Evil CEO's Favorites

C521 Chapter 521

C521 Chapter 521

So, was that little fellow special to him? Even physical contact is special?    


There seemed to be no need to carry out any more experiments. Just when Ling Jing wanted to tell the girl in front of him to stop, he felt some kind of gaze and his body suddenly stiffened.    


This feeling of being watched, this gaze seemed to be …    


He slightly turned his neck, and that familiar face appeared in his eyes-- The pair of phoenix eyes that he was extremely familiar with were currently staring at him. Within those clear and limpid eyes, water was suffused with mist, and silent yet strong reproaches could be seen.    


The next moment, he suddenly pushed away the girl beside him. His heart was beating uncontrollably, and an inexplicable panic and trembling emerged from his body.    


Was this feeling a guilty conscience?    


The girl staggered a little after being pushed away. Apparently, she didn't expect that at such a crucial moment, the girl who always stuck close to Ling Jing would push her away.    


"Ling …" Student Ling … "She …" The girl mumbled to herself. However, she realized that Ling Jing was not looking at her. At this moment, all of his attention was on that little girl.    


The girl only saw the youth walk step by step towards the little girl. The two of them stared at each other, as if there was an atmosphere in the air that she couldn't get involved in.    


At this moment, she actually had a feeling, a feeling that the two people in front of her were one. Between them, there was simply no place for others to enter.    


This was the first time Ling Jing experienced this feeling of guilt. Perhaps it should be said that it was because of Jun Yuexi. Therefore, in these days, he had experienced many emotions that he had never experienced before, many "first time".    


At this moment, her eyes were wide open. She bit her tender lower lip tightly, and her eyes were filled with mist. However, unlike before, she didn't cry. Instead, her face was covered in tears. It was as if he was exerting all his strength to prevent his tears from flowing down.    


However, the more she acted this way, the more it made his heart panic. It was as if something was out of his control and he didn't know what to do.    


"Xi, just now …" He opened his mouth, but was suddenly stunned. What did he want to do, explain what had happened? Tell her that he only wanted to test the feeling of being licked, so he let someone else lick his neck?    


He would never explain anything for his actions, but … But now, he felt that if the target was her, he would be willing to explain.    


However, before he could continue, her voice was already raised, "Mr Ling, you and I have pulled the hook before, we won't let anyone lick you." With a repressed nasal voice, she enunciated each word clearly. As for her eyes, they were staring straight at him. The reprimand within them was like a sharp sword that pierced towards his heart.    


The pain in his heart grew stronger and stronger. Ling Jing looked at Jun Yuexi in confusion. He squatted down and raised his hand to touch her face, but just as his hand was about to touch her cheek, her face suddenly moved away, avoiding his hand.    


This was the first time she had so obviously avoided physical contact with him. His pupils suddenly constricted, and his hand stopped in midair.    


And she, looking at him quietly, the reproach in her eyes turned into indifference.    


He had never known that when those phoenix eyes he was so familiar with emitted a cold and detached look, it would be like this … His heart couldn't take it anymore...    


Her next sentence was like a spell, freezing all the blood in his body.    


"So Mr Ling is a swindler!" As she spoke, her tender voice clearly sounded right in front of him, but why did it seem so distant to him, so distant that he would never have the chance to hear it again in his life!    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


His heart was beating wildly, and his body was terrifyingly stiff, as if he couldn't even move a single finger. And just like that, she turned around and ran away from him without a shred of hesitation or nostalgia.    


Ling Jing only looked at Jun Yuexi's little figure as she walked further and further away from his sight, until she finally disappeared from his sight …    


He pulled the hook with her.    


He's a liar!    


The promise he'd given her, but he'd forgotten it. He thought that the promise was just a child's game, but she was more serious than he had imagined.    


Ling Jing's body froze on the spot. After a long time, he lowered his eyes slowly and used his extremely slow speed to pick up a water blue handkerchief that was full of rabbit patterns on the ground.    


That was … He had seen her use this handkerchief before. At that time, she smiled and licked his face, then used this handkerchief to wipe the saliva on his face. She said with a glutinous voice, "Mr Ling, do you think these little rabbits are very cute? I also want to raise a little rabbit, but Mommy says if you want to raise it, you have to take responsibility. No matter what happens, you have to take care of the little rabbit for the rest of your life.    


Her voice was still lingering in his ears. However, the scene before him right now was completely different from before.    


Ling Jing stood up and pursed his lips. He had an extremely complex expression on his face.    


The girls who were standing to the side and witnessing the whole thing were dumbstruck. In her memory, the youth who was so cold that there was not even the slightest bit of warmth. Even when she had been so close to him just now, licking his neck, his expression hadn't changed in the slightest. And now …    


It was like a god who had suddenly fallen into the human world!    


— —    


Jun Yuexi didn't run back into the classroom. When Jun Yuexi left, Bai Yuerann, who had been looking out the window, noticed Jun Yuexi running away immediately. Therefore, Bai Yuerann ran out of the classroom without a second thought.    


"Bai Yuerann, where are you going?" A classmate of his shouted as soon as he found out.    


"This has nothing to do with you." Bai Yuerann answered.    


"It's self-study class now. If you run out of the classroom, I'll tell teacher!" At his age, children would often tell their teachers.    


"Whatever." With that, Bai Yuerann ran out of the classroom.    


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