Evil CEO's Favorites

C172 Chapter 172

C172 Chapter 172

"What? Don't you like it?" Jun Zichen narrowed his eyes and asked.    


Every time he narrowed his eyes, his gaze would give off a strong sense of oppression. Lu Xiaorong immediately shook her head. "No, I like it. It's just that no one has done this to me before."    


"I'm the first one?" The light in his eyes eased up.    


"Well, I don't know if anyone did that to me in my infancy or early childhood." "Can I kiss you on the forehead too?"    


"Nothing is impossible." "Xiaorong, you can touch and kiss any part of my body."    


She was speechless, his words would make her think of a more colourful scene. Her claws brushed away the bangs on his forehead, and she kissed him solemnly.    


Following that, he washed his face and brushed his teeth. New toiletries were already placed in the bathroom. According to Jun Zichen, it was after she fell asleep yesterday that he asked the servant to prepare it for her.    


Lu Xiaorong immediately had another thought. "Did the servant see me sleeping on your bed yesterday?"    


"Yeah, I saw it." Jun Zichen replied plainly, as if this matter was natural to him and there was nothing to hide.    


Well, in any case, he had already done what he needed to do and others had already seen it. Now, it was useless for him to be shy or anything like that. Lu Xiaorong could only console herself like this.    


When she finished washing up and raised her head, she noticed that Jun Zichen was shaving. It wasn't the first time she saw a man shaving, but it was the first time she saw a man shaving so well.    


At this moment, it was as if she was watching a large advertisement for a razor. Jun Zichen's every move carried a nobleness with it, and at the same time, a trace of the toughness of a soldier.    


Was such a person really her boyfriend? Everything that had happened last night seemed unreal now that he thought about it. In the past, she had only seen him online or on the news. It was as if the distance between her and someone who was initially out of reach had suddenly become within reach.    


At this moment, as long as she took two steps forward, she would be able to touch him with a raise of her hand.    


"What are you thinking about?" It wasn't until Jun Zichen's voice rang in her ears that Lu Xiaorong noticed that Jun Zichen had already finished shaving. He had both his hands on the sink beside her and was looping his entire body in his arms.    


"Are we really going to get along?" she asked, feeling his breath on the tip of her nose.    


His expression suddenly changed, and he abruptly leaned over, his lips almost touching hers. "You want to go back on your word?" Now he looked at her like a beast staring at its prey, and if she struggled even the slightest bit, he would tear her apart.    


Lu Xiaorong was momentarily stunned from fright. He was wondering if she would go back on her word. If she went back on her word, would he be angry?!    


Thinking of this fact, the fear in her heart subsided. "Err …" I was afraid you would go back on your word. " she said quickly, with a harmless smile. Honestly speaking, no matter how she looked at it, when the two of them were dating, he seemed to be at a disadvantage.    


"I will never go back on my word, never …" His lips were pressed against hers, and there was a freshness about them that had just been brushed.    


"Ugh …" She moaned uncontrollably and, under his guidance, became entwined with the tongue he had squeezed into her mouth. Her hands unconsciously moved to his neck, like a student who knew better, and she tried to respond to him by recalling the kiss last night.    


So sometimes, kissing is like poppies. Once you break that, you become more and more obsessed with it.    


"Jun Zichen and I can be considered to be dating now." Lu Xiaorong answered Xia Huanhuan's question with a serious expression.    


To Xia Huanhuan, this seemed to be within reason. Therefore, she didn't show any surprise at all. After all, Jun Zichen had nothing to do with women before, but he would act differently towards Xiaorong.    


The only thing that made her slightly uneasy was that Jun Zichen treated Xiaorong well too suddenly. For example, during the military parade, Jun Zichen ignored the military parade and walked in front of Xiaorong. No matter how she looked at it, it looked weird.    


"Did Jun Zichen tell you that you are his Predestine?" Xia Huanhuan asked.    


Predestine? Lu Xiaorong thought back to the time when Jun Zichen was lying drunk on his bed and mumbling the word Predestine. He also said that it had been a long time since they found each other, so it was painful.    


"What exactly is the Predestine?" Lu Xiaorong asked curiously.    


Xia Huanhuan thought for a moment, then replied, "I'm not too sure either. I just heard from Ziyan that Predestine is a very important existence to the Jun Family, and you are Jun Zichen's Predestine."    


"I — am his Predestine?" Lu Xiaorong was surprised. So when Jun Zichen was lying down, he was also referring to her? Had he been looking for her for a long time? If he couldn't find her, would he feel pain?    


"Maybe the Predestine is a surname for someone you like." Because Ziyan had also said before that if he had a Predestine, then that person would definitely be her.    


Lu Xiaorong thought about it and agreed. Not to mention, rather than the two of them making wild guesses here, she might as well find Jun Zichen next time to get to the bottom of things.    


"Oh yeah, do you want to go to the store beside the hospital to eat something? Your mom and Jun Ziyan don't wake up that early anyway." Lu Xiaorong suggested. The two of them stood in the corridor of the hospital and chatted.    


"Yes." Xia Huanhuan nodded and the two of them left the hospital. They went to an open-air coffee shop nearby and ordered two cups of coffee and a cheesecake.    


"Are you serious when you date Jun Zichen?" Xia Huanhuan asked after taking a sip of her coffee.    


"Of course I'm serious." Playing around? Did she dare? Even if she lent Xiaorong ten times the courage, she still wouldn't dare to play with him.    


"Do you like Jun Zichen?" Xia Huanhuan asked again.    


"This... "I do like it, but at least it feels pretty good right now." She liked to touch Jun Zichen's face and kiss him. She also liked his almond-shaped eyes that were focused on her. This kind of feeling should be like liking a person.    


Pitiful Xiaorong, who had watched countless love, love movies and TV dramas, but was still 27 years old and had yet to talk about any love, so she could only fumble her way through everything.    


"Then, do you guys date on the premise of marriage?" Xia Huanhuan said from the sky, causing Lu Xiaorong's mouthful of coffee to almost spurt out.    


After finally swallowing the coffee down her throat, Lu Xiaorong blinked at her good friend. "Marry?" Instinctively, her voice was out of tune.    


"Don't say you didn't think about it." Xia Huanhuan said.    


Lu Xiaorong scratched her head and gave an embarrassed smile. She had really not thought about this question before. Even when she was dating Jun Zichen, it was as if she was in the clouds, let alone getting married.    


Thinking back to that day, Jun Zichen had openly walked out of the room, but she had hidden herself, as if she was fighting a guerrilla war. She hid behind him and dodged all the way out of the Jun Family.    


They had known each other for more than a day or two. Seeing Lu Xiaorong's expression, Xia Huanhuan understood, "Didn't you hear a saying that people who don't marry are all rogues?"    


"Are you talking about me cheating on Jun Zichen, or Jun Zichen cheating on me?" Lu Xiaorong deeply felt that this was a question that should be looked at separately. The former was a type of enjoyment, while the latter was something that so many women couldn't even plead for.    


Although... Well, she seemed to have experienced it that night.    


Xia Huanhuan rolled her eyes. Just as she was about to continue, she saw a black luxury car stop in front of the hospital. A middle-aged man got off the car at the front and walked to the back of the car before respectfully opening the car door.    


Lu Xiaorong was flabbergasted. "Wow, this is a limited edition Cadillac. I've seen it in magazines before. They say even if you have the money, you might not be able to buy it."    


When Xia Huanhuan saw the person getting off the car, she couldn't help but be stunned. That person was … Bai Zhuyun!    


Although she had only seen Bai Zhuyun once, she had a deep impression of his appearance. His white hair that did not match his age was like a symbol.    


It was still a suit of suit and leather. Xia Huanhuan couldn't help but exclaim in admiration. Bai Zhuyun was actually a naturally born clothes rack, especially one suitable for the dark colors department. It was as if his very temperament would make others think of him as a kind of sunken darkness. Once he was dragged into the darkness, he would not be able to struggle free.    


As if noticing her gaze, Bai Zhuyun turned his body and looked directly at her.    


Lili's heart skipped a beat as she heard Xiaorong's voice, "Heavens! Huanhuan, that person is looking in our direction …" "Uh, why did you come over here, Huanhuan? Do you know him?"    


Know him? Xia Huanhuan wanted to smile bitterly. She had promised Ziyan just now that she would hide as far away as possible when she saw Bai Zhuyun.    


But now, she actually saw Bai Zhuyun. And judging from the other person's appearance, he was obviously walking towards her.    


Sure enough, Bai Zhuyun stopped in front of Xia Huanhuan's table and smiled. "Xia Huanhuan, I didn't expect to meet you so soon. We meet again."    


"I didn't expect it either." Xia Huanhuan replied, "Mr. Bai came to the hospital. Is he looking for Aunt Haixin again?"    


"No, it's just a routine physical examination." Bai Zhuyun replied plainly, "It's rare, but I didn't expect Ziyan to not be by your side."    


Xia Huanhuan's heart couldn't help but sink. If she thought deeper into Bai Zhuyun's words, it was as if he was sure that Ziyan would follow her closely.    


What happened between Ziyan and this man? Why was Ziyan's reaction so "intense" after meeting him?    


A string of questions flashed through Xia Huanhuan's mind.    


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