Evil CEO's Favorites

C110 Chapter 110

C110 Chapter 110

Lu Xiaorong thought for a moment and smiled, "That's right, we've already broken up. Besides, if you didn't break up with Ye Nanqing, you wouldn't be with Jun Ziyan now!"    


The speaker had no intention, but the listener had.    


Xia Huanhuan's heart skipped a beat. That's right, if she hadn't broken up with Ye Nanqing, she probably wouldn't be with Ziyan now.    


Perhaps it was because Xia Huanhuan's expression was so strange that Lili asked, "Sofia, what's wrong with you? Is there something on your mind?"    


"I …" She opened her mouth, but for a moment, she didn't know what to say.    


"It can't be because of the marriage, can it? That kind of pre-marital phobia or something?" Lu Xiaorong guessed.    


"No!" Xia Huanhuan shook her head and took a deep breath, "Xiaorong, if there's someone who cares about you a lot, in order not to let you interact with others, they used some underhanded means and ultimately broke up between you and another person. But when you know the truth, you've already fallen in love with that person. What will you do? "    


After listening for a long time, Lu Xiaorong finally understood. "The person who cares a lot about you, and the person you love, is Jun Ziyan?" She wasn't a fool. Looking at her good friend's expression and hearing these words, she immediately guessed who he was.    


Xia Huanhuan silently agreed.    


"Did Jun Ziyan use some tricks to break up the relationship between you and Ye Nanqing?" Lu Xiaorong continued to guess.    


Xia Huanhuan still agreed.    


Lu Xiaorong thought for a moment, and said seriously, "What about now? Do you still have feelings for Ye Nanqing?"    


"No. When I broke up with him, I had already decided to throw away all of that feeling." Xia Huanhuan answered.    


"So now, do you still love Jun Ziyan?" Lu Xiaorong concluded.    


Xia Huanhuan nodded. Only then did Lu Xiaorong say, "If I were you, I would beat Jun Ziyan up and tell him not to play any tricks in the future!" If he does it again, you can just return it to him the same way. " Lu Xiaorong probably believed in retaliation.    


"Beat him up?" Xia Huanhuan thought about it. Even if it was a quarrel or something like that when she was young, she would at most give him a shove. It seemed like she had never really beaten him up before.    


"That's right. Vent out the anger in your heart and don't think too much about it. After all, the person you love is him. Moreover …" Lu Xiaorong's voice paused for a moment and sighed, "Huanhuan, I have never seen a man who can care so much about a woman. Although I haven't seen Jun Ziyan for many times, even an outsider like me can see that feeling of his towards you. When he was with you, his eyes were full of you! "    


Xia Huanhuan's eyes were downcast as she looked at the seven-colored bracelet on her wrist. She knew better than anyone else the depth of his feelings for her.    


Lu Xiaorong's voice continued, "What's more, you said it three years ago. Perhaps he was wrong, but that doesn't mean he will be wrong again. No one can make a mistake. Do you intend to break up with him because of this? "    


Break up?!    


Xia Huanhuan suddenly remembered that even though she was angry, confused, and had a feeling of being cheated and manipulated, she had never thought of breaking up.    


Was it because she understood that the reason why she broke up with Ye Nanqing was because their relationship wasn't deep?    


Or was it because the current her loved Ziyan too much?    


Xia Huanhuan was lost in thought. Lu Xiaorong knew that her good friend needed time to digest these words, so she didn't rush him. Instead, she called the waiter and ordered a plate of fruit salad.    


Suddenly, a piece of news caught Lu Xiaorong's attention, "Lieutenant General Jun Zichen is absent from the Board of War's meeting, and the personnel of the Ministry of Military Affairs are about to change?"    


As the headline said, Jun Zichen was absent from this military meeting. Therefore, some people believed that there might be a change in the military in the near future. Jun Family was known as the military half of the sky. From this, it could be seen just how influential Jun Family was within the military. Jun Zichen was one of the direct disciples of the Jun Family, so he was the only one who held a high position in the military. He did not attend the important meetings held by the military, which naturally raised a lot of speculations.    


The reports also said that Jun Zichen rarely appeared in the military these days. They said that he asked for leave from the military, but no one could be clear about the truth of this matter.    


Lu Xiaorong, on the other hand, did not know why, but she recalled that a few days ago, the Jun Family had taken away the surveillance recording. At that time, she had asked Xia Huanhuan and Xia Huanhuan said it was because Jun Zichen was looking for an important person.    


Could it be that he had not found the important person and was still searching? Lu Xiaorong couldn't help but think about it, but she immediately felt that her thinking was a little too childish.    


A man with a high position like Jun Zichen would never miss an important meeting of the Military Department for such a thing, even if he wanted to find a lover of his past!    


Her line of sight fell on the photos that were attached to the news on her phone. It was a few photos of Jun Zichen wearing a military uniform and appearing in the military activities. It was extremely violent. "The man in the picture was tall and well-built. He wore a military uniform and a military cap. His angular face and entire body gave off a cold and forbidding aura.    


His eyes, on the other hand, seemed to have been frozen, cold to the point that there wasn't even a trace of warmth in them. It was a pair of eyes that was similar to Jun Ziyan's. However, the difference between their eyes was too great. The only similarity was the indifference.    


Jun Ziyan fell in love with Xia Huanhuan, but what about Jun Zichen? Who would someone like him fall in love with? Lu Xiaorong was curious.    


Jun Zixiu could say that he was surprised that his little brother, who usually treated people like air, would actually come to him on his own accord. Naturally, when Jun Ziyan arrived at Jun Zixiu's office, a large number of female employees raised their eyebrows. After all, the appearance of the three Jun Family brothers would easily attract the attention of others if they walked over there.    


However, after knowing that it was Jun Ziyan, they all withdrew their gazes. Everyone knew that this third young master of the Jun Family was never interested in women, and the only exception that he cared so much about was the woman who was going to hold his wedding ceremony.    


However, who was that woman? Even now, the masses were still confused. No one dared to expose her in the news media.    


Jun Zixiu looked at his brother, who was standing in front of him with an indifferent expression. He raised his eyebrows and said, "It seems like this is your first time coming to my side. How rare." Is there something you want to tell me? "    


Of course, if there was nothing else, Jun Zixiu believed that Ziyan would definitely ignore him as if he was air.    


"What should I do to please a woman?" Jun Ziyan said.    


Jun Zixiu's body tilted and he almost slid down from his chair. "Who do you want to win over, Xia Huanhuan?" After thinking about it, this was the only possibility.    


"Yes." Jun Ziyan lightly nodded.    


"Why did you suddenly ask Xia Huanhuan to please you for no reason? What happened? " Jun Zixiu asked.    


However, Jun Ziyan didn't even answer Jun Zixiu's question. Instead, he just stared straight at the other party with his black eyes. There wasn't the slightest fluctuation in his eyes, making Jun Zixiu unable to guess even if he wanted to.    


Jun Zixiu touched his nose. Since he was young, it didn't matter how much Ziyan tried to force him, "If you want to make women happy, you usually buy things they like, such as jewelry. But I don't know what Xia Huanhuan likes."    


To Jun Zixiu, a woman's liking was the easiest thing to get, so he never cared too much about it.    


"Like?" Jun Ziyan muttered as he turned around and walked towards the door.    


"Ziyan." Jun Zixiu shouted, "Will there be any problems with your marriage?" For some reason, the sudden appearance of Ziyan made him start to worry about this matter.    


Jun Ziyan stopped and said coldly, "There won't be a problem." He did not allow anything to go wrong.    


In any case, she would marry him. She would belong to him entirely.    


He had been waiting for this day for a whole 21 years!    


— —    


When Xia Huanhuan returned to the apartment, she saw that the table was full of dishes that she liked to eat. The floor of the living room was filled with all kinds of beautifully packaged boxes.    


On the sofas and walls of the living room, there were many dolls, dolls, toy cars and the like. Each of them was similar to the ones Xia Huanhuan had played with when she was young.    


Because Xia's mother didn't have much money, the toys she bought for Xia Huanhuan weren't too numerous. Xia Huanhuan usually kept her toys in a big barrel, and normally only her close friends would be willing to give them to that person to play with.    


After being hooked by Jun Ziyan, Xia Huanhuan had secretly warned Jun Ziyan not to touch her toy. In the end, he had obediently complied with her words and didn't touch her toy. Of course, he was not interested in her toys at all. All his attention was focused on her.    


Only when she was having a good time with her toys and had no time to pay him any attention did he tug at her angrily, pouting his tender lips, his cheeks slightly puffed out, not letting her play, and sometimes even throwing her toys aside.    


Later on, when the incident of the bear doll being broken by him broke, she shivered with him for quite a few days. In exchange for his begging to curry favor with her, he did not destroy her toy further.    


At this moment, Xia Huanhuan did not expect the apartment to suddenly have so many toys, and those unknown gift boxes.    


"What's going on?" Xia Huanhuan looked at Jun Ziyan, who was standing in the living room.    


He walked up to her. "It's something I want to please you with. Second Brother said I'll please you if I buy something you like." All of these things were in his memory, and she liked them.    


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