


She approached him step by step, and he, as if hearing her footsteps, slowly straightened his body, stood up from his chair and turned to face her.    


His body was covered by the light, and most of his body and face were covered by the dim light. She could not see his face clearly, and could only hear his voice murmuring, "It's so late. Why are you here?"    


"I've come to find you." Jun Haixin said.    


"Do you have something to say to me?" His voice was low and deep, like the sound of a cello playing in the night.    


"Mm, there are some things I want to talk to you about." After all these years, there were some problems that she might not look straight at. It was only now that she realized the changes in her heart, "Zhuyun, I know that the interactions between us over the years have always been a result of your hard work. I am just accepting it. If it weren't for your painstaking efforts to maintain this marriage, perhaps our marriage might not have come to this day. "But it won't happen again, I think …"    


Before she could finish her words, her wrist was suddenly grabbed by him. The next moment, the sky and earth started to spin, and she was pressed down heavily onto the conference table by him.    


Her back was against the cold tabletop, and his hands were tightly pressing her wrists. His legs skillfully suppressed her legs, completely trapping her in that instant.    


He leaned over and faced her, and it was only now that she could see his face: pain, frustration, helplessness. And the brutality of the bluff.    


I don't care what you think. You have to be angry, you have to scold me, you have to punish me. You can do whatever you want. "No!" he growled hoarsely, his white head hanging down, almost blocking her view. "But no matter what, I won't divorce you, not even if I die!"    


It was not easy for him to live with her, to become her husband. Even if she did not love him, even if she did not feel anything for him, he could endure it, he could deceive himself as long as she did not leave him.    


Divorce? Jun Haixin frowned, she didn't know why Bai Zhuyun wanted a divorce. Was it because of her terrible attitude towards this matter over the past two days? Or perhaps the uneasiness that he had been suppressing in his heart for the past ten or so years had caused him to have this kind of thought.    


"I never wanted to divorce you." she said.    


He was stunned for a moment before a look of surprise quickly replaced by self-mockery, "Yes, you wouldn't divorce me for Rann. The reason you married me was to give Rann a normal family."    


The self-deprecation in his eyes made her heart ache. The reason for all this was because of her as well.    


"Zhuyun, let go of me first. We need to have a good talk." This is not a good place to talk, she said.    


However, he did not let go. He only lowered his head and stared at her, as if he was trying to guess what she was thinking through her eyes.    


His head drooped lower and lower, and his entire body was enveloped in his aura. Her thin lips pressed against her cheek, yet there was an indescribable coldness to it.    


Jun Haixin didn't struggle. Instead, she let Bai Zhuyun's lips kiss every inch of her face. Her eyebrows, her eyes, her nose, her lips …    


wandering and cherishing...    


"Haixin." He mumbled, "What are we going to do so that you can stop being angry and forget about it? In my entire life, I have never loved a woman other than you.    


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