Evil CEO's Favorites

C190 Chapter 190

C190 Chapter 190

She pursed her red lips. This man had become even more stubborn after ten years. At the very least, if she had pointed a gun at him like that, he might have walked away in anger!    


"Bai Zhuyun, there will be a day when the debt between Jun Family and I will settle it. But between you and me …" She paused and looked at him coldly. "There is no possibility." She had told him these words ten years ago, and now, ten years later, she said them to him again.    


His fingers, which were holding her wrist, suddenly tightened as he laughed coldly, "Jun Haixin, is it possible? It is not up to you to decide."    


Silence spread between the two of them. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and at the same time, a red light of a request for dialogue flashed on the visible walkie-talkie beside the door.    


Bai Zhuyun and Jun Haixin looked at each other. Jun Haixin put down the gun in her hand and pulled her other hand away from Bai Zhuyun's fingers. He walked to the front of the walkie-talkie and pressed the call button.    


In the video, it was Jun Family hotel security.    


"Miss Jun, are you alright? We saw someone break into your room just now. If you need us, feel free to tell us. " The security guard said anxiously.    


Jun Haixin glanced at Bai Zhuyun, who was beside her, then replied, "I'm fine, I know this person."    


"Oh, sorry for disturbing you then, Miss Jun." The security guard said and quickly left.    


Jun Haixin played with the gun in her hand as she stared at Bai Zhuyun coldly. "What is your purpose for coming here today?"    


"I just came over to see if you were in pain last night." he replied slowly.    


Jun Haixin's body stiffened. The gun in her hand might be useful in threatening others, but it seemed useless in threatening him.    


After throwing the gun back to her, she coldly replied, "Even if I'm in pain, what does it have to do with you? If that's all you have to ask, then I'll answer that I was in pain last night. So, you can leave now! "    


"What, even you are so impatient when you see me?" He took a step forward. "Because I told Xia Huanhuan about what happened ten years ago. Are you mad at me?"    


Jun Haixin's brows knitted tightly. To Jun Family, what happened ten years ago was like a nightmare. Luckily, Xia Huanhuan's reaction after knowing the truth was to face it bravely. If Xia Huanhuan had avoided Ziyan and didn't dare to meet him again, then … She did not dare to imagine what the outcome would be.    


"Bai Zhuyun, you don't have the qualifications to talk about what happened ten years ago. I don't have the qualifications either!" For the past 10 years, Jun Haixin said, this feeling of remorse had nearly drowned her in a deep sea. "If it wasn't for her, Ziyan wouldn't have encountered this sort of situation," If you ever harm anyone from Jun Family in the future, no matter if you personally make a move, or if you make a move with someone else, I will directly die in front of you!    


His face darkened. "Are you threatening me? Threatening me with your own life?! " How could she do this? How could she use the thing he cared the most about to threaten him!    


Jun Haixin suddenly laughed, her beautiful face was even more charming, "Why can't I use my life to threaten you? My life is my own, and how I want to use it is my own business. "    


Bai Zhuyun's face froze. After a moment, he said in an extremely cold voice, "As long as you dare to die in front of me, I will use my Jun Family to accompany you in death!"    


"If you want Jun Family to accompany you in death, that is not enough." she said disdainfully.    


"Even if my Jun Family can't be extinguished within a short period of time, I will still use the rest of my life to exterminate them one by one. As long as it's a person, there will always be a way to kill them!" He looked at her with an expression he always did when he spoke.    


Jun Haixin's heart trembled. Madman! He really was a madman!    


"Get out!" She pointed in the direction of the door. She didn't want to see him again.    


Instead, he walked up to her, suddenly moved, and pulled her hands behind her back. Because his movements were too sudden, she was simply unable to defend against them.    


All of a sudden, Jun Haixin's upper body could be said to be in a completely controlled state.    


Stunned, she reflexively raised her leg and tried to kick his crotch, but he twisted his body and both of them fell heavily onto the sofa at the side.    


His body pressed down on hers, causing her to be unable to move at all.    


"Haixin." He gazed into her face, his free hand caressing her cheek.    


She frowned in disgust. She wanted to avoid Bai Zhuyun's hand, but she couldn't. "Bai Zhuyun, don't touch me!"    


"Don't touch it?" he murmured, "these ten years, do you know how much I want to touch you? Every day depended on the memories of ten years ago. You said not to touch you, and I told you that was impossible! "    


She bit her lip, but the disgust between her brows deepened.    


"No matter how much you hate it, I still want to touch it …" His fingers undid the top of her turtleneck. As his clothes were taken off, his fair skin was slowly exposed to the air. The streaks of blood, against his fair skin, became more conspicuous.    


His expression became more and more serious, his pitch-black eyes staring intently at the bloodstains on her body. After being in the dark tunnel for so many years, he could naturally tell that the time it took to grab the bloodstains didn't exceed 12 hours.    


Thinking about it, it should be the Blood Curse's pain, allowing her to scratch herself! Bai Zhuyun thought back to the first time he saw her in pain. She was the same, constantly scratching bloody marks on her body and even using her body to hit something else.    


He had never experienced that kind of pain before, but he knew that it should be extremely painful. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many people who died so early in the history of Jun Family.    


His finger gently slid across the lines of blood on her skin. "It must be very painful."    


She tightly pursed her lips and did not utter a word. The skin on her body was exposed to him in such a large area and she was in a situation where she was completely under his control. This kind of feeling made her feel an intense sense of shame.    


Apparently, he did not intend to hear her reply. He lowered his head and kissed the bloody scar, as if he was worshipping or comforting it.    


Jun Haixin's body suddenly trembled. In her mind, she thought back to that night ten years ago. She was forced to endure everything he bestowed her.    


That night, his lips were on her body, and his hands were constantly searching for a sensitive spot on her body, manipulating her into various postures.    


Every inch of her skin had been kissed by his lips. It was obviously still her body, but she couldn't control it.    


Goosebumps rose all over her body, as if her body was resisting him on instinct! Even if she wanted to control it, she couldn't.    


Was it because he wasn't her Predestine? That was why she felt so disgusted when he touched her body!    


Jun Haixin's face turned paler and paler. "Release …" Let go... "Let me go …" She gasped.    


Apparently, he noticed her strangeness as he quickly let go of her hand and asked with concern, "Haixin, what's wrong?"    


Unexpectedly, the moment her hands gained their freedom, she attacked him with both of her hands. The two of them started fighting again. As her hand inadvertently hooked onto his shirt, a tearing sound rang out. The shirt he was wearing was torn apart by her.    


The fabric of his sleeve, which was attached to the left side of his chest, split open, revealing half of his chest and left arm.    


Her pupils contracted as she stared at his body, disbelief flashing through her eyes.    


Countless wounds could be seen on his body. Some were deep, some were shallow, and some were new.    


He was the Clan Master of the Bai Sect, and in his early years, he would indeed often risk his life to fight others at the edge of life and death. Ten years ago, she had seen his naked body on that night. At that time, there were only a few scars on his body, and they were definitely not as numerous as they were now. At a glance, she could not even count the number of scars on his body.    


And all these years, logically speaking, he didn't need to do anything directly, there would be a subordinate who would do it for him. Moreover, there were also a lot of people on his body that were protecting him, so there was no reason for him to have so many injuries.    


"You …" Jun Haixin opened her mouth, but because of the shock, she didn't know what to say.    


"Surprised?" He lightly smiled and took off his torn top. Instantly, his bare upper body was completely presented in front of her eyes.    


There were more scars on his body, not only on the left side but also on the right side of his body.    


"Do you want to know how these injuries came about?" As if trying to answer her question, he lowered his head, pointed at the scars on his chest, and said, "After you leave the country, every full moon, I will draw the knife on my body. As I draw, I think, how much pain will you have?"    


At the very least, at that time, she was in pain, and he was in pain as well. He would feel that he was suffering the same pain as her.    


Jun Haixin was astonished. In other words, the numerous injuries on his body were caused by his repeated self-inflicted injuries over the past ten years?    


However … Why did he have to be so crazy, why did he have to do this!    


She only felt that her chest was heavy at this moment, as if something was pressing down heavily on it!    


"Haixin, I'm not your Predestine, so I can't help you stop the pain coming from this Bloodline Curse, but I can accompany you in this pain!" Bai Zhuyun stared at the woman he had loved for more than ten years, "You said that in your entire life, you will only fall in love with your Predestine, but in my entire life, I will only fall in love with you — — Sofia!"    


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