Evil CEO's Favorites

C326 Chapter 326

C326 Chapter 326

"As long as you treat me a little better, and are willing to lie to me a little, I will be willing to be cheated by you, and I can do everything for you. You said you wouldn't give me a chance because I did something I shouldn't have done to your family. "Then if you had coaxed me and lied to me in the beginning, before I did these things, I might not have done these things." He spoke in a low voice, his voice hoarse with longing.    


If at that time, she hadn't rejected him so completely, if at that time, she hadn't made him feel despair, if … If she had given him a chance back then, then … Was everything going to be different now?    


Or … If he could have loved her less, if he could have loved her less deeply, he wouldn't have done such a thing that almost caused Bai Sect to follow him and be destroyed.    


He was the Patriarch of the Bai Sect, so he naturally knew about the power and influence of military affairs very well. If he was smart enough, he should know that opposing the Jun Family was the worst thing that could happen, and if he wasn't careful enough, it would cause the Bai Sect to completely disappear, becoming a noun that was gradually being forgotten by the people.    


However, he still took the Bai Sect and put it in, just to get her gaze back at him.    


Bai Zhuyun slightly bent his waist and carefully carried Jun Haixin. Although she had broken three fingers on his left hand, that didn't stop him from picking her up.    


After passing through the garden, Bai Zhuyun directly walked to the gate. A black Rolls-Royce stopped outside, and Mo Feng and a few men in black suits ran up to him with small steps, "Mr. Bai, are you leaving now?"    


"Yes." Bai Zhuyun said lightly and carried Jun Haixin towards the car.    


Liu Tie noticed with his sharp eyes that the fingers on Bai Zhuyun's left hand were in an unnatural state. "Mr. Bai, your hand …"    


"It's just that three of the bones Haixin broke just now." That manner, that tone, it was as if he had just played with Lili. It was not his fingers that were broken, but only his clothes that were a little dirty.    


Mo Feng did not say anything else. He knew that even if Jun Haixin cut off three of his family's master's fingers, his family's master would not take it seriously.    


Mo Feng opened the car door, Bai Zhuyun carefully carried Jun Haixin and sat in the back seat.    


The car slowly drove away from the banquet site. Bai Zhuyun looked down at Lili who was lying in his arms. He used his good right hand to gently stroke the hair on her cheek. His fingers caressed her slightly cold cheek. "Haixin, did you hurt me just now?"    


However, the unconscious her was unable to answer his question.    


Mo Feng, who was sitting in the front row, looked back from the rearview mirror and sighed in his heart. Just as Ye Nanqing had said before, Mr. Bai and Ye Nanqing were very similar in this respect.    


However, Xia Huanhuan was already married to Jun Ziyan, yet Jun Haixin had never fallen in love with anyone.    


If a person could not make another person fall in love with him for more than ten years, should he give up? However … Mo Feng knew that even if he died, his master wouldn't give up.    


Because he loved her too deeply, his persistence had even become a habit of his own master.    


20 minutes later, the car arrived in front of a villa. Mo Feng opened the back seat door, and when he saw that Bai Zhuyun was about to carry Jun Haixin off the car, he quickly said, "Mr. Bai, your finger is injured. Let me carry Miss Jun inside."    


"No need." "No," Bai Zhuyun refused. He carried Jun Haixin out of the car and entered the mansion.    


If Jun Haixin had opened her eyes in the quiet villa, she would have noticed that the villa's layout was completely in accordance with her preferences. The walls were decorated with transparent frames inlaid with various types of specimens. The embedded specimens were all rare insects, plants, and so on. If they were sold outside, their value would be incalculable. Some collectors would probably try to buy them.    


Bai Zhuyun carried Jun Haixin to the bedroom on the second floor. He put her on the soft bed and took out a new pair of women's pajamas from the wardrobe.    


The wardrobe was filled with women's clothes of all kinds, and Jun Haixin's sizes were all inside. Every time he saw some clothes, he imagined how she would dress, and then he would buy them and leave them here, hoping that one day she would actually wear them.    


Unknowingly, there were more and more of these clothes.    


He gently removed the high heels from her feet and the stockings from her legs. Her feet, compared to her height, were considered small. His hands could easily wrap around her feet.    


He took her foot in his right hand and rubbed his fingers against the skin of her foot.    


Knock! Knock!    


Two light knocks sounded from the door. Bai Zhuyun slightly narrowed his eyes, picked up the bed sheet and covered Jun Haixin first. Then he walked to the door and opened it.    


Mo Feng stood outside, beside him was a doctor from Bai Sect.    


"Mr. Bai, let the doctor take a look at your finger." Mo Feng replied with some worry.    


Bai Zhuyun glanced at Mo Feng but didn't say anything. He went back to the sofa not far from the bed and sat down.    


Mo Feng naturally knew that this was acquiescence, so he led the doctor into the room. The doctor quickly opened the medicine box and took out some tools. He checked the wounds on Bai Zhuyun's left hand and then gave him an emergency treatment.    


"Mr. Bai, your finger is currently fractured. Although I did some work here, it's best for you to go to the hospital and take some X-rays as insurance." the doctor said to Wu Tie.    


"Alright, I understand." Bai Zhuyun said plainly. His gaze, from the moment the doctor started treating him, had been staring at Jun Haixin, who was lying unconscious on the bed.    


After the doctor left the room, Mo Feng bent down and said to Bai Zhuyun, "The Jun Family department seems to have discovered that Miss Haixin had disappeared. They are now sending people to look around."    


Bai Zhuyun raised his eyebrows and said slowly, "Let them find me. I want to see if they can find me here." What he meant was that he was going to keep Jun Haixin here tonight.    


Mo Feng understood Bai Zhuyun's meaning and left the room. Bai Zhuyun stood up again and walked to the bed. His fingers caressed Jun Haixin's face and then slowly moved to her lips.    


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