Evil CEO's Favorites

C473 Chapter 473

C473 Chapter 473

It was him who made her do all these things. It was also him who made her regret a bit less when she left this world.    


"Haixin, I'll wait for the day when you tell me something else." Bai Zhuyun finally spoke up after a while. What he wanted was never her thanks. If one day she could fall in love with him, then even if he had to endure decades of loneliness and crazed desires, he would still be willing to do so.    


It was because he loved her to the point where he was crazy for her. He loved her to the point that he was willing to endure the endless years without her for a promise.    


— —    


Bai Zhuyun could be considered as living in Jun Family because Jun Haixin was about to start production soon, so Bai Zhuyun was basically guarding Jun Family. If there was anything urgent on the side of Bai Sect, he would come to Jun Family to inform Bai Zhuyun. Thus, in these past few days, he would often see the figures of a few people from the Bai Sect.    


Bai Zhuyun was like a perfect husband. Jun Haixin's care and protection were almost gone from his palm to his mouth. He served her even more personally, doing many of the things that had been done by the servants in the past.    


For example, pregnant women whose legs were prone to swelling, Bai Zhuyun would occasionally knead Jun Haixin, massage her legs, and even run to Jun Ziyan's side to inquire about some specific things. The pile of books on pregnant women and babies in Jun Haixin's bedroom was already thick, and seemed to be increasing every day.    


Once, when Jun Haixin was taking an afternoon nap, she fell asleep on Bai Zhuyun's arm. When she woke up, it was already a few hours later. Bai Zhuyun's arm was completely numb. Blood circulation is not fluid will cause the consequences, can be light can be heavy.    


Wake me up when Jun Haixin says, "If there's such a thing in the future, wake me up. Otherwise, if it was pressed for too long, his arm might be crippled. "    


Bai Zhuyun said without a care, "It's just an arm."    


Jun Haixin suddenly thought of the time when she had broken three of his fingers. At that time, he too did not care about his own body. This man would only cherish what he had in mind, but he was indifferent about his own body.    


She pursed her lips and ran her fingers over his face.    


Surprise flashed across his eyes. He placed his hand on the back of her hand and asked, "What's wrong?"    


"Don't be like this ever again. Don't care about your body anymore." Jun Haixin opened her mouth and said, "Perhaps you feel that it doesn't matter if your body is injured as long as you don't die. But to me, it's different."    


His pupils contracted as he looked at her. She was worried about his body. She cared about him, more than he could have imagined!    


She knew that under the cover of her clothes was a body covered in scars. "Also, after the birth of the child and the full moon, even if I'm in excruciating pain, you can no longer maim yourself like before."    


The look in his eyes turned into shock, but he didn't answer her. Instead, his thin lips curled into a straight line. Obviously, he didn't want to agree to her request. He was not her Predestine, and no matter how he hugged her, he could not stop her pain.    


The only thing he could do was accompany her in pain.    


"Promise me!" Jun Haixin said coldly.    


Bai Zhuyun stared fixedly at the person in front of him. His thin lips slowly opened, "I can't just look at your pain and do nothing."    


"If you are really doing this for my own good, then for the child's good, you should properly cherish your own body." Jun Haixin took a deep breath and said once again, "I don't want you to drag your broken body along with your child in the future." Moreover, she didn't want to see him injured. In the past, she might not care, but now … When she thought about how she would be injured because of him, she felt an indescribable sense of frustration and heartache.    


His lips were once again pressed into a straight line, and his deep eyes were fixed on her.    


As for her, she stared at her, not avoiding her stare in the slightest.    


The two of them seemed to be exchanging looks with each other, neither of them willing to back down.    


Time passed, minute by minute.    


After a long while, Bai Zhuyun lowered his eyes and said to Jun Haixin, "I promise you, I will cherish this body of mine in the future."    


It seemed as if he would always be the one to lose the 'battle' between them.    


When he said that, Jun Haixin finally felt relieved, and she heaved a sigh of relief.    


Even though he was unable to control her body, at the very least, his body would be perfectly fine.    


— —    


Jun Haixin's production date had long been set. The day before she was admitted to the hospital, Jun Haixin went through all kinds of routine examinations and had a laparotomy. She was very calm, and even before she entered the operating room, she was still flipping through a magazine.    


Trying to compare Jun Haixin's calmness, Bai Zhuyun was obviously more restless. He even pulled the doctor who was about to undergo surgery aside a few times, asking him in detail about possible emergency situations during labor, even if... The doctor had told him this many times.    


When Jun Haixin was pushed into the operation room, Bai Zhuyun's body tensed up. He stood outside the operation room and stared at the closed door like a stone statue.    


Anyone could see that he was nervous. As time passed, Bai Zhuyun's face slowly turned pale.    


Jun Haixin was a high age parturient, and was already 41 years old. Even if it was a cesarean section, even if the Jun Family had prepared the best doctor, there would still be danger.    


Seeing Bai Zhuyun like this, Jun Haizhou walked up and lightly patted his shoulder. "Don't worry, Haixin and the child will be safe."    


However, Bai Zhuyun still didn't move. His gaze was still fixed on the door of the operation room. He didn't have the slightest reaction to Jun Haizhou's words.    


This man didn't hear what he said at all! Jun Haizhou sighed and could not help but sigh. At that moment, all of Wu Tie's attention was focused on Haixin and the kid in the closed operating room.    


Jun Haizhou didn't say anything else. He just stood to the side and waited quietly with Bai Zhuyun.    


Suddenly, when the door of the operation room was pushed open, Bai Zhuyun was startled and rushed to the doctor who had just walked out of the operation room.    


"Haixin, she …" His voice actually had traces of trembling.    


"The operation went smoothly, Miss Jun... Well, Madame Bai has a daughter. " The doctor changed his mind when he remembered Jun Haixin's status as a married woman.    


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