Evil CEO's Favorites

C154 Chapter 154

C154 Chapter 154

Wedding dress, make-up, wedding will be copied... These words immediately brought Xia Huanhuan back to her senses. "Alright, I understand." she said.    


He closed his eyes again, though he did not let go of her fingers.    


Xia Huanhuan pursed her lips. It was as if she didn't know what to say to him now, and the date of their marriage was getting closer and closer each day …    


The next day, when Xia Huanhuan put on her wedding dress, she let the stylist design her hair and makeup. When Xia Huanhuan looked at herself in the mirror, she could not help but admire her opponent's delicate hands. The exquisite makeup had revealed almost all the advantages of her facial features, while her hairstyle and headdress concealed part of her weakness.    


It was still her face, but she looked much prettier.    


"Miss Xia, you're so beautiful." The stylist said to Xia Huanhuan with a smile after finishing her pose.    


"It's all thanks to your skills." Xia Huanhuan naturally knew that these words were flattery from a stylist. Since young, she had never felt that she was ugly, but it was definitely not at a level that she was beautiful. At most, she could be described as delicate and pretty.    


The stylist wanted to say something, but Jun Ziyan already walked over in a white suit that he was going to get married in. Xia Huanhuan didn't get up, she merely looked at Jun Ziyan, who was slowly approaching her from the mirror.    


He was already extremely beautiful, and his facial features were exquisite. Now that he slightly modified it, it seemed even more perfect. Moreover, it was undeniable that his temperament was extremely suitable for white. Pure, clear, spotless, and with a feeling of "purity" that others would not be able to express.    


Obviously, when Jun Ziyan walked closer, even the stylist who put on makeup for Xia Huanhuan was stunned for a moment. A look of surprise appeared in his eyes. At the same time, his envy for Xia Huanhuan rose up.    


One had to know that it was not so easy to find a man with such a perfect appearance and a good family background. Moreover, this man was completely single-minded.    


The stylist watched as Jun Ziyan walked behind Xia Huanhuan. He leaned his body slightly forward and pressed his cheek against the side of Xia Huanhuan's hair. When he looked at his bride's face reflected in the mirror, a trace of infatuation flashed in his eyes.    


A hint of red flashed across Xia Huanhuan's face. It was clearly the same meaning. She didn't feel anything when the stylist said it, but when Ziyan said it, her heart would beat faster.    


"You're the one who's beautiful, okay?" She replied with the truth.    


His eyes darkened. "You like me to be pretty?"    


She pursed her lips, then turned her head and stared at the real face before her. She lifted her hand, and her fingers touched his cheek.    


Xia Huanhuan discovered that when her hands were holding Jun Ziyan's face or hands, he didn't have any reaction. But once her hands touched his body, he would instinctively avoid it, as if he was afraid or disgusted by something.    


"I like it." She answered him.    


"Two more days." He suddenly murmured.    


However, she understood that he was referring to the fact that they were only two days away from their wedding date.    


When Jun Ziyan drove Xia Huanhuan to a famous church in B City, Xia Huanhuan felt that she was about to get married again.    


There was no one in the solemn church at the moment. It was obvious that Jun Ziyan had greeted them beforehand.    


Holding Xia Huanhuan's hand, Jun Ziyan led her to the statue of Jesus, "We will say the vow of marriage here and exchange our wedding rings. After the ceremony, we will go to the hotel for a wedding feast."    


Xia Huanhuan looked around the empty auditorium. On that day, this place would probably be filled with people. She would marry Ziyan here, in front of everyone, in front of God!    


"Will you willingly say 'I will'?" He lowered his head and asked her, taking her left hand and lightly clasping his finger to her ring finger where she wanted to wear her wedding ring.    


Xia Huanhuan only felt that her ring finger was burning. Jun Ziyan's eyes seemed to be telling her that she could lie to him as long as she wanted to.    


Did he no longer believe in her or love him? With her nose a little sour, Xia Huanhuan took a deep breath and said, "If there comes a day when I say 'I'm willing', then I must be willing."    


His fingers, which held her ring finger, stiffened, and then his eyes widened slowly, as if he wanted to see her expression clearly.    


"Ziyan, I am willing to marry you. Really, but I also want to be able to have true trust between us." Xia Huanhuan said seriously.    


Jun Ziyan's lips quivered slightly, and a cold voice came out of his mouth, "I believe you. I can even believe lies. Isn't that enough?"    


Xia Huanhuan stared at Jun Ziyan blankly. Suddenly, she felt as if someone had punched her in the chest. The trust she wanted wasn't like this, it wasn't like a lie to hide the truth.    


But how to make him understand?    


Mei Xinyi stood outside the church and watched Jun Ziyan and Xia Huanhuan walk out from afar. She didn't expect that after she sent the photos of Ye Nanqing and Xia Huanhuan to Jun Ziyan, they would still be getting married according to the original date!    


She was in such a miserable state, why was Xia Huanhuan able to happily become a bride? Mei Xinyi thought bitterly. If Xia Huanhuan didn't appear in front of her again, then she and Nanqing would still have a good relationship. The secret between Jun Ziyan and her wouldn't be known by Nanqing, and it would be even more impossible for Nanqing to deal with her ruthlessly!    


It was all Xia Huanhuan's fault! He clearly loved Jun Ziyan, so why did he have to provoke other men?!    


The more Mei Xinyi thought about it, the more she hated it. These days, the news reports were all about her. Even the actors she looked down upon would take the opportunity to ridicule her and step on her.    


She had lost all her savings over the years, but her stepfather still owed her a large amount of gambling debts. Her mother had called to ask her to pay for the gambling debts.    


When she told her mother that she had no money, her mother said, "Anyway, you have already separated from Ye Nanqing, why not find someone else to sell? Taking advantage of your young age, hurry and find someone rich to sell. Don't you understand this logic?"    


Selling?! Mother actually thought that she was selling? In her mother's eyes, there was only her brother who was with her stepfather. Even if she had been trying so hard not to give any trouble to the family for so many years, even if she became rich and sent money to the family every month, in her mother's eyes, it was only natural that she would feel no gratitude at all.    


If Xia Huanhuan doesn't exist... This thought kept circling in her mind. The movie fan who was infatuated with her back then didn't manage to kill Xia Huanhuan in one shot. Now, she was going to make Xia Huanhuan …    


Mei Xinyi pulled the dagger in her arms tightly. Just as she was about to rush towards Xia Huanhuan and Jun Ziyan, a cold voice sounded out behind her.    


"If I were you, I would never rush over now."    


The familiar voice caused Mei Xinyi's entire body to stiffen. Turning her head, she looked at Ye Nanqing, who was standing behind her at some point, and suddenly felt as if they had been separated for a lifetime.    


But just after a month, too many changes had happened to her. Before, she was still by his side and was pursued by the crowd. But now, she had fallen from the sky to the ground.    


"I don't understand... "What do you mean by that?" Mei Xinyi said uncomfortably.    


Ye Nanqing said lightly, "If you want to rush out now and harm Xia Huanhuan, do you think you will succeed? Jun Ziyan's skill will not let you easily injure Xia Huanhuan, not to mention, the bodyguards arranged by the Jun Family will block you the moment you rush over. "    


Mei Xinyi immediately broke out in a cold sweat. Previously, she had been blinded by jealousy and anger. Now that she thought about it, she would rush over to harm Xia Huanhuan. There was no possibility of success at all.    


"Then why did you come here, just to see how happy Xia Huanhuan and Jun Ziyan are?" Mei Xinyi mocked.    


Ye Nanqing didn't reply. He merely looked past Mei Xinyi at the figure that could only be seen in the distance. He had thought he could have another chance, another chance to get her, but that night, seeing her almost out of breath from crying, he suddenly felt empty.    


Her tears made him feel more pain than Jun Ziyan's fist. It turned out that all of his desires were unable to match up to a single tear from her tear.    


Mei Xinyi knew that Ye Nanqing was looking at Xia Huanhuan now, and the look of loss on his face made her laugh suddenly, "One Xia Huanhuan can turn a person like you and Jun Ziyan into a fool. The other one knows that she's going to get married, but she's also going to meet me in a private meeting at a teahouse, and the other one, even though she saw the photo I sent over, she still insists on getting married. She's not afraid of getting cuckolded in the future."    


Ye Nanqing narrowed his eyes slightly and his gaze landed on Mei Xinyi's face once again, "You took a photo of me and Xia Huanhuan together?"    


"Yeah, I did. I even intentionally passed the phone to Jun Ziyan." Mei Xinyi curled her lips, "Looks like Jun Ziyan is even more foolish than you."    


Ye Nanqing stared coldly at Mei Xinyi, as if he was thinking about something.    


Mei Xinyi suddenly giggled, "Nanqing, don't you hate Xia Huanhuan? She clearly knew that you've looked for her for 21 years. She clearly knew that it wasn't your fault that you recognized the wrong person, but she still wanted to marry Jun Ziyan. If she tramples on your sincerity, the person you should take revenge on is her! not me! "    


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