Evil CEO's Favorites

C129 Chapter 129

C129 Chapter 129

Jun Haixin looked indifferently at Xia Huanhuan. She wasn't as friendly as before. On the contrary, she looked distant. "Looks like you're not that stupid. Is your marriage to Ziyan from the heart?"    


"Yes." Xia Huanhuan's heart was not at all moved by the estrangement in the other party's eyes.    


"No matter what happens, won't they hate him?" Jun Haixin continued to ask as she looked at Xia Huanhuan with an indistinct gaze.    


At this moment, Xia Huanhuan's heart trembled, as if she saw Jun Ziyan in front of her before and asked if she would despise him. However, Jun Ziyan's eyes were not as casual as Jun Haixin's at the moment, but he was actually observing the slightest change in the right side.    


"I don't have the qualifications to hate Ziyan." Xia Huanhuan took a deep breath and answered honestly, "He has done a lot for me. The only thing I can do is love him better and make him happy."    


She sighed and murmured, "Xia Huanhuan, Ziyan has done much more for you than you know. If there comes a day when he is willing to end his own life, then that must be because of you."    


Jun Haixin's memories seemed to float back to that night 10 years ago. It was only then that she truly understood that even though this nephew of hers did not inherit the Jun Family, Xia Huanhuan was an existence similar to the Predestine to him. If there was one day when Predestine encountered danger, then those who went through boiling water and burning fire, and lost their lives, would go save them.    


There was no such thing as' not worth it ', because it was all part of his body's instincts that controlled his rationality. She wanted to experience it, to understand it, but she never had the chance.    


Xia Huanhuan froze for a moment, then nodded seriously, "I know."    


Jun Haixin then smiled, "I don't have much else to say. If someone from Jun Family loves someone, that person will die. "Xia Huanhuan, I hope that there will always be love between you and Ziyan."    


These words were like a blessing, but also a warning. Xia Huanhuan was dazed for a moment. She hated … Would Ziyan hate her one day? Or maybe one day, if she was hated by Ziyan, what would happen?    


Suddenly, her body turned cold. Just the thought of this possibility made her shiver.    


Whose life would Jun's's hatred take? Was it the life of a person from the Jun Family, or was it the life of the person the Jun's loved?!    


Xia Huanhuan thought in a daze until Jun Ziyan came back and grabbed her hand again. Only then did she suddenly regain her senses.    


"What are you thinking about?" Jun Ziyan asked.    


"Nothing." Xia Huanhuan replied.    


But he asked again, "What are you thinking about?" It was as if he was determined to know.    


Xia Huanhuan looked at Jun Haixin at the side and pursed her lips. "Just now, Aunt said that she hoped that there would always be love between you and me. I'm thinking that I must work hard to achieve this, not for Aunt, but for myself."    


Jun Ziyan looked at Xia Huanhuan quietly with a smile, "Alright, for ourselves."    


She stood up and said, "Okay, we've met today. The thing in the box is a gadget I bought overseas, so it's a gift for Huanhuan. I'll be leaving first, the next time I see Huanhuan, it'll be at your wedding."    


With that, Jun Haixin waved her hand and left. Xia Huanhuan glanced at the box that Jun Haixin mentioned. It was the same box that Jun Ziyan had just taken from Jun Haixin's car.    


Xia Huanhuan opened the box and was surprised to see what was inside. It was a model of a small apartment, with tiny tables and chairs, beds, sofas, and other furniture that could be placed as one pleased. Although it looked like an ordinary child's toy, if one looked carefully, they would see that the apartment, including the furniture, was made in an extremely exquisite manner. Although it looked just like an ordinary child's toy, but if one looked carefully, one would see that the apartment, including the furniture, was made in an extremely exquisite manner, and was also embedded with various crystals, gems, and diamonds.    


Xia Huanhuan was very fond of this gift. "I forgot to thank Aunt just now. Next time, we'll carefully choose a present for Aunt as well."    


Jun Ziyan naturally didn't have any objections towards this.    


At this moment, Jun Haixin, who had just walked into the car park, was about to open the car door when a young man in black clothes quickly walked in front of her, respectfully bowed and said, "Miss Jun, my master wishes to see you. Please take a few steps forward, my master is in the car over there."    


The man in black pointed to a dark blue Mercedes parked across the parking lot.    


Jun Haixin raised her eyebrows and asked, "Your master?" She followed his hand and looked at the Mercedes.    


From the outside, they could only see through the dark windows, but could not see into the interior of the car.    


"My master's surname is Bai." The other party did not directly announce their master's full name, but only gave a family name. However, this surname was enough to make Jun Haixin understand.    


Originally, there weren't many people with the surname Bai, and among all the people she knew, there was only one person with the surname Bai — Bai Zhuyun!    


The expression in Jun Haixin's eyes instantly turned colder. Today was only her first day back home. Not long after she disembarked the plane, she didn't even make a move on her Jun Family, but that man knew that she had returned and was even accurately waiting for her here.    


That was to say, she was in his complete control when she disembarked the plane?    


"Tell your master that I do not wish to see him." Jun Haixin said indifferently. She opened the car door, started the car and drove away. From the beginning to the end, he didn't even look at the Mercedes.    


In the bus, Bai Zhuyun pressed the button and the window slowly rolled down. His amber eyes stared intently at the gradually blurring car shadow. A faint smile appeared on his lips.    


She had returned, beautiful as she had been ten years ago, as if time had left no mark at all on her.    


"Haixin …" He mumbled to himself, "Since you don't want to see me today, then forget about it. After all, it won't be long before you take the initiative to look for me. "Tell me, what should I do to you then?"    


What responded to him was only the flowing air, as if ridiculing his unforgettable thoughts about her …    


— —    


When Jun Ziyan brought Xia Huanhuan to see Jun Haixin, Lu Xiaorong also saw Soong Yi. Two days ago, Xia Huanhuan called Jun Ziyan's mother to say that she wanted to meet her.    


Jun Ziyan's mother, wasn't she also Jun Zichen's mother? When Xiaorong had checked the information on Jun Family, she had also skimmed over Soong Yi's information.    


Although the Song Family's background was not as deep as Jun Family, it could still be considered one of the top in B City. Back then, when Soong Yi and Jun Haizhou were combined, it was hailed by the media as a union of a golden couple.    


Lu Xiaorong thought that if she saw Soong Yi, she might end up like those rich and powerful ladies in the TV dramas, in order to intimidate her and make her stop getting close to Jun Zichen.    


But she didn't expect that when Soong Yi saw her, her eyes would first turn red, then she would hold her hand and sob continuously, causing Lu Xiaorong to be flustered. She could only continuously hand over paper towels, and even comfort her with nice words, for example, if there was anything you could say, you could always say it, and there would always be a way to resolve it.    


Lu Xiaorong was comforted until her mouth went dry. In the end, she had no other choice but to tell Soong Yi that if she could communicate with her son well, she would be willing to leave without paying for the breakup fee.    


When Soong Yi heard this, she finally stopped crying. She pulled Lu Xiaorong's hand and said in a hurry, "You can't leave Zichen."    


"Huh?" Lu Xiaorong was stupefied. Could it be that Jun Zichen's mother wanted to see her? Wasn't it that she wanted to destroy the relationship between the two of them … Uh, it seems like Jun Zichen and her aren't exactly lovers.    


"With you by his side, Zichen, I can finally put some snacks on the table. "Zichen's personality isn't very pleasing to girls. If he does anything wrong, Xiaorong, you can come and find me. Mama Jun will definitely help you vent your anger." Soong Yi promised Lili.    


It took Lu Xiaorong a while to realize that Soong Yi wanted to be her backer?!    


In the following conversations, Soong Yi repeatedly said that she would welcome Xiaorong to play at Jun Family any time and even told her some interesting stories about Jun Zichen when she was young.    


Lu Xiaorong could see that Soong Yi had an unconcealable pride in Jun Zichen.    


Thinking about it, anyone who had a son like Jun Zichen could not help but feel proud!    


In the end, Soong Yi indicated that her eldest son had never had any messy relationship with a man and a woman, suggesting that Lu Xiaorong could be at ease on this point.    


Lu Xiaorong nodded her head to show her understanding.    


Summary: The first meeting was successfully completed.    


In the evening, Lu Xiaorong received a call from Jun Zichen.    


"Jun Zichen." After the call connected, a slightly ice-cold voice came out.    


"Oh." Lu Xiaorong replied. Ever since Jun Zichen had left for work, he would call her every night. The first three words were always his name, as if it was a routine matter.    


Xiaorong had tactfully indicated that if there was nothing else, she wouldn't need to make a phone call.    


However, Jun Zichen said, "You don't want me to call you?" Lu Xiaorong immediately shivered and replied, "Of course not. I can't even plead for you to call me!"    


Xiaorong felt goosebumps all over her body. Luckily, Jun Zichen didn't say anything.    


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