Evil CEO's Favorites

C187 Chapter 187

C187 Chapter 187

She didn't want to see him in such pain. She didn't want to see him struggle without rest. If she could ease his pain, she thought, she would.    


He stared at her. "Don't you regret it?"    


Instead, she looked at him strangely. "Why should I regret it?" As he spoke, he removed his hands from Jun Zichen's body.    


In an instant, his body froze again, waiting for the pain to come again. Unexpectedly, in the next moment, her hands had already covered his face. "I was afraid just now, but it happened too suddenly." She was completely unprepared, which was why she was afraid.    


Lu Xiaorong paused for a moment and looked at Jun Zichen carefully. Luckily, his expression gradually returned to normal, it was not as painful as it seemed.    


"Do you know? "Actually, if you want me, I will also want you." She took a deep breath. Although she was a bit embarrassed and a bit embarrassed, she still said her thoughts honestly, "When I see the male lead in the TV series, I will unconsciously replace their faces with yours; when I sleep at night, I will think that it would be great if I have you to sleep with me; when I look at you, I will blush, my heart will heat up; I will kiss you, I will see your body clearly; I will touch every inch of your skin with my fingers …"    


The more Lu Xiaorong continued talking, the more she felt like she was going to call herself a female pervert, so she quickly came to a conclusion, "Anyway, I don't want you!"    


"You really think so?" he asked hoarsely.    


She nodded vigorously.    


His mind was in flux, as if he had returned to heaven from hell. She could always control his emotions so easily. And her expression, her eyes, was telling her that everything she said was true.    


She was even more frank than he had imagined. She would always clearly express her feelings, letting him know what she was thinking.    


"Xiaorong …" Jun Zichen whispered her name.    


Lu Xiaorong looked up slightly and kissed Jun Zichen's lips, "Jun Zichen, I like you …" "No, that's not right. I think I love you." It was a more intense feeling than liking him, and she would not have given herself to him like this if she had not fallen in love with him.    


"You … Love me? " He was stunned. On her lips, the warmth of her kiss. She loved him! She spoke so frankly!    


Would the Predestine love someone from the Jun Family that easily? According to the records passed down from the Jun Family, even if the Jun's was found, they would have to expend a great deal of effort and manpower and material resources in order to obtain the love of the Predestine.    


Some were doing it for the Predestine, while others were doing it for the Predestine. Some were doing it for the Predestine, while others were cutting off their own life and destroying their own eyes.    


The love of the Predestine was something that the Jun's yearned for. However, finding the Predestine might not be the same as obtaining the love of the Predestine.    


But how could he so easily receive the Predestine's love?    


"Right." "It's easy to fall in love with him. His perfection, his calmness, his calmness, his kindness to her …" Jun Zichen, you once said that what you want is a lifetime of love. I don't know if my love for you, my love for you, will last a lifetime. Because a lifetime is a very long time, no one knows what will happen in the future, but I believe that many times, receiving and paying are equal. "So, if you are willing to always like me, then I am also willing to love you for my entire life and love you for my entire life."    


He suddenly pulled her into his embrace. This is his Predestine, his Predestine who is willing to spend his entire life loving him. Xiaorong, I will forever like you and will forever … Love you. "    


He knew that he would definitely fall in love with her, because she was his Predestine, the person he was destined to fall in love with. He had always known what the final outcome would be, but he had never known what the process would be. He had never known exactly what sort of person he would fall in love with.    


But now, he suddenly understood that it was because of her that he would fall in love with her. It was so natural and so natural to fall in love with such a woman.    


He picked her up and stood up.    


"Ah!" Lu Xiaorong jumped in fright. She instinctively wrapped her arms around Jun Zichen's neck, "Why did you suddenly stand up?" "Quickly put me down, you're still not feeling well, I'll accompany you to the hospital to have a look.    


He carried her toward the stairs. "I'm fine. As long as you don't let me go and don't resist, I'll be fine."    


Lu Xiaorong raised her head and looked at Jun Zichen's face. At this moment, other than his pale face, he didn't seem strange at all. The way he held her arm was steady, his steps were steady, and there was no shaking or trembling.    


Lu Xiaorong rested her head on Jun Zichen's chest. Her heartbeat quickened with every step he took. She understood what was going to happen. The initial fear in her heart slowly disappeared bit by bit, and most of it seemed to be … Expectation!    


Would she see his whole body? Would they have each other? Then, he thought about the small tent he had just seen propped up from his lower abdomen and the vague outline of the tent …    


Lu Xiaorong had the urge to spurt out a nosebleed. She inwardly spat at her own lust and started to worry about what would happen if it was too big and too painful.    


According to the experiences of all sorts of predecessors as well as the descriptions of all kinds of movies and TV shows, even if the first time was not a river of blood, it would still be as painful as a pig slaughtering a pig.    


Of course, most movies and TV dramas would film a woman's first pain with an expression of patience, such as frowning or groaning, but Lu Xiaorong still firmly believed that it would be very painful.    


When Jun Zichen carried Lu Xiaorong into the bedroom of the mansion, she looked at the soft bed and her heartbeat actually calmed down.    


Since she was determined to hand him over, then she shouldn't be so timid! Lu Xiaorong took a deep breath. The moment Jun Zichen carefully put her on the bed, she suddenly turned around and pressed him down.    


He stared at her face. She licked her somewhat dry lips and said somewhat embarrassedly, "First …" Take off yours, then take off mine. Otherwise, I would … "Ugh …" "Sorry."    


His eyes slightly narrowed. "Okay." As long as she wanted to do it, he wouldn't stop her.    


With Jun Zichen's approval, Lu Xiaorong finally began to look at Jun Zichen openly. The current him had already taken off his shirt, revealing his firm chest. The two dark red spots on his chest made her think of a red plum. His mind, which was usually poor due to lack of literary cells, had even come up with the ancient poem "Let go the bud to shatter the bud".    


Her lips had become even drier. Her gaze followed his chest and moved to his abdomen. Those six distinct abdominal muscles, a small part of it was hidden in his pants. The belt on his pants had been ripped off, the pants hung loosely on his hips, and between his legs there was still a visible prop. It was his wish that when her hand tore off the zipper of his pants and pulled off his pants, she would be able to see the words even more clearly.    


Compared to her fear of the unknown, her curiosity was even greater. She placed her palm on his chest, even though there was still a thin layer of underwear between them, it was still frighteningly hot.    


Lu Xiaorong narrowed her eyes and felt the swelling in her hand. She felt its size, and as none of her kind had compared it before, she was not sure if it was a large one or a medium-sized one. The only thing that she could be sure of was that this … Absolutely not a school    


After touching it for a while, she even pinched it … Oh, wasn't that thing supposed to be 'meat'? However, it was clearly harder than she had imagined.    


She squeezed again out of curiosity, and then she heard a sound of 'shen' coming out of Jun Zichen's mouth.    


She was startled, like a child who had done something wrong. She quickly tried to let go, but his hand suddenly stopped her.    


At some point, he had half propped himself up, his hand pressing down on the back of her hand. His thin lips slightly parted. "Don't let go."    


She looked at him with a red face. At this moment, not only is her palm extremely hot, even the back of her hand is extremely hot. "Just now …" Does it hurt to pinch you? " When she thought of her bold move just now, she felt a little surprised.    


Well, she could only blame it on her curiosity, as well as... His body was so beautiful that it fascinated her.    


"Nope." "I like the way you touched me." She let him feel that she was accepting his body. "Xiaorong, promise me, don't be curious about other men's bodies. If you want to see, only look at me and only touch me."    


He could not bear the thought of her curiosity, the feeling of touching another man.    


Lu Xiaorongna opened her mouth wide. This … Was this considered jealousy? But the problem was that even if he wanted to be jealous, he would need someone to be jealous of.    


Even if she wanted to see and touch other men's bodies, someone had to show it to her and let her touch it!    


Facing Jun Zichen's serious expression, Lu Xiaorong quickly nodded her head and shamelessly asked, "Are you jealous?"    


He raised his eyebrows and looked at her with suspicion in his eyes.    


She wondered, "Aren't you jealous? It's not always the same in TV shows. When a male lead gets jealous, he forbids the female protagonist from looking at other men, forbids her from smiling at other men or anything like that. " She didn't forget to mention some of the examples.    


Is he jealous? These words were definitely new to Jun Zichen. Or perhaps, since young, he had never known what it was like to be 'jealous'.    


He had everything normal people should have, and he even had more. In his surroundings, there were too many praises, adoration, and praise. There was no need for him to feel jealous at all.    


But when she asked this question just now, it made him feel as if he was really jealous, or was he just unnecessarily jealous? Are you worried about being scared?    


Was she going to fall in love with another man's body one day?    


"Yes, I'm jealous." When he said those words, there was an indescribable feeling in his ice-cold voice.    


Like narration, like bewitching, but also like warning and begging. It was like telling her not to do anything that would make him jealous.    


Lu Xiaorong suddenly felt happy. He was jealous, which meant that he cared about her. "Okay, okay. I won't be interested in other men's bodies in the future. But you can't be interested in other women's bodies either!"    


"Other than you, I won't have another woman." He answered her, staring at her as if he were making a lifetime promise, "Never in my life."    


She stared at him blankly, and suddenly felt a warm current continuously flowing into her heart. Her other hand suddenly wrapped around his neck, pulling him towards her.    


Her lips, kissing his lips, she did her best to turn her previous feelings into action, telling him how much she wanted him!    


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