Evil CEO's Favorites

C601 Chapter 601

C601 Chapter 601

Bai Yuerann's eyes were cold. Her eyes were very similar to Bai Zhuyun's. When these eyes stared coldly at someone, it would make them feel like they were being seen through as they trembled inside.    


At this moment, the girl felt the same way. He wanted to avoid the other party's gaze and quickly leave this place. There were so many people on the stairs just now, and it was so chaotic that no one would have noticed that she was the one who pushed Bai Yuerann down.    


She wanted to teach Bai Yuerann a lesson, but she didn't expect Cang Yao to hug her so tightly and let her be safe.    


"Is that so? Do you really think I'm framed? As long as you ask your teacher for the surveillance on this staircase, you'll know whether it was you who pushed it or not. " Bai Yuerann snorted coldly.    


"Here... Is there a monitor? " This was clearly out of the girl's expectations.    


"Do you think a school like this has no surveillance? If something really happens to that student, wouldn't the school have to shoulder a great responsibility? "    


The girl's mask that she was trying so hard to maintain finally crumbled under his words, "That's right, so what if I pushed it? Who wants you to take over Cang Yao, but you never thought of letting him go. "    


What responded to her was a fierce slap from Bai Yuerann.    


With a strong force, the other party staggered and nearly fell to the ground. The surrounding people were all shocked. The development of the situation had obviously surprised everyone. Some of them even sucked in a mouthful of air. Just by hearing the sound of that slap, one could tell how painful it was to slap someone.    


The girl covered her swollen cheek and looked at Bai Yuerann in disbelief. She had not expected her opponent to dare to slap her like this in front of so many people. "You …"    


"Since you like being distant, you should also know that you will protect me from afar." Bai Yuerann interrupted him and said coldly, "If you want to attack me, you should find an opportunity when he isn't by my side. Don't you think that when he was by my side and you pushed me down the stairs, he would protect me with all his might?! I wasn't the last one to be hurt, and it could have been him! With your behavior, can you still say that you like him? "    


The girl was rendered speechless. Even though she wanted to ruthlessly refute the other party, she did not know how to refute him. It was as if all his words were powerless in front of her.    


"I won't let today's matter go just like this." Bai Yuerann said. She did not want to repeat the same thing over and over again when someone had tried to harm her. Her safety not only represented her safety, but also included that of Mommy and... Cang Yao.    


Therefore, she would definitely make the other party pay the price. She would also let the other students in the school warn them against such petty tricks in the future!    


The motto of Bai Family was "If anyone hurts me one bit, I will repay them ten times!"    


The girl burst into tears and ran away as if she couldn't stand the situation any longer. Bai Yuerann walked back to Cang Yao's side and found his right hand hanging limply at his side. The unnatural posture made her immediately react. "Your arm's fractured?"    


"Yes." He replied indifferently, as if this was an extremely ordinary matter.    


"Then you said that everything was fine?" For some inexplicable reason, she suddenly had the urge to get angry.    


"It's not a big deal." It was just a broken arm, and he had suffered worse injuries. It was just that with this kind of injury, it would be enough to let her be safe once.    


Her face was cold as she pursed her lips. A moment later, Bai Yuerann said to Chu Lyu beside her, "Lu, I can't eat with you today. I want to send you to the hospital first."    


"I'll go too." Chu Lyu quickly said.    


"No need." She refused, "I'm bringing him to the Bai Sect area, you should go eat first. Maybe I won't be going back to school in the afternoon, so you should help me ask for a leave of absence from the teacher. "    


After saying that, she pulled Cang Yao's left hand, which was still intact, down the stairs and walked towards the school gate.    


Chu Lyu stared at the two figures in shock. At this moment, just like the time when Rann was hit by a basketball, Cang Yao carried her while he did nothing.    


This feeling of powerlessness once again swept through him. Why didn't he hug her first? He even specially trained every day in order to protect her!    


But in the end, once danger arose around her, he still couldn't protect anything.    


A wave of pain came from his chest, accompanied by a deep sense of frustration that almost drowned him.    


He clearly … He wanted to protect her more than anyone else!    


— —    


Cang Yao didn't say a word and just let Bai Yuerann hold his hand tightly. His eyes were half closed, falling on the hand they were holding.    


Just like that night, he taught her how to play games and extended his hand towards her. The more she held his hand, the warmer she felt.    


In her memory, she didn't seem to feel that her hands were that warm. So when did it start to feel warm?    


Ever since the night she taught him how to play games? Or when she wanted him to sleep with her? Or was it earlier, when she had stroked his hair?    


Bai Yuerann pulled Cang Yao out of the school. She called a taxi and told the driver the address.    


As the car headed towards its destination, neither Bai Yuerann nor Cang Yao spoke a word along the way. Her hand naturally loosened up after she got on the car.    


The wrist of his left hand was still warm, but there was a faint feeling of loss in his chest.    


What was he losing? Did he want her to keep holding his hand? But why did that hope arise? How long would he want to hold it?    


Questions floated in his mind. In the past, he would never think about these questions. But now, there were more and more questions, and he often didn't know the answer to them.    


When they reached the entrance of Bai Sect Headquarters, Bai Yuerann and Cang Yao got out of the car and walked towards the main entrance.    


Bai Yuerann rarely came to the Bai Sect side. Even though the guard at the entrance didn't recognize Bai Yuerann, he recognized Cang Yao, who was following behind her.    


There was only one possibility for Cang Yao to be walking together with a girl of about the same age. Moreover, it could be said that Bai Zhuyun's shadow was very obvious on Bai Yuerann's face.    


"Miss Bai!" The guard opened the door and shouted respectfully.    


"Is Doctor Jiang in?" Bai Yuerann asked. This Doctor Jiang was a doctor exclusive to Bai Sect, and his medical skills were naturally exceptionally good as well. He was an expert in the field of surgery. There were only a handful of people in the entire Bai Sect who could be treated by Doctor Jiang.    


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