Evil CEO's Favorites

C160 Chapter 160

C160 Chapter 160

Towards the end of the wedding, Lili hugged Xia Huanhuan and said, "Sofia, you and Jun Ziyan are going to be happy."    


"Yes, it will." Xia Huanhuan had also drunk quite a bit. She was a bit drunk and leaned heavily on Jun Ziyan.    


On the other hand, Jun Ziyan acted like nothing had happened. His face was not red and his feet did not move. It was impossible to tell that he had drunk a lot of wine.    


Are all Jun Family men this good at alcohol? Lu Xiaorong looked at Jun Ziyan and suddenly said in a serious tone, "I don't know what happened between you and Huanhuan a while ago, but I hope you will cherish her properly and not let her cry again."    


During those few days in the dorm, Lu Xiaorong noticed that her good friend often cried secretly. Just because she mentioned it didn't mean she didn't see it. However, she knew that since Huanhuan didn't want to talk about it, she wouldn't ask about it.    


Jun Ziyan didn't answer, he only lowered his head and fixed his gaze on the half drunk Xia Huanhuan, as if she was his everything. There was no need to answer the remaining questions.    




Outside the hotel, a black car was parked on the roadside. The lights were not turned on inside the car. Ye Nanqing leaned back quietly and stared at the splendid hotel.    


At this moment, she must be very beautiful, wearing a white wedding dress and a red qipao … Would he laugh happily? Ye Nanqing thought about it and raised his left hand. The middle finger of his left hand was still faded away.    


The day when she had handed him the ring was still fresh in her mind, but she had married another man.    


On the middle finger of his left hand, if one were to wear a ring, it meant that there was someone that they wanted to protect their entire life with.    


However … The people he had wanted to protect his entire life, had actually been pushed away by him!    


"Haha …" "Hahaha …" He smiled as he looked at the ring that had been worn for three whole years, "Xia Huanhuan, if I had known earlier that you were the person I was looking for, if I hadn't been so determined to see and listen to the evidence and follow my heart, wouldn't I have missed you?"    


However, no one in the carriage would answer his question.    


He placed the thumb and forefinger of his right hand on the ring. Was it time to remove this ring? Thinking, she was obviously trying to get her fingers to take off the ring, but the ring seemed to have taken root in her hand, she couldn't take it off no matter what.    


Was it because he didn't want to, or because he was unwilling, or because his body's instincts were rejecting this kind of action?    


"As expected, I still can't take it off." Ye Nanqing murmured, "Even I can't take it off myself …"    


At one point, he thought that what he was wearing was just a small toy that he could take off at any time, but he didn't know that the moment he put it on, it was already tightly clasped on his finger, and would no longer be so easy to take off.    


"Xia Huanhuan, it turns out it's very easy to fall in love with you, but it's so difficult to avoid falling in love with you …" Ye Nanqing muttered to himself. His beautiful lips were full of self-mockery.    


What can I do not to love?    


What could he do to forget?    


He had spent 21 years trying to find her. Even if he wanted to get used to losing her, it would still take 21 years …    


— —    


The banquet ended because of Jun Ziyan's personality, of course no one would suggest having a wedding. In fact, from Jun's's point of view, for a banquet like Jun Ziyan's, it was only because of Xia Huanhuan's position. He wanted to give Xia Huanhuan a normal wedding.    


Xia Huanhuan was half drunk. Although her mind was clear, her body was a little weak. She leaned heavily on Jun Ziyan.    


The two elders warned her about a few things, and Lili nodded in agreement. Only when Jun Ziyan showed some impatience on his face did Soong Yi stop at Jun Haizhou's suggestion. Finally, she turned to Lili and said, "Huanhuan, I'll be troubling you with taking care of Xiao Nuo from now on."    


"I will." Xia Huanhuan replied. When the two masters left the apartment, Xia Huanhuan shook her body, wanting to walk to the bathroom.    


However, after just a few steps, Jun Ziyan had already carried him from behind.    


"Huh?" She was surprised, but at the same time, the alcohol had awoken.    


"You want to go to the bathroom?" he asked, looking down at her, his dark eyes flashing in the light.    


She hesitated, then nodded.    


He carried her toward the bathroom, her arms instinctively around his neck, her head close to his chest.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


This was the sound of a heartbeat. It was so intense and urgent, but … Whose heart was this? His? Or maybe … Her?    


Jun Ziyan carried Xia Huanhuan into the bathroom and put her down carefully. The bathroom was bright, and in the mirror, they could see each other's faces. The surroundings of the white porcelain bathtub behind them were sprinkled with rose petals.    


Xia Huanhuan knew that this was probably specially prepared by the servants who came to clean the apartment today. This was because in addition to the rose petals, there were also words of joy stuck to many places in the apartment.    


Xia Huanhuan came in to wash her face and to clear her mind. Now that she was standing face to face with Jun Ziyan, she was sober but didn't know what to say.    


Although they had lived together for a period of time, from today on, their identities were different.    


Xia Huanhuan pursed her lips as she looked at Jun Ziyan, who was standing quietly. She took the initiative to raise her hand and touch Jun Ziyan's pale face.    


She didn't drink as often as Jun Ziyan did, and even if he did drink in front of her, he would usually only have a taste. He had never drank as much as he did today.    


It was because of this that Xia Huanhuan knew Jun Ziyan's alcohol tolerance was far better than she had imagined. Furthermore, he was the kind that could not be seen even if he had drunk a cup of wine.    


She had once heard someone say that if one drank too much alcohol, their face would turn red. In fact, it would be better because the alcohol had already evaporated from their bodies. The more normal one looked, the worse it would be because the alcohol was still in their bodies.    


Xia Huanhuan didn't know whether these words were scientific or not, but it was better to pay attention to them. "You drank a lot today. Will you feel uncomfortable?" she asked.    


He shook his head slightly.    


"I never knew you could drink so much." "No," she said.    


He was silent and did not answer her. How's the alcohol? If he had tried drinking countless different kinds of alcohol every day just to numb his nerves, then even if his alcohol capacity was not good, it would still become good.    


"That's it?" His silence made her feel a little strange. Although his expression was still calm, Xia Huanhuan still felt something was different.    


"Nothing." Jun Ziyan said, "I'll go out first. You take your time and wash." He turned to leave the bathroom.    


Xia Huanhuan suddenly pulled Jun Ziyan's hand, "Wait!"    


He stopped and turned slightly to look at her.    


Xia Huanhuan's face reddened slightly, but she mustered her courage and said, "Together …" "Go ahead and wash." This was the first time she made such an invitation to him.    


There was a momentary pause in his expression.    


She pulled him back, wrapped her arms around his neck, and lowered his head a little, "We are already husband and wife, Ziyan, no matter what happened before, but I am willing to stand in the church and say that I want to." Her soft voice floated in the bathroom air. She had always felt that the most important thing between husband and wife was honesty and love, so she wanted to tell him what she really thought.    


The expression in his eyes became deep and serene. Because of her words, his breathing became stifling.    


"If... Without my mother, I would still be willing to marry you. " She paused and continued, "Because, I love you, even if we have quarreled, misunderstood, and said angry words, but I love you for that, it still hasn't changed."    


"You … Love me? " His lips parted slightly, and his voice became somewhat hoarse.    


"Yes, love you." She smiled, but was also emotional, "So, I trust you in the future, you trust me too, okay? No matter what the other party has done, whether it's a misunderstanding or it's something that he had to do, the only thing he can't doubt is his love! "    


He looked at her blankly. It couldn't be doubted — was it love? Was she telling him that no matter what happened in the future, she wanted him to believe that she loved him?    


The person in front of him, when he said this, had a serious expression. His red lips that were moving up and down unconsciously gave him the strongest temptation.    


"Never?" he muttered.    


"No, didn't I say that I would stay by your side for the rest of my life?" Xia Huanhuan came back, tiptoeing and kissed Jun Ziyan on the lips.    


His lips were thin and beautiful, with soft lips that emitted a hint of coolness. It was completely different from the temperature of her lips.    


She asked him softly and gently about his lips, feeling the slight quiver of his lips. It wasn't the first time she had kissed him, but it was different.    


Was it because they were already husband and wife? Xia Huanhuan thought as she brushed the gaps between his lips with the tip of her tongue.    


His body suddenly stiffened. A hand abruptly grabbed the back of her head, pushing her away from him. His lips pressed heavily against hers as his tongue coiled around her tongue. Together with her tongue, he put it into his mouth and carefully savored it.    


"Ugh …" Xia Huanhuan couldn't help but swallow her saliva, but she didn't resist. Instead, she took the initiative to open her mouth and kiss him.    


How hard he kissed her, as if to tell her how much he loved her!    


So, they will make up, so they will still be like before... No, it should be more trusting and loving each other than before … Xia Huanhuan thought as she felt Jun Ziyan's other hand unzip the back of her wedding dress. The wedding dress was falling down bit by bit...    


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