Evil CEO's Favorites

C297 Chapter 297

C297 Chapter 297

As he slowly sipped the brown sugar ginger water, his body warmed up and the pain in his stomach slowly subsided.    


Jun Ziyan placed his hand on Xia Huanhuan's abdomen and gently rubbed it in a circle.    


"Comfortable?" he whispered.    


"Yes." She slightly nodded her head. After drinking the ginger water in her cup, she leaned her head against his chest and placed her hand on the back of his hand. "I don't know when we'll have our child. If possible, I hope we can have it as soon as possible."    


A trace of light flashed through his originally indifferent eyes. "If you clearly knew that your child would face a difficult fate in the future, would you still hope to give birth to a child?"    


"A rough fate?" Xia Huanhuan yawned. Her body was warm now, and his hand was gently rubbing her stomach. The pain in her abdomen was fading, causing her to suddenly wake up. "The child hasn't even been born yet, how would you know the fate of the child?"    


"What if I can foresee it?" He hesitated for a moment before speaking. Just like the Jun Family's Blood Curse. Even though he did not know who would be the next to inherit the Jun Family's bloodline, there was no doubt that it would be inherited by the children with the Jun Family's bloodline. And the child could have been him and her child.    


Even though Jun Ziyan didn't inherit the Jun Family's Bloodline Curse, he had seen the pain brought by the Blood Curse from his big brother and aunt.    


That pain must be the greatest pain his body can endure. That's why his eldest brother and his aunt were able to struggle like that when he was in the full moon and in pain.    


"Prophecy? fortune telling? However, many of those are not allowed to be trusted. If you do not believe me, then there is nothing. " Xia Huanhuan said as she looked up and glanced at Jun Ziyan strangely. As far as she knew, he was not a superstitious person and he had never believed in weird things. Why did you suddenly say that? "It shouldn't be …" "She thought of what he had minded before, and raised her hand to touch his cheek." Didn't you already say that you don't have to worry about whether autism will be passed on to your child? "What, you're thinking too much?"    


He pursed his lips and half-lowered his eyes, only rubbing his cheek against her palm.    


"Alright, stop thinking about it, do you understand?" As she spoke, she adjusted her body and rested her head on his arm. "Everyone has no way of knowing their own fate before they are born, and even if our baby really has some difficulties, we can still accompany him or her." After saying that, she couldn't help but yawn before slowly closing her eyes.    


"You're tired?" he asked.    


"Okay, I'll sleep for a while. When dinner time comes, you can wake me up and we'll make some hot pot soup." There was still some hotpot soup in the fridge.    


As the tiredness grew stronger, Xia Huanhuan closed her eyes and soon fell asleep. Jun Ziyan lowered his head and looked at Xia Huanhuan's sleeping face.    


His fingers were extremely light, yet extremely careful as they combed through her hair. In the past, he didn't have that many misgivings. He only had the thought that if she was willing to give birth to his child, then the bond between them would be even stronger and she would not be able to leave him.    


But now, he would think more and worry more.    


Was it because he now, as she had said, had more and more of the emotions that a human should have? Is that why you have so much more trouble?    


"Even if the child were to inherit the Jun Family in the future, the Bloodline Curse would still experience a kind of pain that would accompany it for life, and might even wish that it were alive because of this … Are you going to have a baby too? " Jun Ziyan asked.    


Xia Huanhuan, who was sleeping, naturally didn't answer him. The room was silent. His chin was pressed against the top of her head, pulling her into his arms. "In the future, will you blame me?"    


However, it was impossible for the current her to tell him the answer.    


— —    


When Xia Huanhuan and Lu Xiaorong met up a few days later, they were chatting and finally understood why Jun Ziyan was so worried about the birth of his child.    


not just autism, but... " You said genetic disease will hurt? " Xia Huanhuan asked in surprise.    


"Yeah." Lu Xiaorong nodded and looked at Xia Huanhuan strangely, "What? Didn't Jun Ziyan tell you before?"    


Xia Huanhuan shook her head as an image appeared in her mind. A long time ago, she had seen Jun Zichen in Jun Family's big house.    


In her impression, Jun Zichen had always been cold. No matter what he did, he would always be able to complete it without any change in expression. But he had never thought that he would experience a moment of pain that was so painful his expression distorted.    


It was also at that time that she first heard of the term Predestine. However, when she asked Ziyan what was going on, Ziyan only told her that the Predestine was the person Jun Zichen was looking for. As for everything else, he didn't say anything else.    


"Zichen said that this is inherited from the Jun Family, and it seems like he would occasionally feel unwell. On the night of the full moon, this symptom will be more obvious, but as long as he touches the body of someone he likes, he will be fine." Lu Xiaorong tidied herself up and said, "But this seems to be a psychological dependence or something. It's the first time I've heard of such an illness."    


One could see that the world was full of wonders.    


"Xia Huanhuan fell into deep thought. So, Ziyan was afraid that their child would also inherit this disease in the future?" This disease, when the pain comes, isn't it very bad? Will it be unbearable? " Xia Huanhuan raised her head and asked.    


"Yeah, he's pretty powerful." Lu Xiaorong nodded, thinking back to Jun Zichen's look when the pain started, she still felt a lingering fear, "But as long as I can find the person I like, it's alright." Afraid that her words would affect her friend, Lu Xiaorong quickly added.    


"Will it be okay?" Xia Huanhuan asked.    


"I promise!" Lu Xiaorong almost swore with three fingers raised, "On a full moon, as long as Zichen holds my hand, nothing will happen to him. He won't hurt at all." Except when she went to the bathroom, she was embarrassed.    


Xia Huanhuan let out a sigh of relief when she heard her friend say this. This illness was not as scary as she had imagined.    


However … Find the person you like, touch the person you like and you won't hurt? Was there such a strange illness in the real world? Or was it really just a mental illness?    


"Oh right, how's your uncle? I've been watching the news for the past two days. It says that Jun Ziyan broke your uncle's wrist? " Lu Xiaorong asked. When she met Xia Huanhuan today, she already knew that her good friend was not in a good mood.    


Xia Huanhuan nodded, "At that time, the verdict was out. Uncle wanted to rush up to hit me, but Ziyan just attacked me in the end."    


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