Evil CEO's Favorites

C460 Chapter 460

C460 Chapter 460

"Also, Jun Ziyi and his zither skills, when he was seven years old, he met her Predestine. She grew up with Predestine Qin Mei, but her Predestine never loved her, and only treated her as her little sister. On the day of Predestine's wedding, she threw herself into the lake with the zither in her arms. "    


He pointed at the rows one by one and told her everything. The stories of the Jun's s came one after another, but the more she listened, the more shocked she became.    


Jun Family... What kind of family was it? Amongst the Jun's he narrated to them, they found the Predestine. However, without the Predestine's love, they ended their lives.    


It was as though … To be born for love, and finally to die for love.    


After he finished his narration, her face turned slightly pale, and an unspeakable pain emerged from her chest. Her eyes seemed to be filled with watery vapors, as if she would tear at any moment.    


"What's wrong? Did these stories make you sad? " His fingers brushed the tail of her eye.    


"Yes." She nodded honestly. "They're too pitiful, too persistent." If not so persistent to insist on a person's love, perhaps it would not be the end of the tragedy.    


"Pitiful?" He suddenly sneered, "Xiaorong, do you think this is pitiful? If they are pitiful, then what about those Jun's s that even the Predestine s have never been able to find? "    


Lu Xiaorong bit her lips, "Even if Predestine did not fall in love with them, there's no need to die!" "She had experienced the deaths of her loved ones, so there was nothing more precious than life in her knowledge." They can go find other Predestine. The world is so big, but I can always find a Predestine that they love.    


Her seriousness made him smile self-deprecatingly. From the beginning to the end, he had been deliberately misleading her, which was why she had such a thought.    


"Not everyone can become a Predestine. To those in the Jun Family, there can only be one Predestine in a lifetime. " Jun Zichen said.    


Lu Xiaorong was flabbergasted, her face full of puzzlement. "Can there only be" represented passivity, which meant that it was impossible to fall in love with anyone else?    


However, Jun Zichen did not continue to explain. Instead, he held her hand and walked deeper into the ancestral hall.    


It was a very long passage. On both sides of the passage, there were all sorts of monitoring equipment. And every so often, there would be a door that needed to be entered with a password and fingerprints to be able to pass through.    


It was evident how heavily guarded this place was.    


After walking for about five minutes, he stopped in front of a door with a complicated design engraved on it. This door seemed very old, and it gave off a feeling of history.    


"Other than the people from the Jun Family, only the Predestine can enter this place." Jun Zichen said to Lu Xiaorong.    


"Huh?" She was stunned. Only the Predestine can enter this place? Because she is Zichen's Predestine, she can go in, "What about Huanhuan? Did she go in there too? "    


In Lu Xiaorong's understanding, since a good friend was someone that Jun Ziyan loved, then naturally, they would be Predestine s of Jun Family as well.    


"No, she can't." Jun Zichen said, facing Lu Xiaorong's puzzled eyes, he slowly said word by word, "Because, she is not Predestine."    


"How could that be? Didn't Jun Ziyan love Huanhuan that much? Isn't Predestine just … " Before she could finish, his hand had already pushed open the door in front of him, pulling her inside.    


Lu Xiaorong's voice stopped abruptly as she stared blankly at the room in front of her. The room in front of him was more like an exhibition hall. There were glass cabinets, glass cabinets containing all sorts of different things, jade bracelets, mottled and rusted iron swords, a long skirt that had already turned yellow from corrosion, and a cup with precious gems embedded in it … All sorts of different items dazzled everyone's eyes.    


Lu Xiaorong couldn't help but ask, "These things are …"    


"They are all the people on the tablets in the hall before, the things that they loved the most when they were alive." Jun Zichen said, "If I die one day, then my memorial tablet will also be placed in that hall, and some items that I once owned will also be placed here."    


Her heart suddenly tightened. When the word "dead" came out of his mouth, she had an inexplicable feeling of panic.    


She did not like him to say the word, as if he might leave her at any moment!    


She had had enough of the feeling of her loved ones leaving, so — She suddenly took a step forward and tightly hugged his waist, burying her face in his embrace.    


She hugged him so tightly that she felt as if she were trying to sink herself into his body.    


"Don't think too much about what happens after you die, not to mention the word 'dead'." she muttered in his arms.    


This is... The love of the Predestine? He lowered his eyes to look at her in his arms. And after a while, when she understood everything, would she still hug him like this? Do you still remember what she promised her? Would she still love him that much?    


He clenched his hands into fists and used all his willpower to restrain himself from hugging her. Once he held her, he was afraid that he would retreat, that he wouldn't have the courage to tell her everything.    


"Xiaorong, here, aside from the items that the ancestors of Jun Family left behind when they were alive, there are also their handwritten letters." Jun Zichen said after a long while. If possible, he wanted to stand there and let her carry him until the end of time.    


"Handwritten letter?" Her head lifted from his arms.    


"Want to see it?" His voice was like a spring of ice, seeping into her ears.    


The letters of the ancestors... The letters they wrote down, their Jun Family still retained until now? It could be said that the surprise and astonishment she received from coming to this ancestral hall was too much.    


"I want to see it." She nodded, answering him.    


His eyes gently closed, as if he was pondering, as if he was hesitating, but also as if he was mustering up enough courage.    


When he opened his eyes again, the depths of his eyes were completely silent. It was as if he was a bottomless pool of death, causing others to be unable to pry out any of his thoughts at this moment.    


He took her hand and led her to a side wall where there were rows of glass cabinets. In each case, there were handwritten letters, written on bamboo slips, written on silk, written on yellowed paper.    


These handwritten letters were all well-preserved. Even though some of the words on them were blurry and ancient, something she didn't recognize, she was able to grasp a general idea of what it meant.    


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