Evil CEO's Favorites

C414 Chapter 414

C414 Chapter 414

The next day, Jun Haixin still followed Bai Zhuyun to a big hospital in K City. If it wasn't for the fact that her current physical condition didn't allow her to sit in the car for too long, Bai Zhuyun probably would have even thought of driving her to the best hospital in B City for labor inspection.    


And the reason why Jun Haixin followed Bai Zhuyun to the hospital was because she knew Bai Zhuyun was right. She was already 41 years old. Although there were many older mothers these days, the risk of having a baby at her age was still higher than that of a normal pregnant woman. Going to a large hospital for labor was also responsible for the child.    


In the luxurious car, Mo Feng was driving in the front row while Bai Zhuyun and Jun Haixin sat in the back.    


Bai Zhuyun was still holding the Child Care Scripture , reading it slowly and elegantly. If someone wasn't clear about it, they would probably think that he was reading some famous literary book or something like that.    


Jun Haixin simply turned her head towards the window, looking at the scenery along the way. When she first came to City K, she had been aimlessly walking through the city. She just wanted to avoid Bai Zhuyun, but she didn't know where she was going. She didn't want to stay until she arrived in front of the village.    


"Why this village?" Bai Zhuyun's voice suddenly sounded in the car.    


Jun Haixin was stunned for a moment before reacting. He was asking her.    


"It doesn't matter if you don't want to." Bai Zhuyun said plainly.    


"It's just that I want to do what I can and it can be considered as accumulating blessings for my child." At that time, when she saw those simple and honest villagers, she suddenly felt that if she did more good things before she left this world, would the heavens give this child more happiness in the future?    


She had never had such thoughts before, but ever since she became pregnant, there seemed to be a lot of things that made her think about children. Was it because she was going to be a mother?    


Bai Zhuyun was slightly surprised as he looked at Jun Haixin. At this moment, her face was no longer cold and indifferent, but instead, it was emitting a gentle charm. Even though he knew, her gentleness was not towards him, but towards the child in her belly. He reached out, as if possessed, to touch her face, but the moment his hand was about to touch her face, she turned away.    


His hand suddenly missed its target.    


Bai Zhuyun laughed self-deprecatingly and retracted his hand. Then, he continued to look down at the "Child Care Scripture" in his hand. There was a stifling silence within the carriage.    


Mo Feng drove the car nervously, while silently sympathizing with his Sect Leader. Perhaps, it was destined to be a type of suffering if he met a woman like Miss Jun who didn't even care for food and salt.    


Perhaps, for the Sect Leader, there was happiness amidst hardships? To stay by Miss Jun's side like this was the Sect Leader's wish all along!    


Mo Feng thought like this …    


— —    


In the hospital, pregnant women were lined up, either with husbands or with family members. A few of the pregnant women were still talking to each other, talking about various things related to pregnancy. Suddenly, he saw a few nurses hurrying toward the other end of the corridor.    


Everyone looked over and saw a man and woman appear at the end of the corridor, walking towards them. The woman had a big belly. Judging from the size of her belly, she should already be seven to eight months pregnant. The woman wore a light purple maternity dress, her hair was simply tied up, and her face was covered with a clear broth. However, she still gave off a gorgeous vibe. The man had a handsome face, but he had a head full of eye-catching white hair. Although he was only wearing a simple shirt and pants, he had the air of a superior.    


This pair of handsome men and beautiful women were always eye-catching.    


At this moment, the man was helping the woman walk forward step by step. The woman looked unhappy, but her expression was cold and indifferent.    


A few nurses came in front of the couple and bowed respectfully, "Mr. Bai, we are ready. We can check for Miss Jun anytime."    


"En." The man replied plainly.    


"Please come with us." The man and woman followed the nurse into the VIP corridor of the hospital.    


Upon seeing this scene, everyone began to guess the couple's identity. Those who were able to enter the VIP entrance were either rich or people with power.    


Compared to the guesses from the outside, Jun Haixin and Bai Zhuyun remained silent. They made the nurse who accompanied them and the doctor who conducted the examination tremble in fear. They were afraid that if they were not careful, they would anger the two of them and they might not even be able to keep their jobs.    


Although it was fine to measure the blood pressure, Bai Zhuyun still stood on the side while they were measuring the belly circumference. Jun Haixin said uncomfortably, "You go out first."    


However, Bai Zhuyun still stood on the spot. Obviously, he had no intention of leaving.    


Jun Haixin pursed her lips and glared at him.    


Bai Zhuyun suddenly started to move slowly. He walked towards Jun Haixin.    


Leaning over, he bent down and whispered into her ear, using a voice that only they could hear, "I have seen your body everywhere. Or now, are you embarrassed? "    


She glared at him with indignation in her eyes. A very faint blush appeared on her originally white face.    


There was one thing he was right about. She was indeed embarrassed.    


It was one thing to go to bed with him, but it was another to undress in front of him and let him watch her pregnant body.    


"Doctor, measure." Bai Zhuyun straightened his body and took two steps back as he spoke to the female doctor who was about to measure the waistline.    


The female doctor nervously walked forward and looked at Jun Haixin's frowning expression. She carefully said, "Miss Jun, please take off your clothes …"    


Jun Haixin remained silent. Just when the female doctor thought Jun Haixin was rejecting her silently, Jun Haixin suddenly raised her hand and took off her jacket. She then lifted up her close-fitting T-shirt, revealing her round belly.    


The female doctor, upon seeing this, carefully measured the circumference of her abdomen. Bai Zhuyun stood to the side, staring at Jun Haixin's stomach.    


There were purple and red lines crisscrossing the round belly. He knew that these were the so-called pregnancy-related marks. However, this was the first time he had truly seen it.    


Once upon a time, her abdomen was like a piece of white jade. The brilliance was exquisite, so white that not a single flaw could be seen. But now, looking at her belly, he didn't feel ugly at all. Instead, he felt even more beautiful.    


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