Evil CEO's Favorites

C435 Chapter 435

C435 Chapter 435

She really had nothing to do with Shen Yeding now.    


Xia Huanhuan thought as she turned around. Suddenly, she felt her lower body become wet, as if something was flowing out of it.    




The moist liquid flowed down her pants and dripped onto the ground.    


Amniotic fluid! It was her amniotic fluid that broke. Even though it was Xia Huanhuan's first time feeling this way, she had communicated with the doctor before and had seen some of the things that a woman needed to pay attention to online. Thus, she immediately understood what was going on.    


As the amniotic fluid flowed, Xia Huanhuan's face reddened slightly. However, she knew that this was not the time to be shy and embarrassed.    


Other than the guard that stopped Shen Yeding, the other men also saw Xia Huanhuan's current appearance. They just stared at her blankly with dazed eyes.    


Xia Huanhuan took a deep breath and said to one of the guards, "Could I trouble you to call my husband over? Tell him that my amniotic fluid is broken."    


Only then did the prison guard come back to his senses. He quickly ran out to call for his subordinates, while another prison guard stepped forward to support Xia Huanhuan.    


In just a short moment, Xia Huanhuan saw Jun Ziyan rush in with a pale and anxious face. Then, she was beaten up by him, and was carried by him towards the door.    


"I only broke the amniotic fluid." Xia Huanhuan hurriedly comforted her. To be honest, other than feeling the wetness below her, she didn't feel anything else.    


However, when she said that, Jun Ziyan became even more anxious. It was as if he couldn't wait to send her to the hospital.    


"I won't let anything happen to you. Huanhuan, I definitely won't let anything happen to you." As he mumbled to himself, he became even more hurried. As he held her hands, she could even feel a slight tremble and an unparalleled stiffness.    


Well, maybe that was his dad's anxiety. When Jun Ziyan carried her to the car, Xia Huanhuan felt that driving by herself was safer than driving by himself.    


After all, as he was now, she suspected his hands would shake as he gripped the steering wheel and hit the island.    


"Let someone else drive." Xia Huanhuan made a prompt decision. Jun Ziyan had no objections on this point.    


Therefore, the police department sent a police officer who knew how to drive and escorted Xia Huanhuan all the way to the hospital. In the car, Jun Ziyan first called the hospital and arranged for the doctor. From beginning to end, his hand had been holding her hand tightly without letting go.    


The wrists of the two were still tied together with the bracelet that he and she were knitting for each other.    


Compared to Jun Ziyan's nervousness, Xia Huanhuan was much better. Although the broken amniotic fluid meant that the child could be born at any time, she still didn't feel any pain, so she tried her best to talk casually along the way to comfort her extremely nervous husband.    


"I'll be fine." She smiled. "It's just that the baby wants to see us a few days earlier. It won't be long before you see the baby. "    


"Really?" His face was still pale, and his eyes were filled with panic.    


"I will do what I promised you." Lili touched Jun Ziyan's face with her free hand. The skin on his face was cold, but the warmth in her palm warmed it. "Ziyan, I promise you that my child and I will be safe."    


When Xia Huanhuan arrived at the hospital, the pain had just started. The pain was faint at the beginning, but it only became worse later on. Jun Ziyan insisted on accompanying her to the delivery room.    


Therefore, in the delivery room, the doctors only saw the indifferent man, but his face looked more painful than that of a pregnant woman. Every time a pregnant woman cried out, the man would continuously apologize, as if he wanted to feel sorry for his wife.    


But pregnant women, in addition to the pain, would also take the time to comfort the man, "Don't..." Don't... Don't cry... I don't have a handkerchief right now... This is how women give birth to their children... Ah, you, why are you crying even harder now … If you cry again, I'll … Tell the child about it in the future... His (her) father is always crying... "Weeping nose …    


Intermittent murmurs could be heard in the delivery room. If the doctor and the nurse didn't know their identities, they would have been laughing by now.    


Outside the delivery room, the people from Jun Family had already received the phone calls and hurried over. They were waiting outside, and even Lu Xiaorong and Lili, who already had a big belly, had come.    


Soong Yi had asked Jun Haixin to stay at home for a few days. After Xia Huanhuan and her child returned to the Jun Family, she could look after the child. After all, it was no longer convenient for Jun Haixin to move her heart.    


However, Jun Haixin insisted on coming to the hospital together, "These are Ziyan and Xia Huanhuan's children. I want to see Ziyan's happiness with my own eyes." This was Jun Haixin's reason.    


Soong Yi didn't stop them either.    


Compared to Jun Haixin, Lu Xiaorong knew that when Xia Huanhuan suddenly entered the hospital, she was in the conference room, patting the table with her supervisor, arguing over the suitability of a design. In the end, her phone vibrated.    


Usually, Jun Zichen would rarely call Lu Xiaorong during work hours. If he did, it would mean that there was something important to him.    


Therefore, without another word, Lu Xiaorong made a stop gesture to the supervisor and picked up the phone. After ten seconds, Lu Xiaorong stopped clapping at the table and stopped drinking the tea that she wanted to replenish her saliva. She hurriedly told the supervisor, "My friend is having a baby, I'm taking leave!" After saying that, he ran out of the meeting room. The supervisor couldn't even scold him.    


Naturally, she didn't notice that Ye Nanqing just happened to pass by when she was rushing out of the meeting room. After seeing her in a hurry, Ye Nanqing went into the meeting room and asked about the whole situation.    


When she heard the supervisor say, "She said her friend was going to have a baby, so she rushed out..." Suddenly, Ye Nanqing's body shook as a wave of pain spread across his chest.    


Xia Huanhuan … Was she finally going to give birth to a child that she barely managed to save? Back then, it was this child that woke her up. But now, this child was born. It would only make her and Jun Ziyan even more inseparable.    


Ye Nanqing stared blankly at the supervisor's gaping mouth, but he could no longer hear anything. Had he really lost the woman? The woman he had been searching for so many years, the woman he had once had a chance to obtain.    


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