Evil CEO's Favorites

C191 Chapter 191

C191 Chapter 191

The one and only Jun Haixin in this world had made him beg for so long, and had tortured him for so long. However, he was angry, angry, angry, resentful, and just couldn't let go.    


If it was said that the Predestine was her fate, then she was his.    


"Haixin, you're destined to get tangled up with me in this life, and not just me." His voice drifted through the room.    


As for her, she stared at him in a daze, as if even her breathing had become heavy. She didn't know what to call the feeling of her chest spreading …    


— —    


Bai Zhuyun would always remember that the first time he saw Jun Haixin, it was at a specimen display. At that time, he was young and vigorous. He never treated women seriously, but when he first saw her at the specimen display, he was shocked for the first time.    


In Dao'er's life and death situation, he had seen many life and death situations. There were very few things that could cause him to be shocked, but she had done it.    


Bai Zhuyun could still clearly describe what Jun Haixin was wearing at that time. She wore a white shirt with a torn pair of denim shorts, outlining her perky hips and long, slender legs. "Her long black hair was tied back in a ponytail, giving her a refreshing and pure look.    


It was undeniable that she was very beautiful. However, it was not like he had never seen women that were even more beautiful than her before. From his angle, he could see the side of her body. Under the light, her skin was white, her eyes were clear, her small lips were red, and her entire face had a classical charm to it.    


However, what truly shocked him was not her appearance, but her current expression. Her eyes were focused on the large round glass cylinder in front of her. The special liquid in the cylinder was currently soaking in a specimen of a human's body. It gave a creepy feeling, and many women avoided it, and even most men quickly walked away after a quick glance, but she just stood there, watching, with a natural smile on her lips, as if she were really admiring the corpse, as if it were a beautiful thing to be admired by the average person.    


He walked up to her and asked with interest, "Is this corpse really that beautiful?"    


"Very nice," she answered naturally.    


"Oh, where is it beautiful?" he continued.    


Only then did she raise her eyes to look at him, and only then did he realize that she was even more beautiful than when he looked at her from afar.    


"Are you interested in human specimens, too?" she asked, raising her eyebrows.    


"Not that I'm interested, just that I know a bit about it." As he spoke, he pointed to every part of the corpse and began to give a specific academic name. Since he was acting like this, she was rather interested in him and would occasionally exchange a few words with him.    


The two of them unknowingly continued to look at the other items in the exhibition hall. The specimen exhibition displayed not only human specimens but also specimens of various animals and plants, and he noticed that she seemed to be interested in all of them.    


"You seem to like specimens." he said.    


She nodded. "Well, I like it. Every specimen records a unique life." Suddenly, she giggled, as if she had thought of something interesting.    


"What are you thinking about?" he asked curiously. He suddenly wanted to know what it was that could make this woman laugh.    


"I wonder if anyone will use me as a specimen after I'm dead." She did not feel that what she was saying was anything out of the ordinary. It was as if what she was saying was normal to her. "But …" "It would be too lonely to be a specimen all by myself. If I could have someone to accompany me …"    


Her smile slowly faded and was replaced by a light sadness, as if there was something deeply buried in her heart that no one else was able to touch.    


The first time he'd met her, he'd even had time to find out her name before she left in such a carefree manner.    


He had originally thought that although this sort of woman would be able to arouse some of his interest, to him, it was only an interest, and did not mean much. After all, there were too many women surrounding him. He, Bai Zhuyun, never lacked women.    


But he didn't expect that her smiling face and voice would always appear in front of him from time to time, causing him to unconsciously think about this unknown woman.    


Every time he saw the backs of women who were about the same height and had the same hairstyle, he couldn't help but take another look to see if it was her.    


The second time he met her was in a famous nightclub in B City. She was dressed differently from the day before. She was wearing a short black skirt.    


Her long black hair was not tied up like last time. Instead, it was draped behind her back, accentuating her fair skin and making her look even more charming and charming.    


She sat at the bar and ordered a glass of wine, sipping at it. Every two sips she drank, she would stop, half lowering her head, as if she were thinking about something.    


He could not help but stare. His heart was beating uncontrollably. Only now did he realize how much he wanted to see her!    


He wanted this woman. No matter who she was, he wanted her! When he approached her, he found that another man had already walked up to her and sat beside her.    


Obviously, the two of them didn't know each other, and the man seemed to be equally interested in her. He took the initiative to introduce himself and even invited her to dance with him.    


She shook her head lightly and said to the other side, "You don't need to waste time on me. I'm not interested in you."    


"Interests can be slowly developed. Perhaps once you understand me, you will slowly become interested in me." The other party refused to give up.    


"Impossible, I will never be interested in you." she said.    


The other party was infuriated as he threw himself at her with the aid of alcohol. He was about to attack, but she had already viciously kicked the man to the ground.    


She stepped on the man's back with her three-inch high heels. She was like an unreachable queen as she threw away her previous lazy and seductive look and said with a cold tone, "You really are a scum." Fortunately, the person I am waiting for is not you. "    


"Then who are you waiting for?" Bai Zhuyun asked as he walked over to her side.    


She raised her eyes and looked at him, but didn't seem to have any intention of talking to him. She turned around and prepared to leave.    


He grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him. "Are you interested in me?"    


Her expression was still as indifferent as before, and there was even a hint of ridicule in it, "No, I also have no interest in you. Because you can't make me fall in love. "    


At that moment, his heart was filled with unwillingness and anger. What qualifications did this woman have to be so arrogant in front of him?! How many women would come to beg for his love, and she would say that she would never fall in love with him?!    


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